which of the following are characteristics of procedures? course hero

by Prof. Bettye Stroman DVM 4 min read

Which is more likely to obtain health services: well or sick?

Do customers know the price of the services consumed?

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Which is more likely to obtain health services: well or sick?

well people are more likely to obtain health services than are sick people

Do customers know the price of the services consumed?

customers often do not know the price of the services consumed

What is the main writing format used for procedures?

The List is the main writing format used for Procedures. Because Procedures consist of step-by-step instructions, lists should be used – not ‘traditional’ paragraphs. Paragraphs make the Procedures exceptionally difficult to read and follow. The following are the types of Lists:

Why do you need sub procedures in a master procedure?

A Master Procedure requires Sub Procedures for complete instruction or context. While a user would be able to reference a Sub Procedure and perform a specific task without requiring other Procedures, a complete understanding of the Procedure would not be available without the Master Procedure.

What is a checklist in a procedure?

A Checklist is a condensed Procedure. When a complex and/or lengthy set of Procedures have been completed, a Checklist can be developed that summarizes the steps. Knowledgeable users may not want to take the time to reference the complete Procedure and require only a reminder as to steps. The Checklist provides a quick reference for those users.

What is stand alone procedure?

A stand-alone Procedure in one that is not dependent upon other Procedures for instruction or context. A user would be able to reference the Procedure and perform a specific task without requiring other Procedures.

What is linear procedure?

Linear Procedures are straight, with few decision points or iterations. An example would be customer setup or vendor setup. While the Procedure may be lengthy, requiring multiple transactions, the Procedure is still linear.

What is process flow?

A Process flow will give an indication as to whether a Procedure is linear or nonlinear. The number of decisions, departments, end-of-process points, controls, and so forth will be indicative of a linear or nonlinear Process.

Can you use Excel to write a procedure?

Never, Never, Never use Excel or PowerPoint or similar types of software to write a Procedure. You will lose all the needed tools and capabilities that are offered with document processing software, such as Styles, Table of Contents, Lists, and Document Maps.

Which is more likely to obtain health services: well or sick?

well people are more likely to obtain health services than are sick people

Do customers know the price of the services consumed?

customers often do not know the price of the services consumed
