which nutrients contribute most of the energy needed for physical activity? course hero

by Valentina Wisozk 3 min read

Carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals each contribute to overall health and an individuals ability to exercise. The sources and timing of these nutrients can also affect performance.

Full Answer

What is the main energy source during exercise?

Nov 27, 2011 · Water, iron and sodium are nutrients that may need attention. A. The Energy Systems of Physical Activity—ATP and CP 1. ATP is adenosine triphosphate – a high-energy compound that delivers energy instantaneously. 2. CP is creatine phosphate – a high-energy compound in the muscles, used anaerobically. 3. The Energy-Yielding Nutrients a.

What increases the ability of muscles to store glycogen?

Apr 15, 2021 · You need quality carbs, lean protein, heart-healthy fats, and fluids. Your muscles rely on carbohydrate foods like breads, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits, and vegetables for quick energy. You need protein for your muscles and for your blood cells, which bring nutrients and …

What are the main nutrients needed to promote muscle growth and recovery?

Dec 11, 2014 · 31) Which nutrients contribute most of the energy needed for physical activity? A) fat and carbohydrate B) protein and fat C) carbohydrate and vitamins D) vitamins and protein Answer: A Page Ref: 417 A ) fat and carbohydrate

Where does the body store glycogen Quizlet?

Jun 11, 2018 · Blood glucose and muscle glycogen contribute less than a third of the energy needed to sustain high-intensity exercises. Completely depleting your glycogen stores will result in "hitting the wall." Lactate can be used for energy. Stored muscle glycogen is not used for energy during low- to moderate-intensity physical activity.

Which nutrients contribute most of the energy needed for physical activity?

Carbohydrate is the primary fuel for most types of exercise and the most important nutrient for athletic performance. Our body runs most efficiency with a balance of protein, fat and carbohydrates, but adequate carbohydrate is a key source of energy for athletes.

What nutrient is needed most during physical exercise?

Carbohydrates are needed to provide energy during exercise. Carbohydrates are stored mostly in the muscles and liver. Complex carbohydrates are found in foods such as pasta, bagels, whole grain breads, and rice. They provide energy, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.Mar 5, 2021

Which nutrients provide the most energy for training?

The most important macronutrients and energy suppliers for training are carbohydrates. Studies have shown that your daily intake of carbohydrates should be between 6 and 10 g per kilogram of body weight. This is about 50% of your overall energy intake per day.Nov 21, 2016

Which nutrients does your body prefer to use for energy during physical activity quizlet?

-The body prefers to use carbohydrate and fat as its main energy sources during exercise. -Small amounts of protein are used only when calorie intake and carbohydrate stores are insufficient.

What are nutrients in physical education?

The chemicals in food which our body needs and are essential for the growth and replacement of tissues are called nutrients. The macro nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in all activities that we do.Apr 22, 2019

What foods give the most energy?

To optimize your daily energy level, try adding some of these foods into your meal plan.Oatmeal. The complex carbs in oatmeal mean it's a slow-burning source of energy. ... Bananas. ... Yogurt. ... Sesame seeds. ... Cinnamon. ... Water. ... Beans. ... Lentils are tasty little legumes, rich in carbs and fiber.More items...•Sep 23, 2021

Why is nutrition important for physical activity?

Good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy body weight are essential parts of a person's overall health and well-being. Together, these can help decrease a person's risk of developing serious health conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.Feb 6, 2022

What are the following nutrients in energy system of the body?

Macronutrients are eaten in large amounts and include the primary building blocks of your diet — protein, carbohydrates, and fat — which provide your body with energy.

What is the nonbasal energy need?

Nonbasal energy needs are influenced by physical activity and the thermic effect of food. Physical activity is voluntary, whereas the thermic effect of food is involuntary, but both increase energy needs. True or False: Vitamins are energy-yielding nutrients in foods. False.

What does "high #" mean in nutrition?

Energy. Concentration of calories in food, if this number is high then has high this for the amount of food. Caloric Density. Concentration of nutrients in food, high # means high for amount of food. Nutrient Density. Contains little to no nutrients and plenty of calories, example is beer.