which lot sizing rule might use the eoq calculation? course hero

by Devonte Green 5 min read

What is an EOQ?

The EOQ, also known as the economic order quantity, is the optimal order size in terms of cost be- cause it minimizes the annual total inventory cost. The EOQ is the lot size where inventory holding costs equal annual ordering cost (T/F)

Why are short term changes in facilities and equipment seldom used in traditional aggregate planning methods?

Short-term changes in facilities and equipment are seldom used in traditional aggregate planning methods because of the capital costs involved (T/F) True. The lower the skill requirements of the workforce, the more feasible it is to change workforce levels as an aggregate planning option (T/F) True.

What is the Baldrige Award?

In the Baldrige Award criteria, the Business Results category focuses on how an organization selects, gathers, analyzes, manages, and improves its data, information, and knowledge assets.

Why do services need to forecast demand more accurately?

Because services cannot inventory their output, they must forecast demand more accurately and better manage the resources needed to provide the service.

How can value be increased?

Value can be increased by adding services to customer benefit packages even when the quality or features of goods cannot be improved.

What is a competitively dominant customer experience?

A competitively dominant customer experience is often called a. value proposition. Nearly all value chains are managed from a centralized operational structure because of the inherent inefficiencies that are found in decentralized operational structures. false.

What is the only important measurement category in business?

The only important measurement category in business is financial.

What is the focus of operations management?

Quality has been a principal focus of operations management since the industrial revolution.

What is the difference between supply chain and value chain?

A value chain views an organization from an integrative perspective of goods and services, while a supply chain focuses mainly on the creation of physical goods.

What is economic order quantity?

Economic order quantity, or EOQ, involves lot sizing based on the cost of set-up and materials and the demand for the product. It is, essentially, like FOQ but with the added element of considering the cost of producing the product at different quantities. So, Adam might set his lot size at 500 glucose monitors and then adjust his timeline according to that.

What is dynamic lot sizing?

Dynamic lot sizing involves manufacturing different quantities of items based on what orders have been placed. For example, if Adam has a big order from a hospital one week and needs 150 monitors, then dynamic lot sizing will allow him to make 150 monitors that week. Then, the following week, if he only needs 50 monitors, that's how many he'll produce. Dynamic lot sizing does away with having a large safety stock (though Adam still might have some inventory set aside in his warehouse). It allows him to respond to the demand he's seeing at the moment.

Why is POQ important?

Because the lot size can (and probably will) change from period to period, POQ is a dynamic lot sizing method. It's important to note that in this lesson, we've talked about lot sizing in terms of how many units to produce (or manufacture). However, lot sizing also applies to purchasing materials.

Why does Adam want to implement material requirements planning in his business?

Adam wants to implement material requirements planning in his business so that it will run efficiently. But, he still has a lingering question that he needs to answer for an MRP program to work: how can he make sure that he manufactures just enough glucose monitors and not too many?

What is MRP in manufacturing?

Computer-based material requirements planning (MRP) systems are used by many businesses to keep track of the resources needed for production, or lot sizing, and distribution. Learn how MRP systems function with lot sizing and explore different methods of determining necessary quantities for production. Updated: 11/14/2021

What is lot sizing?

Lot sizing involves determining the amount of an item that needs to be manufactured. There are two basic approaches to lot sizing. Static lot sizing involves manufacturing the same quantity of items regularly, and usually results in a large safety stock of inventory. In contrast, dynamic lot sizing involves manufacturing different quantities of items, based on what orders have been placed and results in a low safety stock of inventory.

What does Adam make?

Adam owns a business that makes medical supplies. Its factories produce everything from heart rate machines to blood glucose monitors and more. In order to make these supplies, though, Adam has to order materials from his suppliers, like plastic and LED monitors to make glucose monitors.

What is the best algorithm for dynamic lot sizing?

Some methods still managed to stand out as academic studies have shown that the Silver Meal (SM) represents the best trade‐off between cost‐effectiveness and robustness (Jeunet 2000) and the Wagner Whitin (WW) algorithm performs best for the dynamic lot sizing problem and is often used as a benchmark for simpler heuristic techniques (Baciarello 2013, Beck 2015).

What is static lot sizing?

Static lot sizing consists of placing a fixed order quantity or ordering exactly the amount that is needed to cover forecasted demand. Periodic lot sizing groups together the requirements that lie in a determined period. For dynamic lot sizing, the cumulative forecasted demand throughout the entire time horizon is taken into account to determine the optimal order quantities. As time progresses and the production requirements for the new time horizon adjusts, the previously developed planned orders might be adapted.

Why do companies use EOQ?

Still, many industrial companies continue to use static and periodic lot sizing techniques like EOQ because of their simplicity to implement, although supplier constraints such as minimum order quantities or rounding values are not considered in the original formula. This implies that an optimum is difficult to reach, especially in terms of costs, resulting in financial hidden losses tied in the order planning processes (Nydick 1989).

What is part period balancing?

9. Part Period Balancing (PPB): This method represents a variation of the LTC approach. It converts the ordering cost to its equivalent in part periods, “the economic part period (EPP)”, by dividing the ordering cost by the cost of carrying one unit for one period. When “the cumulative parts period” which corresponds to the excess inventory x the number of weeks that it is carried, exceeds the EPP, we take it as the optimal lot size.

Why is UMSOPQVAD algorithmically solved?

Given the increased adoption of data analytics into business decision-making, the problem has to be solved algorithmically in order to realize substantial savings as it allows for more flexibility to integrate all the constraints relative to the complex lot sizing problem (Kulkarni 2019). The UMSOPQVAD provides good results integrating most supplier constraints but requires a high level of data requirement in order to perform well and does not consider material perishability.

How many units are in a lot for the third week?

The ideal lot size would be 510 units for the third week and 420 units for the sixth week as it is the solution where the order costs get as close as possible to the carrying costs.

What is the master production schedule?

the master production schedule, which expresses how much of each material is required and when it is required. the product structure records, also known as the Bill of Material Records (BOM), contains information on every item or assembly required to produce the end products.