which is true of a wealthy class in an ldc? course hero

by Deanna Mayert 4 min read

Course Hero Overview

After looking at course hero student reviews, we realized that this is one of the most popular learning platforms among students. We decided to create this comprehensive account of its features and services. After presenting you with all you need to know as a user, we’ll tell you whether it’s worth joining this platform.


To write our Course Hero review, we researched the website’s background to demonstrate CourseHero’s legal foundation. The story of the platform began in 2006, when a young Cornell student, Andrew Grauer, had the idea of creating an online medium so he and his colleagues could share class notes and materials.

CourseHero Services

When trying to answer “is CourseHero worth it reviews”, we decided that the best way to make students understand if this website is right for them is to explain the services in-depth.

Course Hero Price

When writing this CourseHero.com review, we considered pricing a critical evaluation criterion since the service’s target audience comprises students. Students want to know “How much does Course Hero cost?” or “Is it free?”. The answer is both yes and no.

Quality of the Course Hero

Course Hero customer reviews are the best proof that the website brings no outstanding benefits to users in terms of quality. By giving students access to materials pertaining exactly to the class they’re taking, the website does not significantly improve the chances for students to get top grades.

Customer Service

No comprehensive reviews of CourseHero are possible without referring to their customer service. To get an idea about how unhelpful their support team is, we decided to contact them and ask several questions about the platform. The response was not prompt and detailed.

Website and Mobile App Usability

For our CourseHero review, we considered user interface and website usability as important quality factors. Thankfully, the platform is user-friendly and intuitive, with a few flaws in the functionality. All the information for new-time visitors is easy to navigate, with all the details put forward.