which is not a recommendation to make the bureaucracy more responsive course hero

by Mr. Tyree Barrows 7 min read

What is the bureaucracy?

Gravity Created by yl109 Terms in this set (22) Explain what the bureaucracy does - The bureaucracy is the collection of executive branch departments, regulatory agencies, and other organizations that carry out the responsibilities of the federal government.

Is the bureaucracy too efficient?

The bureaucracy is subject to criticism for acting slowly, but in a democracy, the need for efficiency is counterbalanced by the need for transparency. Reform efforts have improved transparency by providing protections for whistleblowers.

What is fundamental to the core of the federal bureaucracy?

- Fundamental to the core of the federal bureaucracy is the presumption that the people who hold bureaucratic positions have expertise in the issue areas they oversee and implement. Describe bureaucratic culture.

How does Congress contribute to the accountability and responsiveness of bureaucracy?

- Congress contributes to the accountability and responsiveness of the bureaucracy through its oversight of implementation and its so-called power of the purse. - Congress can hold the bureaucracy accountable is through its powers to authorize and appropriate.

How does bureaucracy help?

Bureaucracy can enforce transparency, due process, and adherence to best practices. It can also have more tangential benefits like reducing goal ambiguity; giving workers clearer ideas of what they are expected to do and to not do.

Who described bureaucracy as an iron cage?

Source. The German sociologist Max Weber of The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism fame describes bureaucracy as an iron cage. This depiction is echoed in the alienated themes of Kafka, and the more surgical analyses of The Frankfurt School.

What is holacracy in business?

Holacracy is a comprehensive practice for structuring, governing, and running an organization. It replaces today’s top-down predict-and-control paradigm with a new way of achieving control by distributing power. It is a new “operating system” that instills rapid evolution in the core processes of an organization.

Why is code important?

Good code is crucial to the smooth running of a society. And writing good code is increasingly the work of large teams. Yet such teams often sink into mediocrity because their size alone can breed bureaucracy and sterility. The challenge for every large team is to organize its diverse talents while encouraging leadership and flexibility.

Why can't large organizations achieve efficiency?

Large organizations like governments or big businesses can fail to achieve efficiency sometimes because the layers of action required to get something done are so numerous. Other times, efficiency may be down to ineffective systems or underfunded departments.

Should organizations create a culture of analytics?

Instead, organizations should create a culture of analytics where people are able and willing to analyse their own data and a team data leader with specialist knowledge can provide guidance, oversight, and further depth.

Who was the prime candidate for inclusion?

One of the prime candidates for inclusion was Zappos. The company completely threw out convention and decided to do things in its own way.