which is an example of rapid combustion pozos course hero

by Sean Hagenes 3 min read

Which is an example of rapid combustion?

d. Rapid Combustion – also known as fire releases a large amount of heat and light. Used in the form of machinery and thermobaric weapons. e. Spontaneous Combustion – occurs through self-healing, pursued by thermal runaway and then, finally ignition. 5. Give 5 examples of combustion in everyday life and explain. a.

Which of the following is an example of spontaneous combustion?

May 09, 2016 · What is an example of a machine that utilizes rapid combustion? = A car. ... of the following is true about this disease? = It is a prion which is comprised of a protein You start doing CPR on Dr. Pozos. You stop since you have to answer your cell phone. ... Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. ...

What is combustion?

An outdoor wood fire The ignition and extinguishing of a pile of wood shavings Fire Fire is the rapid oxidation of a material (the fuel) in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. [1] [a] Fire is hot because the conversion of the weak double bond in molecular oxygen, O 2, to the stronger bonds in the combustion products …

What are the three types of combustion reaction?

Mar 08, 2022 · Step 2 Explanation on the answer which is smoldering and example. Smoldering or smoldering is a slow, flameless kind of combustion that is sustained by the heat generated when oxygen assaults the surface of a condensed-phase fuel directly. Numerous solid materials, including coal, cellulose, wood, cotton, tobacco, cannabis, peat, plant litter ...

Which one is an example of rapid combustion?

Burning of petrol and spirit is the example of rapid combustion.

What is the example of rapid combustion Class 8?

Rapid combustion 1)The immediate burning of cooking gas in a gas stove to give heat and light. 2)The burning of kerosene oil in kerosene stove.Jul 24, 2020

What is rapid combustion answer?

RAPID COMBUSTION : Rapid combustion is a process in which large amount of heat and light are released in a very short span of time. For e g - combustion of LPG, a candle or a spirit lamp which produces heat and light instantly.Jan 5, 2017

What is rapid combustion Ncert Class 8?

CBSE NCERT Notes Class 8 Chemistry Combustion and Flame. The type of combustion reaction that occurs with a great speed producing an enormous heat & light in a short time is known as Rapid combustion. For instance, when we bring a matchstick near the gas stove it rapidly catches fire.

What is rapid combustion and explosion give examples?

Rapid combustion: Rapid combustion is a form of combustion in which large amounts of heat and light energy are released. Example: Matchstick burns rapidly on being struck against the sides of a matchbox. Combustion of natural gas, LPG, petrol etc.Jun 17, 2019

What is combustion give any one example?

Definition of combustion The chemical process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give off heat is called combustion. Examples are ethane, wood, propane.

What is rapid combustion and spontaneous combustion?

Rapid combustion – When combustion occurs rapidly, it is called rapid combustion. Spontaneous combustion – The types of combustion in which material suddenly bursts into flames, without the application of any apparent cause is called spontaneous combustion. Eg, Burning of phosphorus.

Rapid Combustion

It is a combustion in which a large amount of heat and light is produced in a short time

Explosive Combustion (Explosion)

It is a type of combustion in which large amount of gas is formed with heat, light, sound