which is an attribute of an effective organiation structure - course hero

by Anika Murray 4 min read

Which is an attribute of an effective organizational structure?

Which is an attribute of an effective organizational structure? -Ensures that top management makes all the decisions -Facilitates stability and resistance to change -Focuses solely on customer support

What is an effective organization?

We view "Effective Organizations" as those where the mission and goals are ones that people would want to invest in and/or participate in because they bring value to not only the individual, but also customers and society in general.

What are traditional organizational structures?

Traditional organizational structures can be functional or divisional. This determines how you divide the groups as you move down the pyramid. In a functional system, employees are categorized based on their roles.

What are the advantages of a divisional organizational structure?

A divisional organizational structure differs because it divides people based on specific projects or locations as opposed to departments. This system might be preferred by larger organizations. Whether functional or divisional, the advantage of a traditional organizational structure is that there is an obvious chain of command.

Which is an attribute of an effective organizational structure?

Characteristics of an effective organizational structure including clearly defined roles of authority, detailed job descriptions, objective benchmarks and effective two-way communications between departments and between management and staff.

What are the four basic elements of organizational structure?

Edgar Schein, a prominent organizational psychologist, identified four key elements of an organization's structure: common purpose, coordinated effort, division of labor, and hierarchy of authority. Each of the four elements represents an essential component of an effective structure.

What are the 3 aspects of structure of organization?

Structure is composed of three components: complexity, formalization and centralization.

What are the 7 key elements of organizational structure?

Basic Elements of Organizational Structure DesignWork specialization.Departmentation.Chain of command.Span of control.Centralization/Decentralization.Formalization.

What are the main types of organizational structure?

The four types of organizational structures are functional, multi-divisional, flat, and matrix structures.

What is the most important part of an organization?

People are the most important part of an organization. Giving them the right tools to succeed is paramount. But it's also a business. Having a solution that can meet the needs of employees and the business at the same time will synchronize their goals and lead to happier, more effective work.

What is the structure of an organization?

An organizational structure helps you determine your company's leadership hierarchy and flow of information. An organizational structure is the group of rules, roles, relationships and responsibilities that outline how your company's activities are directed to meet its goals.

What is an example of organizational structure?

The pyramid-shaped organizational chart we referred to earlier is known as a hierarchical org chart. It's the most common type of organizational structure—the chain of command goes from the top (e.g., the CEO or manager) down (e.g., entry-level and low-level employees), and each employee has a supervisor.

What are characteristics of a structure?

The social architecture, age, maturity, and size of an organization.

What are the 5 elements of structure?

Five elements create an organizational structure: job design, departmentation, delegation, span of control and chain of command. These elements comprise an organizational chart and create the organizational structure itself.

What are the 6 types of organizational structures?

Types of Organizational Structure – 6 Main Types: Functional Structure, Divisional Structure, Matrix Structure and Team StructureFunctional structures.Divisional structures (regional, product, client)Matrix structures.Team structures.Network structures.Learning structures and knowledge management.

What are the six elements of organizational structure?

The six elements are:Work specialization. Work specialization is a process that assigns each professional to a specific task. ... Departmentalization and compartments. ... Formalization of elements. ... Centralization and decentralization. ... Span of control. ... Chain of command.

What are the four basic types of organizational structure quizlet?


What are the six elements of organizational structure?

The six elements are:Work specialization. Work specialization is a process that assigns each professional to a specific task. ... Departmentalization and compartments. ... Formalization of elements. ... Centralization and decentralization. ... Span of control. ... Chain of command.

What are four basic elements of management differentiate one another?

The four functions of management are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. In order to be a successful manager, you must do all four while managing your work and team.

What are the key elements of organizational structure and discuss how each functions in schools?

There are seven key elements that school administrators need to address when they design their organization's structure: job specialization, departmentalization, chain of command, authority and responsibility, centralization/ decentralization, line and staff authority, and span of con- trol.

What is effective organization?

Simply put, an "Effective Organization" is one that meets its stated goals and accomplishes its stated mission. But of course, by this definition, low goals and unimportant missions can create effectiveness and this would miss the point.

Why are organizations considered effective?

They are viewed as “High Performance Organizations” because they are considered more successful than their competitors in areas such as profitability, customer service and strategy. In other words, they are effective at getting results that are seen as superior and valuable to others.

Traditional Organizational Structure

A traditional organizational structure looks like a pyramid. At the top, you have the CEO. The layer beneath consists of all who report to the CEO.

Project-Based Organizational Structure

Just like in a traditional system, the CEO sits at the top of a project-based organizational structure. However, this type of structure is much more flexible.

Flat Organizational Structure

A flat organization has either very few or no levels of middle management at all. That means you could potentially find junior employees directly below the executive level. Of course, this is a structure that makes more sense for startups or smaller organizations.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Organizational Structure

Feeling stuck between the many options available? Here are some of the things you need to think about when you’re deciding how to structure your organization.