which is an approach for mitigating tampering? course hero

by Savanna Dickens 8 min read

Which of the following mitigation strategies might be effective in handling threats?

Among the all, Preparedness and response actions are the effective mitigation strategies which will be very crucial to handle the threats caused by network monitoring. If a proper response action is available, then no need to worry about the threats. Hope it helps.

What does it mean to mitigate an attack?

Attack mitigation is a detection and protection strategy used to safeguard networks, servers and applications by IT administrators in order to minimize the effect of malicious traffic and intrusion attempts while maintaining functionality for users.

Which of the following level of security is included in threat Modelling process?

A typical threat modeling process includes five steps: threat intelligence, asset identification, mitigation capabilities, risk assessment, and threat mapping. Each of these provides different insights and visibility into your security posture.

What is something that can damage or destroy an asset?

Threat: Something that can damage or destroy an asset If an asset is what you're trying to protect, then a threat is what you're trying to protect against.

What are the 3 types of mitigation cybersecurity?

In regard to cybersecurity, risk mitigation can be separated into three elements: prevention, detection, and remediation.

How do you mitigate security risk?

This includes;Creating data backups and encrypting sensitive information.Updating all security systems and software.Conducting regular employee cybersecurity training.Using strong and complex passwords.Installing firewalls.Reducing your attack surfaces.Assessing your vendors.Having a killswitch in place.More items...•

Which of the following is the general approach for performing threat modeling Mcq?

Software-Centric Approach This method is commonly used to analyze networks and systems and has been adopted as the de-facto standard among manual approaches to software threat modeling. A good example of a software-centric approach is Microsoft's Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL) framework.

Which one of the following are generally used as threat modeling diagrams Mcq?

Microsoft's Threat Modelling Tool – This tool identifies threats based on STRIDE threat model classification and is based on Data Flow Diagram (DFD), which can be used to discover threats associated with overall IT assets in an organization.

Which of the following type of testing is carried out based on the threat mitigation plan?

Pen testing services help security teams to identify areas for improvement and prioritize threat mitigation strategies. Penetration testing can yield surprising results and can help organizations to better understand the different attack vectors that can compromise data.

What is the relation between a threat risk and vulnerability in security perspective explain with examples?

In cybersecurity, risk is the potential for loss, damage or destruction of assets or data. Threat is a negative event, such as the exploit of a vulnerability. And a vulnerability is a weakness that exposes you to threats, and therefore increases the likelihood of a negative event.

What is security Short answer?

1 : the quality or state of being secure: such as. a : freedom from danger : safety. b : freedom from fear or anxiety.

Which security term is used to describe anything of value to the organization?

3.1. 1. Current State of AffairsSecurity TermsDescriptionAssetsAn asset is anything of value to the organization. It includes people, equipment, resources, and data.VulnerabilityA vulnerability is a weakness in a system, or its design, that could be exploited by a threat.4 more rows•Apr 7, 2020

What is mitigating DDoS attack?

DDoS mitigation refers to the process of successfully protecting a targeted server or network from a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. By utilizing specially designed network equipment or a cloud-based protection service, a targeted victim is able to mitigate the incoming threat.

What is mitigation threat?

Threat Mitigation is the process used to lessen the extent of a problem or attack by isolating or containing a threat until the problem can be remedied.

What techniques mitigate or stop DDoS attacks?

Techniques and strategies for DDoS mitigationStrengthening bandwidth capabilities.Securely segmenting networks and data centers.Establishing mirroring and failover.Configuring applications and protocols for resiliency.Bolstering availability and performance through resources like content delivery networks (CDNs)

What can be used to mitigate man in the middle attacks?

Mitigation: The HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a security mechanism sent through special response headers that can protect against MiTM attacks by only allowing websites to be accessed through TLS or SSL. This cuts out the vulnerable portion of website access by bypassing connection via HTTP.

What are the five categories of tampering modes?

Five categories of tampering modes are defined as spoofing, termination, sidetracking, alteration of internal data, and selective deception . These are further distinguished specifically toward IDS sensor, control, and alarm categories such as spoonfeeding, sugarcoating, and scapegoating.

What is tampering mode?

More sophisticated, yet less detectable, tampering modes attempt to sidetrack the IDS. They interfere with file integrity operations through collateral means, such as Denial of Service (DoS) attacks against IDS mechanisms. Blockading attempts to isolate a sensor from needed access to a target file or device. Some integrity frameworks can be blockaded by not relinquishing exclusive non-preemptive privileges. Robust file verification involves taking into account that blockading attacks are plausible against a wide range of IDS operations.

What is selective deception?

Selective deception refers to tampering modes that are colloquially known as double-dealing. By way of analogy, consider an unscrupulous casino dealer who selectively issues playing cards from two decks to defraud the recipient. One problematic form that impacts file analyzers is file juggling. Realistically, file integrity verifiers can only inspect target files intermittently. So these tools are susceptible to the existence of modified data at times other than file verification.

What is the Hummingbird framework?

The University of Idaho has developed the Hummingbird framework ( Frincke et al., 1998) for managing misuse data. Hummingbird agents are neither autonomous nor mobile but do illustrate important methods to mitigate tampering such as including validated transactions between stationary decision-making centres, redundant data collectors, and use of Kerberos. The project and test cases used focus on cooperative intrusion detection if sharing of data is a viable option between distinct hosts across an enterprise.

What is the most popular file integrity analyzer?

While Tripwire ( Kim and Spafford, 1994) is the most popular commercial file integrity analyzer, other commercial and open source alternatives exist. Selected file analysis tools are listed in Table 1. Tripwire utilizes a policy file to describe the expected behaviour of system and data files, identify files that are expected to change, and the types of changes permitted to each file. A baseline database is created using hash functions according to the policy file as reference to detect file modifications. In a networked environment, Tripwire on individual hosts can interact with a Tripwire Manager via Secure Socket Layer (SSL). This form of centralized policy management enables an administrator to define a single policy and distribute it to many similar systems across the enterprise. Other file analyzers such as AIDE ( Lehti, Advanced intrusion detection environment ), Veracity ( Rocksoft, Veracity—nothing can change without you knowing: data integrity assurance ), and integrit ( Cashin, Integrity file verification system) operate similarly although AIDE aims toward at removing particular limitations in Tripwire and integrit focuses on essentials. Other tools exist that exhibit unique features. For instance, Nabou ( Linden) can be used as a process monitor while SMART Watch ( WetStone Technologies, Inc.) detects file system changes in near-real time by not using periodic timers.

What is insider tampering?

A malicious action by a legitimate user, referred to as insider tampering, is particularly challenging to deal with. Insiders such as system administrators have broad access to sensitive resources, an extensive understanding of internal procedures, and frequent opportunities to carry out unauthorized use. Thus, attacks perpetrated by knowledgeable insiders have the potential to be more devastating than those that are externally originated. Moreover, a common tactic of outsiders is to obtain limited access then elevate their privilege to that of an administrator with a high capability levels. For this reason, insider risk is recognized as an exposure where few useful tools exist and significant exposures receive relatively little attention ( Galiasso et al., 1999, Anderson et al., RAND Corporation Report, Kahn, 1998 ). Within the academic community, the insider problem is recognized as a difficult one. Neumann and Porras (1999) classify the detection of hitherto unknown attacks as very challenging open problems, citing subtle forms of misuse by insiders as a particular concern. Recent DoD Workshops have identified the need for insider threat models as urgent ( Anderson et al., RAND Corporation Report ). In terms of a likely target of tampering within the domain of insiders, Axelsson (2000) identifies determination of the nature of attacks on the intrusion detection components as a fundamental unanswered question.

How does a file integrity tool work?

File integrity tools create an initial baseline reference for future file verification. Retroactive baselining modifies the reference values thus corrupting the baseline. This is mitigated in CONFIDANT by maintaining baseline data within each agent responsible for file integrity verification. When an agent computes a cryptographic digest for a file, the result is compared to internal baseline data encapsulated within multiple mobile agents. External data are not used as a baseline. If the internal data are modified, agent redundancy enables file verification to be performed by other agents.