which driver improvement course for polk county

by Rita McClure 9 min read

Polk County Advanced Driver Improvement ADI, also known as Traffic School or Defensive Driving, is a 12 Hour course which motorists can take when your driver’s license (DL) becomes suspended or revoked, when asked by the courts, or to get an insurance discount (from the insurance company).

Full Answer

How long does it take to get driver's education in Polk?

Driver’s Education has moved to the next level in Polk! Students can take both the online driver’s education course and behind-the-wheel training for FREE! Students can complete the course in 6-8 weeks, or they can talk with their Polk Virtual instructor about an accelerated 3-week option.

What are the requirements for training in Polk County FL?

Training is provided by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office at no additional cost. Student must be at least 15 and not older than 20. Students must provide their own vehicle for the 2-day instruction. Students must hold a Florida learner’s license or driver’s license.

Who may choose to attend a driver improvement course?

Most Wanted Fugitives Driver Improvement Schools Driver Improvement Courses FAQ Language | Idioma English Español Who may choose to attend a driver improvement course? Any driver charged with a moving or non-moving traffic violation that would result in points assessed to their driving record. Exclusions: All criminal violations; and

What are the benefits of mature driving courses?

All of these approved courses address the specific safety needs of the mature driver by helping the mature driver understand how aging affects driving abilities and providing insight about driving on today's roadways. There are no written or practical driving tests. The course fees are moderate, but vary with each organization.

How much is a basic driver improvement course Florida?

$26.95Fee Disclosure The Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) requires all course providers to process and submit the BDI course completion information to them. This $26.95 fee includes both the state assessment fee plus a servicing fee that DriveSafeToday (the Provider) charges.

How long is Florida driver improvement course?

The Basic Driver Improvement traffic school course takes a minimum of 4 hours to successfully complete. Expect to spend at least this amount of time completing the course. Judge-ordered driver improvement is a total of 8 hours. Advanced Driver Improvement is 12 hours.

How do I become a driver improvement course in Florida?

Drivers are required to complete a course approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), and may contact the approved BDI course provider to register for the course. Options for satisfying a traffic citation will be listed on the back of the citation.

What is a BDI class in Florida?

The Florida Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) Course, which is also referred to as Florida traffic school, is a four-hour course that is approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV). This Ticket School course is offered online and provides numerous benefits for Florida drivers.

How many times can you take Florida driving school?

Drivers can choose to attend a driver improvement course once in any 12-month period and no more than five times in a lifetime.

Is Idrivesafely approved in Florida?

At I Drive Safely, we have created drivers education programs for students just like you for the past 15 years. Because our Florida permit courses are of the highest quality, they've been approved by the state of Florida.

Can you take Florida traffic school online?

Our 100% online courses provide an easy and convenient option for meeting your traffic school requirements. Our 4-hour, 8-hour and 12-hour driver improvement courses are approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) and accepted by all Florida courts!

How can I get points off my license in Florida?

The fastest and easiest way to reduce points is to take an online Basic Driver Improvement course. In Florida, you have the option to take this course once in a 12-month period, but no more than 5 times during your lifetime. All courses, whether in a classroom or online, take 4 hours.

How much is the 4 hour driving class Florida?

$30.00The total tuition for the Classroom 4 hour defensive driver course is $30.00. The tuition includes the course, classroom materials, all State of Florida fees, certificate processing and your certificate. Your original Completion Certificate (for the Court) and a copy is provided immediately at the end of the class.

What is BDI for Tcac?

Our Florida 4-hour Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) Defensive Driving School Course is designed for those drivers who have received a traffic ticket and wish to: Satisfy a court order. Complete Defensive Driving School. Complete Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC)

How long do points stay on your license in Florida?

36 monthsPoints stay on your license for a period of 36 months or 3 years. The time begins on the day the driver pays the fine and the citation clears the county. For drivers that opted to go to court and were adjudicated "guilty", the points start on the day all court ordered requirements are satisfied.

What is FL state assessment fee & processing fee?

Other Schools Online PricesDDS Course4 Hr DDS8 Hr DDSAvg Internet School's Advertised Price$7.95$55.95Certificate Processing Fee$19.95$19.95Florida Assessment Fees$2.50$2.50Avg Total Price for Online Class$27.90$69.95

How long is the driver's education course?

The minimum age requirement is 14.5 to register for the driver’s education course. It’s a semester-long course — 18 weeks — but the accelerated class can be completed in as little as three weeks. You will receive a grade and 0.5 elective credit (a passing grade will satisfy the online graduation requirement).

How many hours of Btw training is required for a driver's license in Florida?

Strongly recommended. 6 hours of free behind-the-wheel (BTW) training with a certified driving instructor from Florida Safety Council. You must hold a Florida learner’s license to be eligible for training. Florida Safety Council will contact students after completion of the driver’s education course.

How old do you have to be to drive with a learner's license?

Accompanying driver must hold a valid driver license. Accompanying driver must be at least 21 years of age. Accompanying driver must occupy the closest seat to the right of the driver.

How long is the TLSAE course?

Semester-long course (18 weeks) or an accelerated to be completed in as little as three weeks. Earn a grade and 0.5 elective credit (Satisfying the online graduation requirement.) Receive the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education Training (TLSAE) waiver (also known as DATA, DATE, or Drug and Alcohol Course) required to get learner’s license.

What is the TLSAE waiver?

You will also earn the Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE) waiver (also known as DATA, DATE, or Drug and Alcohol Course), which is required to get your learner’s license. Earn a grade and 0.5 elective credit (Satisfying the online graduation requirement.)

Can you contact Florida Safety Council after you complete the online driver's education course?

The Florida Safety Council will contact you after you complete the online driver’s education course. If you have not been contacted for your BTW training session, you may contact Florida Safety Council. (Must hold a Florida learner’s permit to be eligible for training.) Find out more about the behind-the-wheel lessons.

Where to attend a driver improvement course?

Drivers may elect to attend a driver improvement course at a clerk’s office in the county where the citation was received, or if the officer provided an envelope when issuing the citaition drivers may use it to indicate the intent to attend a driver improvement course.

How many times can you take a driver improvement course?

Drivers can choose to attend a driver improvement course once in any 12-month period and no more than five times in a lifetime . If I elect to attend a driver improvement course and do not attend, does this count as one of the five times I am allowed to choose this option? Yes.

How long do you have to complete a driver's license course?

Once the clerk is notified of a driver’s intent to attend a course, they have between 60 and 90 days from the date of the citation to complete the course and present proof of completion to the clerk of court in the county where the citation was issued.

What is a CDL driver?

Any driver charged with a moving or non-moving traffic violation that would result in points assessed to their driving record. Drivers who hold a Commercial Driver License (CDL) regardless of the type of vehicle they are driving at the time of the violation.

What is a basic driver improvement course?

Any person charged with a moving or non-moving violation, other than violations involving driver’s licenses, vehicle registration, or proof of insurance, is eligible to elect to attend a basic driver improvement course in lieu of accumulating points on the driver history record.

How long does it take to complete a driver improvement course?

If you elect to attend a basic driver improvement course, you must enroll and complete the course, with proof of completion being presented to the Clerk’s office, within 90 calendar days of your election.

Do you have to pay for basic driver improvement?

Do I have to pay to elect a basic driver improvement course? Yes, the civil penalty is required by law to be paid in addition to the cost for the driving course which may range from $20 to $35. At the time of the election, please refer to your local telephone directory under the heading "Driving Instruction" for the names and locations ...

Do you have to attend a driver improvement course in Florida?

You must make your election and pay the associated fines and costs to attend a basic driver improvement course in the county in which your ticket was issued. You may, however, attend a basic driver improvement course approved by the State of Florida, in the location of your choice.

How many points do you get for driving violations?

Points are assessed for moving violations where an adjudication of guilt is found, which can cause the loss or restriction of driving privileges. If too many points are accumulated during a certain period of time (12 points within 12 months, 18 points within 18 months or 24 points within 36 months), your license will be suspended.

How many points do you need to get a Class E license in Florida?

3 points. Drivers 15–17 Years of Age. Drivers with a Florida learner’s license must hold it for at least 12 months without receiving a traffic conviction before they can apply for a Florida Class E driver license. Drivers may avoid conviction by electing to complete a BDI course approved by the FLHSMV.

How long do you have to take a BDI in Florida?

Drivers may not elect to take the BDI, in lieu of points, after the initial 30-day period from the citation date. Drivers are required to complete a course approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), and may contact the approved BDI course provider to register for the course.

Can points be added to a driver's license?

Points may not be added to the driver license record and adjudication of guilt is withheld. Drivers may not make an election to attend a BDI course if they have: Made an election to attend a BDI course in the preceding 12 months; Made five elections in a lifetime; A Commercial Driver License (CDL); or.
