which course of action below is a utilitarian most likely to choose

by Miss Sandra Marvin 9 min read

Which course of action below is a utilitarian most likely to choose? Classic hedonistic act utilitarianism holds that only happiness is good for it own sake and that acts are right insofar as no alternative could bring about more of this good.

Does utilitarianism accurately describe how we always make moral decisions?

(1) utilitarianism does not accurately describe how we always make moral decisions; (2) it isn't clear that we SHOULD adopt the utilitarian formula when making all of our moral decisions; and (3) the utilitarian formula is neither a quick nor an easy way of making moral decisions.

What is an example of utilitarianism in philosophy?

Provide an example. According to utilitarianism, if the action brings more happiness into this world and reduces pain than the action is moral. For example, using someone as a fall guy so that the majority is happy like the police officers in Baltimore.

Do utilitarians play favorites?

No, utilitarians can play favorites to the majority because that creates the most happiness/pleasure. For example, utilitarians do not care equally for the police officers of Baltimore city as they do for calming the Baltimore city violence. Are we morally bound by Utilitarianism to care equally for all people - or can we play favorites?

What does Frank consider to be a utilitarian action?

Frank is considering donating the excess from a recent bonus to a local shelter instead of spending it on himself. How would a utilitarian classify this action? Gerrie steals from her neighbor's family to feed hers.

How might a utilitarian respond to this situation?

How might a utilitarian respond to a situation in which one is faced with a choice whether to tell a lie? If the consequences of the lie are on the whole better than those of telling the truth, then lying is the right course of action.

What is utilitarianism ethics quizlet?

Utilitarianism: a theory in normative ethics holding that the moral action is the one that maximizes utility. Utility is defined in various ways, including as pleasure, economic well-being and the lack of suffering. The Good: All things are are good either because they are pleasures or are connected with pleasure.

What makes an action utilitarian quizlet?

Utilitarianism. the right course of action is determined by its consequences; what is intrinsically good is happiness/pleasure, and 'rightness' is to be determined by the amount of happiness an action creates for everyone, balanced against the harms this action also causes.

What utilitarianism means?

Utilitarianism is an effort to provide an answer to the practical question “What ought a person to do?” The answer is that a person ought to act so as to maximize happiness or pleasure and to minimize unhappiness or pain.