which course did holden passed

by Lyda Kunze 4 min read

Holden's career at Pencey Prep has been marred by his refusal to apply himself, and after failing four of his five subjects—he passed only English—he has been forbidden to return to the school after the fall term.

Why did Holden Pass English in high school?

What classes did Holden flunk? Expert Answers Holden has flunked out of at least three schools, including Pencey Prep, Whooton School, and Elkton Hills, and cannot seem to find the motivation to pass his classes. Holden mentions that he failed four classes at Pencey Prep and that English was the only subject that he earned a passing grade in.

How many schools has Holden flunked out of?

Jun 01, 2019 · Early on, Holden tells Mr. Spencer that he passed English because he had the same class the year before, when he was at The Whooton School, so …

How many classes did Holden fail at Pencey Prep?

Jan 31, 2012 · Holden has a strong bond with his sister. He can't commit suicide because for one he doesn't want people looking at his dead body when he has passed away.

What are Holden's accomplishments as a writer?

Jan 12, 2015 · What was the only class that Holden passed? Wiki User. ∙ 2015-01-12 03:15:05. Add an answer. Want this question answered? Be notified when an answer is posted. 📣 Request Answer. Study guides.

What class does Holden pass?

What is the only class he passed? He failed four out of five subjects. The only class he passed was English.

What subject is Holden passing and why?

Which subject is Holden passing? What is the significance of this? Passing only English. Because Holden reads and writes as an escape.

What subject is Holden failing?

Holden has been expelled from Pencey Prep because he has flunked four subjects (passing only English), including Mr. Spencer's history class. On his way to Spencer's home to say good-bye, Holden feels terribly cold.

What school does Holden go to?

Pencey Preparatory School is a fictional exclusive boarding school for boys in Agerstown, Pennsylvania which Holden Caulfield attended before being expelled.

How many schools did Holden fail out of?

they said Holden got kicked out of four schools | The Catcher in the Rye Questions | Q & A | GradeSaver.Oct 3, 2012

Why is Holden in a mental hospital?

Today, readers might infer that Holden must be suffering from some combination of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety. Holden himself references mental illness, trauma, and psychoanalysis.

What does Holden mean when he says his brother DB is out in Hollywood?

from Pencey Prep. 1) Q: What does Holden mean when he says that his brother D.B. is out in Hollywood "being a prostitute"? A:Holden means that his brother is a 'prostitute' meaning that he sold out to hollywood forsaking a career in serious literature for the wealth and the fame of movies.

Is Holden Caulfield smart?

Although he is intelligent and sensitive, Holden narrates in a cynical and jaded voice. He finds the hypocrisy and ugliness of the world around him almost unbearable, and through his cynicism he tries to protect himself from the pain and disappointment of the adult world.

Was Pencey Prep really the fourth school from which Holden was asked to leave?

Was Pencey Prep really the fourth school from which Holden was asked to leave? He said that it was the fourth school he was asked to leave, but at Elkton Hills School, he said that he quit. Because he was surrounded by phonies.

What is the name of the school Holden is attending at the beginning of the story?

Plot summary. From what is implied to be a sanatorium, Holden, the narrator and protagonist, tells the story of his adventures before the previous Christmas. The story begins with Holden at Pencey Prep School on his way to the house of his history teacher, Spencer, so that he can say goodbye.

What is the name of the school most recently attended by Holden?

In Chapter 1, Holden describes the boarding school he attends, Pencey Prep, as a pretentious place that cultivates a false image of sophistication and propriety.

Why does Holden struggle with school?

Holden lacks the essential ability to motivate himself, which he needs to survive in the 'real' world. He continues to be kicked out of every school he attends because he fails to apply himself, his simple reasoning being 'How do you know what you're going to do till you do it?