which course by shani raja reddit

by Taylor Breitenberg 9 min read

Why join Shani Raja's writing class?

Greetings, I'm taking a few courses already (those by Shani Raja) but are there others that I should look into, perhaps on other sites as well? … Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts

Who is Shani Raja?

Shani Raja has a free writing course on Udemy. He's one of the better writing coaches I've found. Hope this helps. Looking for help on campus is also a great idea. 2. Reply. ... youtube, reddit, facebook, real books, on tips on how to become a better writer (except my horrible english grammar, but who cares about that), here are some (at least ...

Why study online with Shani?

Shani Raja was a senior editor at The Wall Street Journal, where he also trained dozens of the paper’s reporters and editors.During his long journalism career, Shani also wrote for The Economist, Time, the Financial Times, Dow Jones and Bloomberg News.. Several years ago, Shani left journalism to teach non-journalists the advanced writing and storytelling techniques he’d …

Why did Shani leave journalism?

Several years ago, Shani left journalism to teach non-journalists the advanced writing and storytelling techniques he’d learned as a top-tier news editor.

Does Shani bog you down?

Shani won’t bog you down in the minefield of grammar. Instead, he presents a commonsense approach to punctuation that will empower you to create special effects in your writing that ensure your copy glows. Join more than 16,000 students enrolled in this course. Find Out More.

What is Shani Raja's online course?

Shani Raja’s online courses are designed to evolve you quickly into an elite writer. Here’s what the journey toward full enlightenment for a nonfiction writer looks like—rising up from average to exceptional to masterful to elite.

What is the crowning of an elite writer?

The crowning of an elite writer occurs once you’ve learned how to use punctuation with impeccable style. While it’s important to know punctuation from a formal grammar perspective, it’s also useful to consider it from the standpoint of impact.

How many layers are there in Ninja Writer?

The course demonstrates that writing can usefully be divided into four layers—the narrative, paragraphs, sentences and words. A Ninja Writer makes subtle refinements at each level to ensure their copy always dazzles.

What is a ninja writer?

A ninja writer has mastery over the sentence layer of writing as well. He or she instinctively understands how to tighten loose sentences, sharpen blurred ones, and bring rhythm to those that don't flow well. Finally, ninja writers wield invincible power over words.

How to connect with your audience?

How to connect with your audience, organize your writing magnificently, start your piece with a bang, end with a flourish, and embed it with powerful imagery. Getting the structure right is one of the hardest skills to master, but I'll make it super easy for you in this section.

How many layers of writing are there?

Just the understanding that writing has four layers can make a huge difference to how effectively you communicate. If you don't know anything about those layers yet, don’t fret. Only a handful of writers do, and many are editors who work, as I have done, for top news organizations.

Who is Shani Raja?

Shani Raja teaches top journalists how to improve their writing and has written and edited for some of the world's biggest news organizations, including The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Financial Times and Bloomberg News.

Explore Shani's Elite Writing Programs

Transform yourself into an exquisite writer within days or weeks with the premium programs listed below.

From Structure to Style: Master Your Copywriting

In this course, created exclusively for Fiverr’s freelancing platform, ex-Wall Street Journal editor Shani Raja lifts the veil further on how top journalists do the magic of producing electrifying copy for millions of global readers.

Writing With Flair: How to Become an Exceptional Writer

Discover the basic ingredients of exceptional writing—simplicity, clarity, elegance and evocativeness. This “secret sauce” is guaranteed to make anything you write sparkle.

Ninja Writing: The Four Levels of Writing Mastery

Now that you’ve mastered the four ingredients of exceptional prose, it’s time to discover the four “levels” of writing mastery. This powerful new perspective will take you further along the path to becoming an elite writer.

Editing Mastery: How to Edit Writing to Perfection

In Writing With Flair, you learned the four ingredients of exceptional writing, and in Ninja Writing, the four levels. Now, find out how to brilliantly edit your own writing—and that of others.

Punctuation Mastery: How to Use Commas, Dashes and Semicolons Like a Pro

The crowning of an elite writer occurs once you’ve learned how to use punctuation with impeccable style.
