which character undergoes the greatest transformation over the course of the play romeo & juliet

by Arvel Kihn MD 9 min read

How does Romeo's character develop throughout the play?

During the course of the play, Romeo matures from adolescence to adulthood as a result of his love for Juliet and his unfortunate involvement in the feud, marking his development from a comic character to a tragic figure.

How does Romeo change over the course of Romeo and Juliet?

His verbose language, once awkward, matures into some of Shakespeare’s most eloquent and passionate poetry. While Romeo’s idea of love evolves throughout the play, he is still a teenager who makes several tragic mistakes, calling into question the extent to which he develops over the play.

How does Romeo's language change as the play progresses?

As the play progresses, Romeo's increasing maturity as a lover is marked by the change in his language. He begins to speak in blank verse as well as rhyme, which allows his language to sound less artificial and more like everyday language. The fated destinies of Romeo and Juliet are foreshadowed throughout the play.

What is Romeo's character in Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo is one of the titular characters in Shakespeare’s famed romantic tragedy and Juliet ’s young lover. He is the only son of Lord and Lady Montague, nobles of Verona. Although intelligent, he is also immature, impetuous, and reckless. His one focus throughout the play is love, though not necessarily the women to whom he alleges his love.

What does Romeo say about Rosaline?

First of all, when Romeo goes to the party at Capulet house, he instantly falls in love with Juliet Capulet, forgetting all about Rosaline for whom he was having a rough time getting her. Rom eo says, “She hath, and in that sparing makes huge was te; ][& Do I live dead, that to live to tell it now” (I. i. 212-218). In this quote he talks about Rosaline and how much he loves her.

How does Shakespeare strengthen Romeo and Juliet?

Throughout the play, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare strengthens the character of Romeo through the consistency in his actions and emotions, building on the strong base of his character as established in the first act. Romeo is consistently characterised as an irrational, hasty and dramatic romantic. The situations in the play, as well as his emotional state and life stage, cause these characteristics to be pronounced and regular. In the beginning, Romeo’s love for Rosaline starts to develop the character traits we come to associate Romeo with, making his later actions with Juliet more rational and consistent for his personalty. Romeo’s character base allows for all that follows in the play to be believable as Romeo’s natural reaction, …show more content…

What is the love between Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo and Juliet essay Everyone displays their love differently.In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet , the main characters Romeo’s and Juliet’s love for each other evoloves at a momentous rate. Only hours after Romeo and Juliet meet in Act 1, Romeo forgets about Rosaline, the young woman that Romeo was overly obsessed with until she refuses to marry him. After the refusal of Rosaline, Romeo finds out that Juliet, a Capulet he meets at the party, is his true love. Juliet has no experience with love at all , but she claims that Romeo is the one she sincerely loves. As Romeo’s and Juliet’s love affair develops,their differing characteristics and attitudes display their individual approaches towards love.…

Why is Romeo attracted to Juliet?

He is saying that Romeo’s uninhibited attraction to Juliet is because of her beauty, not her personality. Romeo is convinced Juliet is the love of his life and dives headfirst into the relationship. Friar Lawrence also advises Romeo to not be hasty when Romeo proclaims his passionate love for Juliet. He says, “Love moderately; long love doth so; too swift arrives as tardy too slow” (II.vi.14-15). The two do not take his wise advice, a fatal mistake.…

What does the friar do to Romeo and Juliet?

He has been a great support for the two. The friar sees that they are truly in love. He sacrifices his own time for Romeo and Juliet. The friar is cautious when it comes to handing the potion to Juliet (Huntley). He cares too much for them that he makes sure everything is right.…

What is Romeo's character?

Character Analysis Romeo. During the course of the play, Romeo matures from adolescence to adulthood as a result of his love for Juliet and his unfortunate involvement in the feud, marking his development from a comic character to a tragic figure. Romeo is initially presented as a Petrarchan lover, a man whose feelings of love aren't reciprocated ...

What happens to Romeo when he learns of his banishment?

Romeo's immaturity is again manifest later when he learns of his banishment. He lies on the floor of the Friar's cell, wailing and crying over his fate. When the Nurse arrives, he clumsily attempts suicide.

What happened to Romeo when Tybalt killed Mercutio?

When Tybalt kills Mercutio, however, Romeo (out of loyalty to his friend and anger at Tybalt's arrogance) kills Tybalt, thus avenging his friend's death. In one ill-fated moment, he placed his love of Juliet over his concern for Mercutio, and Mercutio was killed. Romeo then compounds the problem by placing his own feelings of anger over any concerns for Juliet by killing Tybalt.

What does the Friar remind Romeo of Juliet?

The Friar reminds him to consider Juliet and chides him for not thinking through the consequences of his actions for his wife. The Friar then offers a course of action to follow, and Romeo becomes calm. Later, when Romeo receives the news of Juliet's death, he exhibits maturity and composure as he resolves to die.

What does Romeo say about Paris?

Romeo notes that both he and Paris are victims of fate and describes Paris as: "One writ with me in sour misfortune's book" (V.3.83) since Paris experienced an unreciprocated love from Juliet similar to Romeo's unrequited love for Rosaline. Romeo is also filled with compassion because he knows that Paris has died without understanding the true love that he and Juliet shared.

What does Romeo want to do when Juliet dies?

Later, when Romeo receives the news of Juliet's death, he exhibits maturity and composure as he resolves to die. His only desire is to be with Juliet: "Well Juliet, I will lie with thee tonight" (V.1.36). His resolution is reflected in the violent image he uses to order Balthasar, his servant, to keep out of the tomb:

Why is Romeo reluctant to fight Tybalt?

Romeo is reluctant to fight Tybalt because they are now related through Romeo's marriage to Juliet.

Transformation of Juliet in Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

In William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, love transforms Juliet. Early in the play, Juliet is a young girl who is very faithful to her family. After this young girl meets Romeo Montague, she begins to change. By the end of the play, Juliet is changed into a woman who is now very faithful to her husband, instead of her family.

The Transformation Of Juliet In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Romeo and Juliet “A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life”. In the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, The character Juliet undergoes a big change throughout the story. Juliet is the daughter of the mighty family named the capulets. Romeo is the only son of the feared montagues.

Romeo and Juliet Adaptations

I believe that the (1961)‘West Side Story’ film version of Romeo and Juliet is superior to the later version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ directed in 1968 by Franco Zeffirelli.

Romeo & Juliet: A 'Dramedy' to Remember

Theatre has cleared this divide with fervor. Romeo & Juliet, a play that was once the epitome of tragic theatre, is no longer pigeonholed to the tight confines of tragedy in regards to mood and tone.

Comparing the Love of Romeo and Juliet, Twelfth Night and the Bible

commentary. The entire basis of the Christian tradition is God's love for humanity. "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son." (John 3:6) Jesus preached a great deal about love of neighbor, love of God and even love of enemies. (Matt 5:44) Shakespeare's Biblical knowledge is well known and he

Romeo And Juliet Character Personality

personality does Juliet have in Romeo & Juliet? In the beginning of the book Juliet was on the border between immaturity and maturity but showed merely an obedient, sheltered, naive child that would in her future transform into a determine, strong and sober-mindedness women in her earliest scenes and offers a preview of the woman she will become during the four-day span of Romeo and Juliet.

What is Romeo's character?

Being the tragic protagonist in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is handsome, brave and gentle. He is trained in all manly accomplishments. Yet he is without a sufficient purpose in life. He is the slave of emotion.

What is the character of Romeo and Juliet?

Being the tragic protagonist in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is handsome, brave and gentle. He is trained in all manly accomplishments. Yet he is without a sufficient purpose in life. He is the slave of emotion. His soul quests for love. His character undergoes development. Romeo changes more than Juliet. He changes from love-sick callowness to steady maturity. There are three stages in which his character develops. In the beginning Romeo moons over Rosaline. In the second stage Romeo falls in love with Juliet, marries her, kills Tybalt and is exiled. In the final stage Romeo kills himself when he receives the false news of the death of Juliet.

What is Romeo's passion for Rosaline?

Romeo’s passion for Rosaline was a faint shadow of reality. His real emotion of love comes to him when he sees Juliet. The sight of Juliet obliterates Rosaline from his mind. His love is now real, permanent, and complete. He no longer mopes and moons but chooses the course of action. He comes face to face with realities that demand exercise of will, contempt of danger and action. In Juliet’s company he is earnest without losing his gaiety and lightness.

What does Romeo say to Apothecary?

He speaks to Apothecary with authority “There is thy gold; worse poison to men’s’ souls.” At Juliet’s tomb he calls Paris ‘youth’. The feeling that he is now going to die gives him a maturity beyond his years. Romeo dies the master of his fate.

What is Romeo's death hour?

Inexpressible beautiful and moving is this gentleness of Romeo in his death hour. His yearning to be at peace with his foe, his beseeching pardon of him and calling him kinsman in taken of final atonement, his forbearance and even magnanimity towards Paris, his words of closing consideration and kindly farewell to his faithful Balthasar, all combine to crown Romeo as the prince of youthful gentleman and lovers.

Why is Romeo in high spirits?

He is now a transformed Romeo. He is in high spirits because he is accepted by his new un-Laura-like love.

Is Romeo rash in poison?

It has been pointed out that Romeo is rash in taking the poison. But his rashness is diminished when we compare him with other characters. T.J.B. Spencer says,

What is Romeo's character like in the play?

We first meet Romeo in Act one Scene one of the play, in which he comes across as an immature and sulky individual Ay me, sad hours seem long”. This also gives the impression that he is self-absorbed, and the fact that he appears to fall in love easily suggests that he is also fickle.

What does Romeo do in Act 5 Scene 3?

In Act five Scene three, Romeo breaks into the Capulet vault, where Paris who, unaware of Romeos love for Juliet wrongly assumes that Romeo is there to desecrate the Capulet vault challenges his.

What happens in Act 1 Scene 4 of Romeo and Juliet?

During Act 1 Scene 4, Romeo is finally persuaded by Mercutio into attending the Capulet party, however he was not initially willing to go, suggesting that he is not capable of making his own decisions and is influenced by his friends, this further solidifies his immaturity.

What happens to Romeo before he is banished?

The evening before he is banished, Romeo arranges to spend his last night with Juliet, where he temporarily comes out of his sad state of mind and readopts his passionate and romantic character. He then leaves for Mantua.

What is Romeo's best friend's name in Act 3 Scene 1?

However, when his best friend Mercutio is killed by Tybalt, Romeo becomes enraged and seeks his revenge on Tybalt.

What does Romeo do when the nurse arrives?

When the Nurse arrives and informs Romeo that Juliet is similarly upset, Romeo blames himself , he then collapses on the floor in sorrow and threatens to stab himself . This shows that he is still young and emotional.

Why does Romeo kill Paris?

He kills Paris, however because of Romeo’s developed character, he shows remorse and carries Paris’s body into the vault and lays it beside Juliet. Romeo sees Juliet lying in the tomb, and swallows the poison. This shows that Romeo is driven by emotion and his total and uncompromising love for Juliet.

What does Benvolio do when he meets Romeos?

When they meet, benvolio is struck with Romeos , glum expression upon his face, and as you may do you would ask what is wrong, but benvolio is also doing it for Romeos parents. Benvolio starts their convocation with,

Who is the main character in Romeo and Juliet?

Romeo is one of the two main characters in this essay. Romeo is a Montague, but the other main character in the essay is Juliet, and she is a Capulet. We first see Romeos character developing during the early stages of the play, and quiet dramatically. When Romeo meets Juliet, it is as if he changes from the little boy that he was, to a Man.

Why is Juliet concerned about Romeo?

But Juliet is concerned for Romeo as the walls from the house are high and guarded well by house Guards. But Romeo is acting the “big man” and is boasting about him getting over the walls, and this proves that his character can quickly change back to the immature boy that he was in the first few sences in the play.

What happened to Juliet in Romeo and Juliet?

Juliet’s Death. Friar Lawrence gave her a poison that will only put her to sleep, not kill herm but to everyone else, she is dead. This has stopped the wedding and now gives time for a message to reach Romeo and tell hi of the news and what to do. But all gets scrambled up and news is taking the wrong way.

What is the next time we see Romeo?

The next time we see Romeo is when Mercutio and Tybalt are fighting . This is where Romeos life is put at risk for the sake of his friend. When They fight, Romeo says his last words to him, which are, ” This shall determine that”, meaning this is the last time of this outrage and this will stop everything.

What happens when Juliet sees Romeo on the floor?

She takes it in that he is dead, and the love that she has for him, she wants to be with him, and takes her own life to be with him.

Why is Benvolio concerned about Romeo's parents?

Benvolio, Romeos best friend is concerned for him as well as Romeos parents, for him as he has been acting of “Strange manner” lately, and this is because of Rosaline. As we know Romeo isn’t very experienced in love, and this is affecting his concerning family and friends.

Who is Romeo in Shakespeare's play?

Romeo is one of the titular characters in Shakespeare’s famed romantic tragedy and Juliet’s young lover. He is the only son of Lord and Lady Montague, nobles of Verona. Although intelligent, he is also immature, impetuous, and reckless. His one focus throughout the play is love, though not necessarily the women to whom he alleges his love.

What is Romeo's language in the play?

Romeo’s language throughout the early portion of the play demonstrates that he is less enamored with Rosaline than he is with the idea of falling in love. He tries to encapsulate his feelings in romantic sonnets, but his words come out choppy and disingenuous.

Why does Benvolio tell Romeo that he is in love with Juliet?

In an effort to lift Romeo's spirits, Benvolio tells him his feelings are just infatuation brought on by lack of experience with women. Romeo’s friends then encourage him to attend the Capulet's party to get out of his lovesick slump. At the Capulet's party, Romeo sees Juliet and falls in love with her immediately.

Why does Romeo fall in love with Rosaline?

Many readers and audiences interpret Romeo’s falling out of love with Rosaline as a sign of his reckless and overly emotional behavior. However, others view his change of heart as a transformation of character.

What is Romeo's attitude towards love?

In many ways, Romeo’s attitude towards love evolves from that of a naive, love-sick teenager to that of an adult. During their brief courtship, Juliet recognizes that Romeo’s language follows romantic tropes, overly sentimental cliches, and fantastical metaphors.

What is Romeo's reaction to Friar Laurence's statement?

His emotional reaction to Friar Laurence's statement can be interpreted as a demonstration of his passionate commitment to Juliet. Romeo’s capacity for love cements the tragedy at the end of the play: upon seeing Juliet’s body, he immediately drinks his poison and dies beside Juliet, vowing to be with her forever.

Why was Romeo banished?

Romeo is then banished for killing Tybalt, separating him from his beloved Juliet. When Friar Laurence tells Romeo that his banishment is better than death, Romeo replies that it is better to die than to be without Juliet.

What is Juliet's first reaction to Romeo?

Juliet's first reaction is to grieve over her cousin and reject Romeo as just another heartless Montague. But then she changes her mind: in a single monologue, Juliet decides to choose loyalty to her new husband over love of her family: husband.

How long does it take Juliet to desert her family?

Juliet starts out as a naïve girl who's dependent on her family and ends up a woman willing to desert that family to be with the man she loves—over the course of five days. (What have you done this week?) Let's walk you through it:

Is Juliet married to Romeo?

For a woman in Shakespeare's time, this is exactly what marriage meant: your priority was now your husband and your husband's family. Married to Romeo, Juliet is literally no longer a Capulet. (Click the comparison infographic to download.)

Is Love Ya a real character?

Love ya.) In fact, she might even be the play's real protagonist: she speaks to the audience most frequently (often a good indicator of who is important in a Shakespeare play), and her character undergoes the greatest evolution during the course of the play.

What does Romeo think about Juliet?

Translation: Romeo thinks that loving Juliet has made him into a "softened" wimp. Turns out, many Elizabethans believed that love (between a man and a woman, that is) could turn a man into a wimp. (That's right: being "effeminate" didn't mean you were acting like a woman; it meant you liked women a little too much.)

What does Shakespeare say about Romeo killing Tybalt?

When the Capulet and Montague servants start a big brawl in the opening scene, Shakespeare goes out of his way to let us know that Romeo is not out on the streets of Verona like all the other young men. In fact, his mom asks, "O, where is Romeo? Saw you him today? / Right glad I am he was not at this fray" (1.1.118-119). Romeo, as it turns out, has been off doing what Romeo does best…daydreaming about a girl. It seems that love has a whole lot to do with Romeo's disinterest in fighting.

What is a Petrarchan lover?

So, a "Petrarchan lover" is the kind of guy who mopes around sighing dramatically, moaning about the fact that his crush wants nothing to do with him, and reciting cheesy poetry about some angelic girl who's got eyes like stars, lips like luscious cherries, and who fills men with icy-fire (passion).

What happened to Romeo and Juliet when he killed Tybalt?

And, we all know that when Romeo kills Tybalt his actions have some major consequences—Romeo is banned from Verona, which leads to him to seek out some pretty bad advice and guidance from Friar Laurence, which basically leads to the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet.

Who was the poet who wrote the sonnets of Rosaline?

Petrarch was a fourteenth-century Italian poet whose sonnets were all the rage in Renaissance England. These love poems featured "Laura," a gal who was just as unavailable and unattainable as Rosaline.

Is 4EVA a true love?

Sure, his name has practically become synonymous with true love 4EVA, but let's look at the facts: he's the young son of the affluent Montague family who lusts after the unavailable, but oh-so gorgeous Rosaline—right up until he sets eyes on Juliet Capulet, only daughter of his family's arch enemies, and falls in love at first sight. Hm.

Is Romeo in love with Juliet?

A teenaged person, to be more specific. Even though Romeo breaks out a conventional pick-up line when he first chats it up with Juliet ( he basically says that hooking up with Juliet would be a religious experience), he ends up seeming genuinely in love with Juliet.