which andrew ng machine learning course to take

by Mathilde McDermott 9 min read

In summary, here are 10 of our most popular machine learning andrew ng courses
  • Machine Learning: DeepLearning.AI.
  • Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps): DeepLearning.AI.
  • Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification: DeepLearning.AI.
  • Advanced Learning Algorithms: DeepLearning.AI.

Full Answer

What are the best machine learning courses on Coursera?

Stanford’s Machine Learningcourse taught by Andrew Ng was released in 2011. 8 years after publication, Andrew Ng’s course is still ranked as one of the top machine learning courses. This has become a staple course of Courseraand, to be honest, in machine learning.

What is the machine learning specialization?

The Machine Learning Specialization is a foundational online program created in collaboration between DeepLearning.AI and Stanford Online. This beginner-friendly program will teach you the fundamentals of machine learning and how to use these techniques to build real-world AI applications.

Who is the founder of deeplearning?

Andrew Ng is founder of DeepLearning.AI, general partner at AI Fund, chairman and cofounder of Coursera, and an adjunct professor at Stanford University.

What courses should I take to learn machine learning?

To get started with Machine Learning you must be familiar with the following concepts:Statistics.Linear Algebra.Calculus.Probability.Programming Languages.

Is it worth paying for Andrew Ng's machine learning course on Coursera?

Obviously, It is an approach worth paying for Andrew NG's Machine Learning Course that is offered by coursera. But if you have knowledge about basics of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence at that point you can join this course then it is beneficial for you.

Is Andrew Ng's machine learning course good?

8 years after publication, Andrew Ng's course is still ranked as one of the top machine learning courses. This has become a staple course of Coursera and, to be honest, in machine learning. As of this article, it has had 2,632,122 users enroll in the course. That is just enrolled in, but unknown if they have finished.

What are the prerequisites for Andrew Ng machine learning?

No pre-requisites required for Andrew Ng ML course. There are a couple of lectures in which he gives basic idea of Linear algebra. Also you can learn math when required.

Can you get a job with machine learning certificate?

10% of learners reported starting a new career after completing the certificate course, and 14% reported gaining a tangible career benefit from the course. This certification provides a solid introduction to machine learning on which job-seekers can build as they work to land their dream role.

Is machine learning by Andrew Ng free?

If you want to take Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course, you can audit the complete course for free as many times as you want.

Is udemy Machine Learning AZ good?

Machine Learning A-Z™ on Udemy is an impressively detailed offering that provides instruction in both Python and R, which is rare and can't be said for any of the other top courses. It has a 4.5-star weighted average rating over 8,119 reviews, which makes it the most reviewed course of the ones considered.

Can I learn machine learning in one month?

1 Answer. NO! you cannot learn Machine learning in one month and even if you did cover the topic, then also it wouldn't be fruitful to you as you might not have grasped the subject's depth and because of lack of practice, you will not be technically strong.

Is Machine Learning Stanford Coursera good?

It's no doubt that the Machine Learning certification offered by Stanford University via Coursera is a massive success. This is undoubtedly in-part thanks to the excellent ability of the course's creator Andrew Ng to simplify some of the more complex aspects of ML into intuitive and easy-to-learn concepts.

Can I learn AI in 3 months?

Artificial Intelligence The real world projects from the industry experts would definitely give all the course takers to become a practical expert for the field of AI for Robotics. The course usually takes 2.5 to 3 months to complete and can be easily done along with a full-time job!

Do Coursera certificates matter?

Coursera certificates are different and are respected by employers and universities. This is because Coursera offers the highest quality when it comes to courses. Coursera courses are led by the top universities and companies that you could think of. This makes Coursera certificates and degrees legitimate and valuable.

Can I use Coursera for prerequisites?

Students may satisfy prerequisite requirements by providing a certificate of completion at the conclusion of a course taken through Coursera, MOOC or Opencourseware.

What are MOOCs?

Massively Offered Online Courses, or MOOCs for short, are a great way to get a self-taught education on a budget. These types of courses have been around since 2008 when the first-course “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge/2008” was released.

What Is The Course Structure?

This 11-week completely online course is comprised of video and reading lectures, quizzes, and programming assignments. Not all weeks will contain programming assignments, but every weekly topic will have its quiz.

What is the Time Commitment?

You can expect to invest between 5–7 hours per week to complete the course. Even though it is an 11-week course you can finish it sooner than that. I started the course on September 16, 2019, and finished November 11, 2019; Just shy of 2 months. The first 2 and last 2 weeks are pretty easy and can be bundled up together.

What are the Prerequisites?

Having exposure to linear algebra and calculus will be beneficial. Andrew Ng goes in-depth into the math about machine learning. Here is a list to help you brush up on the math:

How Much Does it Cost?

This course has a free, paid, and financial aid option. In the free version, you will have access to some of the material, but not to graded assignments. However, for $80 you will access to the entire course, including the graded assignments, and will receive a digital certificate to show off.

What Can I Do After This Course?

Continue your education into machine learning. Jump onto Kaggle and play around with the Titanic dataset and its classification problem. Once you have a grasp on that, jump into other datasets and show off your newly developed skills. Soon, you’ll be able to learn about deep learning and take his deeplearning.ai course.

Final Thoughts

This course was a great experience and I thoroughly enjoyed the topics. The way that it is structured to gently help you through each week is amazing. I am disappointed that it was not completed in a common machine learning language, but what you get out of it outweighs that want.
