which af sere course am i attending

by Israel Schultz 3 min read

What is SERE course in the Air Force?

If you still have questions about the SERE Specialist career field contact us using information below. Otherwise, go see your local AF Recruiter to get started and join the team. Good Luck!! SERE Recruiting Liaison Office (SRLO) DSN 473-3882/Comm 210-671-3882. Org Box E-Mail: [email protected].

When do you go through SERE training?

Before you attend Basic Military Training (BMT) at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, you’ll work with your recruiter to ensure you meet the requirements for SERE. In addition, the recruiter will administer your first PAST. Once you graduate from BMT, you’ll attend the SERE Specialist Screening course, also at Lackland.

How do I become an Air Force SERE specialist?

SERE Specialist Training Orientation Course 15 days — Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, TX Basic SERE Training, Water Survival and Emergency Parachute Training 24 days — Fairchild Air Force Base, WA SERE Specialist Training Indoctrination Course 10 days — Fairchild Air Force Base, WA SERE Specialist Training Apprentice Course 5.5 months — Fairchild Air Force Base, …

Where do you get a sere physical for the Air Force?

Dec 01, 2018 · b. Physical. Service members will hand carry their SERE physical (DD2808, DD2807-1 and EKG) current within 2 years with the U. S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS) or U. S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) surgeon approved SERE stamp, for the purpose of attending SERE School. Soldiers assigned to …

Is SERE training the same for all branches?

SERE training detachments (usually, USAF) often work with different branches, especially where bases have been combined as "Joint Bases" and for update/review training.

What are the different levels of SERE training?

There are three levels of SERE — A, B, C — that are progressively more demanding and tailored to different service members. Each service conducts its own SERE training, with a total of five military facilities authorized to run the course.Sep 9, 2021

Do all Air Force go through SERE training?

All Air Force aircrew members must attend combat Survival Training, taught by the 22nd Training Squadron.

Do you get tortured in SERE school?

Myth #2 SERE is a “Torture” School designed to break you: Wrong again. It isn't a torture school at all.Jun 26, 2017

What is SERE level C?

Army SERE Level C encompasses full-spectrum training including academics and resistance training labs. The SERE-C training provides a unique opportunity to teach Soldiers adaptive leadership skills to be employed in complex operational environments.Nov 21, 2014

Can you fail SERE?

SERE training is hard but not too hard and certainly not impossible. There are multiple reasons people don't make it through the training but most failures/eliminations are due to one of the following reasons: 1. Not physically prepared, many cannot meet the minimum requirement.

What rank is a SERE specialist?

Most newly enlisted SERE specialists will start out at the rank of Airman Basic (E-1). If a new recruit has prior SERE applicable skills or training this may be bumped up to an Airman (E-2) or Airman First Class (E-3) rank.Nov 17, 2020

How much does SERE training cost?

Putting a student through the program costs about $750 per day. When Wills was a young F-15E backseater in the 1990s, the SERE program for combat aircrews lasted 14 days.Aug 5, 2020

How long is af SERE training?

5.5 months, 17 training phases | Fairchild AFB, WA During this course, you'll train to become a subject matter expert in SERE tactics by training in remote forest, desert, coastal, tropic and open-ocean environments.

Do you get waterboarded in SERE?

The United States Army's Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape (SERE) training occasionally included waterboarding, in a less severe form that only mimicked drowning.

Is SERE training hard?

SERE training is hard but not too hard and certainly not impossible. There are multiple reasons people don't make it through the training but most failures/eliminations are due to one of the following reasons: 1. Not physically prepared, many cannot meet the minimum requirement.Jul 12, 2013

How tough is SERE school?

It isn't a torture school at all. It is tough, it will push you in ways you probably haven't been pushed before and it isn't fun. But when all is said and done, SERE is one of those courses that no one wants to go to but looks back upon it as a great learning experience. Treat it as such and learn from it.

What courses do you need to get into the Air Force after SST?

After completing SST, you’ll attend Army Airborne, the military parachute course. Once you upgrade to the next skill level, you could attend Military Free Fall, scuba and emergency medical technician courses, as well as other Air Force SERE schools.

Where to attend BMT?

Before you attend Basic Military Training (BMT) at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, you’ll work with your recruiter to ensure you meet the requirements for SERE. In addition, the recruiter will administer your first PAST.

How long does it take to become a survivalist?

You’ll learn to survive and thrive in multiple environments – the mountains, desert, tropics and open ocean. Approximately three months of this training will be in the field.

Where is BMT training?

Training. Before you attend Basic Military Training (BMT) at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, you’ll work with your recruiter to ensure you meet the requirements for SERE. In addition, the recruiter will administer your first PAST.

How long does it take to get a CWSST?

Annual combat water survival Swim test certification (CWSST) within one year of course attendance, successful completion verified by a memorandum signed by student's company command or battalion operations officer dated within 30 days of reporting to SERE.

Is Moon Hall billeting only?

Moon Hall is for billeting only. Course cadre will not be present at check-in. TDY students must provide a copy of orders to the Moon Hall Receptionist at check-in. In order to expedite checkout, management suggests paying all expenses the night before checkout to avoid checkout lines.

Can you park a POV in a closer parking area?

DO NOT park a POV in any of the closer parking lanes. Vehicles that are parked, long term, in any of the closer parking areas may be towed at the owner's expense. The SERE committee or SWTG will not be responsible for any damage to vehicles or stolen items left in vehicles. 5.

Does TDY require reservations at Moon Hall?

TDY personnel must make their own reservations at Moon Hall for any overnight stays required at the completion of the course. If no rooms are available at Moon Hall at the end of the course, a statement of non-availability will be issued. 3.

Who is the former SERE instructor?

The west coast Navy SERE insignia. On Wednesday, Spencer had a pretty fine piece quoting Malcolm Nance the former SERE instructor about the techniques used at SERE school. I am a graduate of the US Navy’s SERE school, albeit from the early ’80s, and the training has changed I am sure since then, so I can only speak to the things I know of, ...

What is resistance taught?

Resistance was taught as part of the curriculum—an equal part of the SERE curriculum—and likely the part most remembered by every graduate. The Survival phase was exactly what you would imagine. In general terms, we were given instruction in survival in different environments in which we might find ourselves (hey, we were Navy, ...

What is SERE course?

SERE is an excellent course that each of the services has tailored to meet the needs of their particular mission. But the core elements for each service remain the same for each course. It is a great learning experience and prepares you as best the services can what a survival situation may entail in the real world.

How long is the Sere course?

The SERE course spans three weeks with three phases of instruction, with the first phase consisting of approximately 10 days of academic instruction on the Code of Conduct and in SERE techniques that incorporate both classroom learning and hands-on field craft.

Why are out briefings important?

The out briefings are important teaching points and the students must retain them. If you get PTSD from SERE school, perhaps you need to rethink a career in Special Operations and take up something other than combat arms as a primary MOS.

What is SERE school?

Breaking the Myths of What SERE Is and Isn’t: SERE School is a training program to teach military members, Department of Defense civilians and military contractors survival skills, training in evading capture and the military’s Code of Conduct. The JFLSWC’s SERE course focuses its training on:

Why do students have to take a break after SERE?

This is because the final week or more, the candidates get very little sleep and they are generally hungry as hell. The out briefings are important teaching points and the students must retain them.

Where is Level C training?

The SERE Level-C training facility at Camp Mackall is one of only five facilities within the DoD that is authorized to conduct Level-C training. The Air Force conducts training at Fairchild AFB, Wash., and the Navy has facilities in Brunswick, Maine, and at North Island, Calif.

What is level A in the army?

Level-A is initial-entry-level training that all soldiers, enlisted and officers receive upon entering the service. It provides a minimum level of understanding of the Code of Conduct. Level-B is designed for personnel whose “jobs, specialties or assignments entail moderate risk of capture and exploitation.”.
