which acls course

by Bradly Lindgren 8 min read

How to pass your ACLS class?

  • Purchase the Mandatory Textbook. All the information you will need for class is here, and you can use it during testing time!
  • Take the MANDATORY ACLS Pre-Test. Access to this Pre-Test can be found on page ii of your ACLS Textbook.
  • Brush up on your EKG’s and Pharmacolog

What to do to prepare for ACLS course?

Updates to ACLS in 2015

  • Check for response by tap and shout
  • Call for help and Activate the area emergency response system
  • Obtain an AED
  • Check breathing and pulse at same time
  • If no pulse, begin chest compressions
  • Defibrillate

How long does it take to complete the ACLS class?

The recertification course itself isn’t long and typically lasts half as long as the original ACLS course: 4 hours. Does ACLS expire at the end of the month? In a manner of speaking, yes.

Who can become ACLS certified?

  • Basic Life Support (BLS)
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS)
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
  • Neonatal Advanced Life Support (NALS)
  • Pediatric Emergency Assessment and Stabilization (PEARS)

Are all ACLS certifications the same?

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) is available in two different training methods – blended learning and classroom training. All ACLS course options teach the same AHA science-based skills and result in the same AHA ACLS Course Completion Card.

What is the best way to study for ACLS?

Practice, Practice, Practice Just like the rest of your medical training, there is no substitute for practice. Your ACLS certification course should include access to several practice exams. You can also find free practice tests online. The more practice tests you can take before the real thing, the better.

Can I complete ACLS online?

HeartCode® ACLS Online consists of a cognitive portion that is completed online. A separate psychomotor skills assessment using voice assisted manikins with real-time audio and visual feedback or a skills assessment with an AHA Instructor is required to earn a valid AHA ACLS Provider eCard that is valid for two years.

What is AHA ACLS?

The AHA's ACLS course builds on the foundation of lifesaving BLS skills, emphasizing the importance of continuous, high-quality CPR. Reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC).

Can you pass ACLS without studying?

YOU CAN'T PASS YOUR ADVANCED CARDIAC LIFE SUPPORT (ACLS) without studying and memorizing the ACLS algorithms first. ACLS algorithms were designed to help medical professionals working with adult patients best understand how to implement ACLS protocols into practice during emergencies.

Is ACLS test open book?

All AHA exams are now “open resource” which means student may use the ACLS manual, study guides, handouts and personal notes during the exam. Using the ACLS Provider Manual ahead of time with the online resources is very helpful.

Is ACLS difficult?

Aside from my own experience, I often ask nurses what is was that made ACLS so difficult. Reasons why nurses find the ACLS course difficult include: The EKG Interpretation portion of Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support. Testing for a class that is hardly utilized in a specific field.

Does ACLS have to be AHA certified?

There are quite a number of websites that offer “ACLS Certification” but are not AHA approved. Some may even say “approved by AHA certified physicians” or “AHA physicians recommend this course”. Beware of these sites. Most hospitals and healthcare facilities will not recognize these certifications.

How long is the ACLS certification good for?

two yearsYour ACLS certification is valid for two years. Every two years, you will need to get your ACLS recertification to remain actively certified. You can get your ACLS renewal online through one of our recertification courses.

What is the newest version of ACLS?

The 2015 ACLS guidelines are the most recent published guidelines. Therefore the 2020 ACLS guidelines are actually the 2015 ACLS guidelines. Every 5 years the American Heart Association has a meeting, and they hammer out new CPR, BLS, ACLS and PALS guidelines.

What is the difference between ACLS and ALS?

While "ACLS" is almost always semantically interchangeable with the term "Advanced Life Support" (ALS), when used distinctly, ACLS tends to refer to the immediate cardiac care, while ALS tends to refer to more specialized resuscitation care such as ECMO and PCI.

What can ACLS certified nurses do?

The main aim of ACLS is to allow nurses to administer care to adults that are facing cardiac and pulmonary arrests. This course not only equips the nurse with the skills to care for such patients, but it also allows them to diagnose such problems as well as other cardiopulmonary emergencies.

How long is ACLS valid?

Upon successful completion of the course, students receive a course completion card, valid for two years. Please contact your employer ...

What is blended learning?

Blended learning is a combination of eLearning, in which a student completes part of the course in a self-directed manner, followed by a hands-on skills session. Instructor-led, hands-on class format reinforces skills proficiency. The ACLS Instructor-led course teaches the importance of preventing cardiac arrest, high-performance teams, ...

Your online ACLS training includes

Online access to the ACLS Provider Manual. Download as a PDF or view online

Certifying More than 100,000 Medical Professionals Since 1998

At ARC, we offer accredited, evidence-based online education that conforms to your schedule. All courses provided by ARC adhere to the latest ECC and ILCOR Standards and Guidelines.

No Skills Test Required

With ARC’s online learning management system, an in-person skills test is not required.

Unlimited Retakes

You are not penalized if you do not successfully pass your certification exam on your first attempt. All retakes are free.

What will I learn?

Learn how to quickly and properly provide high-quality life support when it is needed, including:

Accepted Across the United States and Internationally

We are proud to be accepted in all 50 states and in most countries abroad. In the event you or your employer are unsatisfied, we’ll refund your course fee in full.

What is ACLS training?

Training is focused on achieving the best outcomes possible for individuals in such life-threatening conditions. This is the target of the ACLS protocols. The responses are evidence based and simplified enough. This is to help you commit them to memory so that you can recall them with ease under such stressful moments. With majority of the emergencies occurring outside medical establishments, equipping more medical professionals with these skills is very important. These best ACLS certification courses equip you with information and skills to attend to such emergencies wherever and whenever they occur. It’s up to you to choose the course that suits your training needs best!

What is ACLS certification?

The ACLS certification courses have been designed to equip healthcare providers with basic emergency skills and life-saving procedures. The skills help them attend to a cardiac arrest patient and other conditions that come after the cardiac arrest. These conditions may include stroke or syndromes like acute coronary.

What does ACLS stand for?

ACLS stands for Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support. It’s focused on protocols used in managing a patient of cardiac arrest. Handling a cardiac arrest adult victim the right way within the first few minutes is very crucial in saving their lives.

How much does ACLS certification cost?

A hard copy of your ACLS provider card will be shipped to you for free. Certification cost: $275.

What is the BLS course?

The course covers critical areas such as BLS (Basic Life Support) primary survey, secondary survey of ACLS, effective resuscitation and its important elements. You’ll also learn how to recognize VT and VF on ECG, learn drug doses, drug routes and administration, indications, contraindications, stroke care and the 8 Ds, and symptoms and signs of stroke, among others. The 8 Ds of stroke are Detection, Dispatch, Delivery, Door, Data, Decision, Drug/Device and Disposition.

How to Successfully Pass Your First ACLS Class

This online course is designed to help students prepare for their initial attempt to receive their ACLS certification.

ACLS Recertification & Renewal

Our ACLS (Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support) recertification course is ideal for experienced healthcare professionals who have an ACLS provider card that has been expired for 60 days or less.

Do hospitals require ACLs?

As more and more hospitals and institutions are requiring employees to have Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) certification, the demand for certification and renewal classes have grown immensely. Fortunately, many institutions are now allowing their employees to use an online provider to do this rather than an in-person classroom setting.

Do you need skills assessment for ACLS?

As previously discussed, no, a skills assessment is not required for a fully online ACLS course. You will find, however, that many courses will include the course material that would normally be covered in the skills assessment. The difference being – in an online program, the examination of this knowledge will be a cognitive assessment.

Does the American Heart Association endorse AHA certification?

The short answer is no. The American Heart Association is the only provider of AHA ACLS certification cards and they do not currently endorse nor accredit (approve) any online program in which all aspects of the course are completed online.

Is ACLS legit?

Even if a program is not accredited, it does not mean it is not legit or that hospitals won’t accept that particular ACLS card. Keep in mind, there are no “aha approved” online ACLS courses. In fact, the American Heart Association does not approve or accredit other providers. In essence, they are their own provider.

Is ACLS accredited by the AHA?

As stated above, no wholly online ACLS course is accredited by the AHA, however, some may be nationally accredited by other agencies and institutions. Ask if the online ACLS provider has an agreement with the Postgraduate Institute for Medicine or the California Board of Registered Nursing.
