what is a general elective course at isu

by Mr. Russ Johnston MD 5 min read

A general elective is almost any course offered in the university with few exceptions. Most Engineering majors require only 3 credits to fulfill the general elective requirements, except for the Chemical option in Chemical Engineering (6 credits). List of the courses that are NOT acceptable:

Full Answer

When do students take general education courses at Illinois State University?

Elective courses are intended to allow you to pursue areas of study that will compliment your intended career goals. There are a number of elective options outside the School of Social Work. The School of Social Work is not responsible for scheduling these courses and does not have authorization to give approval for enrollment.

What are some good electives to take at Illinois State University?

Feb 02, 2022 · General education approved course list, 2022-23 U.S. Diversity (USD) and International Perspectives (IP) designations reflected on this list are based on the online 2022-23 Catalog as of February 2, 2022.

How do I become an Illinois State University (ISU) graduate student?

There are three ways to complete general education requirements for Illinois State University. These three general education programs have different requirements and affect only certain types of students. 1. The first way is to complete Illinois State University's General Education Program. The General Education Program requires 13 courses (39 semester hours).

Who is considered to have met Illinois State University's general education requirements?

Animal Ecology (A ECL) Animal Science (AN S) Anthropology (ANTHR) Apparel, Events, and Hospitality Management (AESHM) Apparel, Merchandising and Design (A M D) Arabic (ARABC) Architecture (ARCH) Art Education (ARTED)

What do general electives mean?

General Education Electives: This Gen Ed category can include your choice of subjects from the English, Math, Natural Sciences, Humanities, and Social Science categories. Often, your college will give you a list of options and tell you how many courses to choose.Aug 31, 2020

What is an Amali course?

exploration of the culture(s) is developed in a comparative perspective which helps the student understand and appreciate differences between the culture(s) under consideration and cultures and traditions of America; and. the course includes exposure to primary writings and artifacts from the culture(s).

What are the general classes?

General Education courses are required classes taken by students enrolled in traditional four-year degree programs at accredited academic institutions. These courses focus on central ideas in Western societies, such as psychology, sociology, English literature and political science.

What is the difference between general education and elective?

Elective courses are different to General Education. Most undergraduate (Bachelor) degrees require completion of one or two General Education courses. They are chosen from a schedule, and include a 'G' in the course number, for example, ANTHRO 102G. To find out more, see General Education.

Why are general education classes important?

By taking general education classes, students are encouraged to complete projects and assignments through class discussions that nurture good communication skills in environments that are encouraging. Communication skills are crucial not only in education but in the workplace as well.May 14, 2019

Which is the easiest degree?

10 Easiest College DegreesEnglish literature. ... Sports management. ... Creative writing. ... Communications studies. ... Liberal studies. ... Theater arts. ... Art. You'll study painting, ceramics, photography, sculpture and drawing. ... Education. An article on CBS MoneyWatch named education the country's easiest major.More items...•May 24, 2013

What is the purpose of general education?

The main goal of general education at most institutions is to provide students with skills that will help them succeed in the professional field and be a well-educated person overall.Mar 31, 2019

What is elective course?

Electives are courses that count toward your credits for graduation, but are not requirements for your particular degree of study. Any courses offered at your college or university that do not have any other conditions — such as significant course prerequisites — may be taken as an elective.Dec 13, 2021

Are elective courses compulsory?

Electives are courses (subjects) you can choose, while compulsory courses are mandatory courses that you must study meet your program requirements. Electives, when added to your compulsory courses, make up the total number of units needed to complete your degree. Electives allow you to study topics that interest you.

Are electives important?

You have an advantage with electives. You can choose to take course built around a topic you enjoy to help balance your workload when you have to take more challenging, higher level courses. Electives help expose you to subjects you might not otherwise encounter.

General education approved course list, 2021-22

U.S. Diversity (USD) and International Perspectives (IP) designations reflected on this list are based on the online 2021-22 Catalog as of February 15, 2021..

I. Arts and Humanities

Students should develop an understanding of human cultural heritage and history, and an appreciation of reasoning and the aesthetic value of human creativity.

What is general education at Illinois State University?

The General Education Program at Illinois State University is an integrated multi-disciplinary set of courses that focuses on the development of communication and problem-solving skills and abilities, such as persuasion, listening, and argumentation; logical and quantitative thinking; and understanding varying perspectives on issues .

How many hours of general education do you need to graduate?

All four or five hours will be credited toward graduation requirements, but only three hours will be credited in General Education for these courses. Students will take most General Education courses during their freshman and sophomore years, along with some courses in their major or other elective courses.

What is an amali course?

AMALI Courses with AMALI designation, indicating a focus on cultures of Asia, the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, or the indigenous peoples of the world. Students not satisfying the AMALI graduation requirement through a major course should choose one of these courses to fulfill an Illinois State University graduation requirement.

What is a group 2 course?

Group 2 Courses (6 courses) These are courses suited for the first two years of college. Depending on a student’s major and interests, they may be taken in the first year. Some Group 2 courses have a Group 1 course as a prerequisite. 1 course chosen from the Fine Arts category (FA). Some courses may have prerequisites.

Why are students exempt from general education?

Depending on their major students may be exempted from one General Education category (maximum of one course) because of disciplinary expertise gained in their major listed in the table to the right.

Does Illinois State University offer study abroad?

Illinois State University offers several study abroad programs that feature a wide variety of General Education courses. Interested students should contact their academic advisor or the Office of International Studies and Programs.

Can you take a group 1 course under P/NP?

No Group 1 course may be taken under the P/NP option. If a General Education course is required by a major, that course may not be taken P/NP it must be taken for a grade. Students must complete at least one course from two different sciences. Certain majors require a Natural Science Alternative course that substitutes for a Natural Science course.

What are the requirements for Illinois State University?

The following categories of students must complete the Illinois State University General Education Program requirements: 1 Beginning Freshmen (refer to the Admissions section of this catalog for complete definition). 2 Students who were admitted as beginning freshmen at Illinois State University, who were readmitted and who have not completed a baccalaureate-oriented associate’s degree (A.A. or A.S.—the A.S. must include the complete IAI General Education Core Curriculum) from an Illinois public community college and are not eligible for an earlier catalog. 3 Transfer Students who have not completed a baccalaureate-oriented associates degree (A.A. or A.S.) from a regionally accredited post-secondary institution and who are not eligible to complete the Illinois Transferable General Education core curriculum described below.

What degree do I need to transfer to Illinois State University?

For those transferring from an Illinois college or university, the A.S. degree must include the complete IAI General Education Core Curriculum (GECC) or the student must complete the GECC to fulfill Illinois State’s General Education requirement. Any transfer student may choose to complete Illinois State University's General Education Program ...

What is general education at Idaho State University?

The General Education program at Idaho State University prepares students to be life-long, independent learners and active, culturally aware participants in diverse local, national, and global communities. As the foundation for all further studies, General Education promotes comprehensive literacy - including effective communication, mathematical, ...

What is general education?

As the foundation for all further studies, General Education promotes comprehensive literacy - including effective communication , mathematical, and technological skills; reasoning and creativity; and information literacy - and a broad knowledge base in the liberal arts.

What are the general skills and abilities?

General Skills and Abilities. Through completing the General Education program, students will be able to: Communicate effectively and clearly in standard written and spoken language; Use mathematical language and quantitative reasoning effectively; Think logically, critically, and creatively; and. Locate relevant sources and use them critically ...

Is ENG 101 good?

So ENG 101 is going to help you from both the sides, get good grades on this course because ENG 101 does not require much time commitment and also get good grades on other theoretical courses that require good academic writing skills.

Is 101 a literature course?

THE 101 is not a literature course only. It is course that would talk about individual performance of non-dramatic literature as an approach to the study of literature and performance. It is a course that would help you build your theatre performance skills while also teaching literature in an easy manner.

1. NR 147 – Weight Training

Basic knowledge and concepts of use of resistive exercises to increase muscular strength and endurance. Participation in an individual weight program.

2. SOC 111 – American Diversity

Study of major events in United States history from the perspectives of race, gender, ethnicity, and class.

3. MUS 152 – Experiencing Music

Examination of the structures of various musical forms through listening, discussion, and attendance at performances. Please note, content may vary every year.

4. ENG 125 – Literary Narrative

Critical reading and analysis of a variety of literary narratives that reflect on human experience.

5. MAT 113 – Elements Of Mathematical Reasoning

The study of elementary counting methods, basic statistics; and elementary mathematical modeling techniques, focusing on reasoning and solving real-life problems.

6. SOC 106 – Introduction To Sociology

Critical examination of the relationship between social forces and the experiences of individuals and groups focusing on the nature of social reality, social structures, and social change.

8. COM 128 – Gender In The Humanities

Examination of gender roles, norms, and stereotypes from a broad range of perspectives within humanities across centuries and cultures.

How many credits do you need to take for a history major?

For example, a history major is required to take only 9 credits in Arts and Humanities. Students in Liberal Studies or Interdisciplinary Studies must complete the minimum number ...

Why is general education important?

The central importance of a general education is reflected in the learning goals of each of three disciplinary areas. Whereas the courses in a major are designed to develop mastery of a specific field or discipline, courses in general education are designed to establish a strong, intellectual foundation for all specializations.

What are the learning goals of Area II?

Learning Goals. To develop an understanding of human cultural heritage and history. To develop an appreciation of reasoning. To develop an appreciation of the aesthetic value of human creativity. Area II. Mathematical and Natural Science Disciplines Minimum 11 credits: 3 math, 8 natural science.

Can you cross-list courses with the department of the first major?

Courses from the department of the first major may not be applied to general education requirements. Courses that are cross-listed with the department of the first major may be used to satisfy either major or general education requirements, but may not be used more than once.


Students Must Comply with The Following Requirements

  1. Complete the General Education Program through completion of at least 13 courses (39 semester hours), as designated in the program description.
  2. No Group 1 course may be taken under the P/NP option. If a General Education course is required by a major, that course may not be taken P/NP it must be taken for a grade.
  3. Students must complete at least one course from two different sciences. Certain majors req…
  1. Complete the General Education Program through completion of at least 13 courses (39 semester hours), as designated in the program description.
  2. No Group 1 course may be taken under the P/NP option. If a General Education course is required by a major, that course may not be taken P/NP it must be taken for a grade.
  3. Students must complete at least one course from two different sciences. Certain majors require a Natural Science Alternative course that substitutes for a Natural Science course. See individual maj...
  4. Depending on their major students may be exempted from one General Education category (maximum of one course) because of disciplinary expertise gained in their major listed in the table to the right.

Category Exemptions by College & Major Program

  • College of Applied Science and Technology
    Agriculture - All major programs - QR Criminal Justice Sciences - All major programs - None Family and Consumer Sciences 1. Food, Nutrition and Dietetics - None 2. Fashion Design and Merchandising - None 3. Human Development and Family Science - SS 4. Interior Design - SS 5. …
  • College of Arts and Sciences
    Anthropology - All major programs - None Biological Sciences - All major programs - SMT Chemistry - All major programs - SMT Communication - All major programs - QR Communication Sciences and Disorders - All major programs - SMT Economics - All major programs - QR Englis…
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The Illinois State University General Education Program consists of 13 Courses

  • Group 1 Courses
    These are courses that are specifically selected for first-year students and concentrate on developing skills in oral and written communication, critical analysis, and broad foundations for learning in the academic disciplines. 1. A 2-course, first year sequence integrating composition, …
  • Group 2 Courses
    These are courses suited for the first two years of college. Depending on a student’s major and interests, they may be taken in the first year. Some Group 2 courses have a Group 1 course as a prerequisite. 1. 1 course chosen from the Fine Arts category (FA). Some courses may have prere…
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General Education Courses by Category

  • General Education Courses on Course Finder by Category Courses with (AMALI) also satisfy the AMALI graduation requirement
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