where to find course url city tech

by Gregoria Considine 9 min read

How do I register for classes at City Tech?

Ways to Register:Online Registration: Register Online now!By Phone: Call 718-552-1170 to register.By Mail: Complete the registration form on inside of back cover, then clip and mail the coupon with full payment in the form of check or money order to: ... Walk-In:

Is City college the same as City Tech?

The New York City College of Technology (City Tech) is a public college in New York City. Founded in 1946, it is the City University of New York's college of technology....History.Former namesThe New York State Institute for Applied Arts & Sciences (1946–1953)TypePublicActive1946–1964 (Joined City University System)2 more rows

Is City Tech in person fall 2021?

Academics and Instruction In consultation with all departments, up to 50% of courses will be conducted in-person or in a hybrid online format for Fall 2021, with priority given to those that include a hands-on component.

Is City Tech a good college?

College Factual ranked City Tech as #760 out of 2,576 colleges and universities in the country on its 2022 Best Colleges list. This is an improvement over the previous year, when City Tech held the #1,437 spot on the Best Overall Colleges list. City Tech is also ranked #80 out of 160 schools in New York.

Is City Tech hard to get into?

The acceptance rate at New York City College of Technology is 74.5%. In other words, of 100 students who apply, 75 are admitted. This means the school is not selective. As long as you don't fall way below average, you'll likely get in.

Is City Tech a CUNY college?

Welcome to City Tech! City Tech (New York City College of Technology), of The City University of New York (CUNY), is the largest four-year public college of technology in the Northeast and a national model for technological education.

Is City Tech doing online classes?

For the Spring 2021 semester, the College will be mostly online.

What is the graduation rate of City Tech?

22.3% (For first-time, full-time in 2018–19)New York City College of Technology / Graduation rate

Is City Tech still accepting applications?

We are accepting applications for the Fall 2022 semester. Access the online application here.

What major is City Tech known for?

The most popular majors at CUNY--New York City College of Technology include: Engineering/Engineering-Related Technologies/Technicians; Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services; Health Professions and Related Programs; Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; and Visual and ...

Is City Tech an accredited college?

New York City College of Technology is fully accredited by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York, the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the Council of Standards for Human Services Education (CSHSE) and the Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration (ACPHA).

What GPA do you need to get into City Tech?

With a GPA of 3.03, New York City College of Technology accepts below-average students. It's OK to be a B-average student, with some A's mixed in.

Available Programs

EKG technicians are in demand! This program covers topics and processes critical to conducting and interpreting EKGs as an important member of the healthcare team.

Welcome to CUNY City Tech

Things are changing rapidly both for the world and for students. Our classrooms may be a little bare right now and campus may be a little quieter than normal. But we’re still here – we’re open and we’re still this community’s hub for education and workforce development.

The Flexible Spring

As the College eases back into a pre-COVID mode, there will be more in-person activity on campus, including a variety of hybrid and online courses for students. Many administrative and student services will have in-person hours of operation in addition to remote.

Technology Services

When participating in virtual learning courses, it is vital to consider the technology needed in order to have a successful course. We recommend that you meet the technical requirements for your course (s).

Quick Start for the Semester

Learn about how your professors will send you messages through Blackboard and email and how to access them, so you're ready to attend class on the first day.

Other Resources

Scheduling Testing Advisement Registration (STAR) is a comprehensive advisement office that welcomes and offers enrollment support to new entering students and incoming transfer students.
