where to find course code for ma 124 stevens

by Dr. Harmon Crist V 5 min read

Where can I find the course schedule?

The Course Schedule is found in Workday Student by typing Find Course Sections in the search bar. A user guide with step-by-step information may be found on the Workday Student Resources page. Note that schedules are subject to change, but, as per Registrar's Office policy, these will be kept to a minimum.

Where do I find the date on my Savage/Stevens?

FIREARMS INFORMATION Savage/Stevens single and double barrel shotguns were date coded betweenMarch 1949 and December 1968. Usually, it is behind the hinge pin or ahead of the trigger guard on the bottom of the frame. It will appear as a small circle containing a number and a letter.

Where to find course schedules on Workday?

The Course Schedule is found in Workday by typing in the search bar "Find Course Sections.". A user guide with step by step information may be found at on the Workday Resource page.

Is PEP112A a call number?

Please note that call numbers are not course numbers. For example, PEP112A is a course number, 11613 is a call number. The Stevens Course Scheduler is available to help construct a feasible schedule. Note that schedules are subject to change, but, as per Registrar's Office policy, these will be kept to a minimum.
