how i plan on successfully completing this course

by Deonte Okuneva 5 min read

5 Ways to Successfully Complete Your College Course

  • Pursue a College Course That You Are Passionate About. Everything begins with the course that you decide to take. If you...
  • Start Working on Your Academic Tasks Early. College professor issue assignments. The tasks should be completed and...
  • Grasp the Art of Proper Time Management. Some students are overwhelmed with...

Full Answer

Do you have any small goals for your online course?

If you have no small goals, only the end goal of finishing your online course, it will be very hard to measure progress and you won’t see what you are accomplishing. Just having goals is not enough. When will you do the work?

How can I prepare for a successful semester?

Here are eight ways you can plan and prepare yourself for a successful semester: 1. Get acquainted with the semester courses before lectures begin 1. Get acquainted with the semester courses before lectures begin 2. Write down anticipated grades where you’ll see them regularly 3. Develop further interest in the courses

How can I get help with coursework?

Your instructors and program supervisors are available for help. See your instructor if you are having difficulty with course work. Your instructor may be able to review material for you, present material in another way that you find easier to understand, recommend supplementary texts or other readings, or recommend someone to tutor you.

What are the 8 steps to academic success?

8 Steps to Academic Success Step 1: Set Goals Step 2: Have a Positive Attitude Step 3: Manage Your Time Step 4: Read Textbooks & Course Readings Step 5: Attend your Lectures Step 6: Record your Lecture Notes Step 7: Prepare for Exams Step 8: Write Your Exams

How you are planning to make sure that you finish the course successfully?

manage time over in order to successfully complete an online course:Make the course a priority. ... Take the course with a friend or colleague. ... Set aside one hour a day to work on the course. ... Make a study plan. ... Make a calendar or schedule. ... Get rid of distractors. ... Set goals and incentives.More items...•

How can I make my course successful?

Share this articlePick the perfect course topic.Ensure your course idea has high market demand.Create Magnetic and Compelling Learning Outcomes.Select and Gather your Course Content.Structure Your Modules and Course Plan.Determine the most engaging and effective delivery methods for each lesson.More items...•

How do you successfully complete an online course?

Tips for Taking Online ClassesTreat an online course like a “real” course. ... Hold yourself accountable. ... Practice time management. ... Create a regular study space and stay organized. ... Eliminate distractions. ... Figure Out How You Learn Best. ... Actively participate. ... Leverage your network.

How do you plan for a course?

Successful courses require careful planning and continual revision....Select the major topics and determine the order in which you will teach them.Select the main topics to be covered. ... Pare down and refine your initial list of topics. ... Determine the structure of the course; arrange the topics in a logical order.

How do you create a successful teachable course?

18:2026:41How To Create an Online Course with Teachable (Step-by Step-Tutorial)YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipYou can add in HTML code and make your lesson look exactly how you want. Now most of the time what IMoreYou can add in HTML code and make your lesson look exactly how you want. Now most of the time what I do when I'm creating my lessons is I'm adding. Two or three things I'm adding a video always.

How can I improve my online courses?

Nine ways to improve online course design:Make it personal.Set clear learning objectives.Make the course easy to navigate.Keep accessibility in mind.Engage students through communication.Encourage active listening.Design engaging questions.Provide effective exams.More items...•

How do I plan an online course?

6 Tips to Help You Plan a Successful Online CourseResearch your audience. Start by asking yourself who your ideal student is. ... Find your niche. ... Determine the course objective. ... Establish course milestones. ... Create check-in points for assessment. ... Help your learners build a community.

What comes first in planning a course?

Before the beginning of the semester, have a basic, solid outline for the course. Know the learning goals, major assignments, course policies, and the big picture goals of the course. Don't get bogged down in details.

How do you plan content for an online course?

Let's begin!Use Lesson Plan Templates. “Where do I begin?” is a question I often ask when designing an online course. ... Identify Component Skills. Think back to the time you were learning to drive. ... Involve Your Learner. ... Explore Misconceptions & Debates. ... Prototype For A Great Course. ... Make Emotionally Satisfying Content.

How can online students be successful?

Prepare and review for every lesson, attend in person/virtual class sessions and take active notes . Analyze all returned quizzes and tests as well as any instructor feedback and develop a plan for improvement. Make use of office hours on a regular basis and ask questions of instructors or peers if needed.

What makes good online learning?

A good online course is engaging and challenging. It invites students to participate, motivates them to contribute and captures their interest and attention. It capitalizes on the joy of learning and challenges students to enhance their skills, abilities and knowledge. A good online course is cognitively challenging.

Focus on The Big Picture and Set a Goal

The most important tip for anyone joining or thinking to join an online course is to keep learning. We understand that sometimes unexpected things happen that make us lose our focus, but you must keep your goal in mind and go on.

Treat The Course as a Job Assignment

Make the course your top priority, and you will not fail at all. Keep in mind that study is your work, and you cannot avoid it. Watch the video lessons, understand the course content available to you, complete assignments, and daily tasks.

Make a Plan

Be prepared and set the required hours per day or week into your study plan. We should plan because when it comes to an online course, we don’t have a fixed time to sit and complete our work. We must always make our own schedule to do our work.

Manage Your Time

Making a schedule is easy but sticking to it is not easy, so set a schedule that you can stick to. You can make your life easier by fixing a few hours for studies and avoid doing anything other than study unless there is an emergency.

Find a Peaceful Space

Pick a time for your studies during the day when either other members of the family are not at home or resting. Pick a corner of the house where you can study peacefully. You must choose an area to study where there is no distraction. Discuss the place and time of study with your family, so that they learn about your schedule and not disturb you.

Defeat the Distractions

We know that we need to fix time for assignments and studies. You must isolate yourself from distractions. It is important to stay away from the television or Mobile phones and turn off your notifications when we study. A distraction-free environment slows your thinking down and helps you focus on your studies with ease.

Limit Social Media

I understand that it is fun to browse the internet and kill time by watching some funny and surprising videos on different social media platforms, but this is a big distraction for you.

Is online training the same as classroom training?

The first and foremost thing you need to remember is that taking an online course is not the same as attending classroom training. While the course outline might be the same, the online course might weave it in several smaller duration content pieces or a certain number of longer sessions. Rather than having any pre-defined expectations, be prepared for a different experience.

Do you need to read through the requirements for an online course?

It is highly recommended that you read through the course requirements before you start the course and keep all the information ready. You don’t want to reach half-way through the course and get stuck due to technical issues.

What happens if you don't like a course?

If you pursue a course that you do not like, you are likely to get tired of it in the middle. Consequently, you may record numerous unimpressive grades. With time, you may become discouraged and quit. You should not let that happen.

What happens if you fail to submit a college assignment?

The tasks should be completed and submitted within a particular timeline. If you fail to do so, you may face severe penalties from the instructor. Do not wait until the deadline is too close, and you have to buy assignment.

Why do students get overwhelmed with academic tasks?

Some students are overwhelmed with academic tasks because they waste time and begin working on the tasks when it is too late. When you panic because the deadline is too close, you may not complete a qualitative assignment. Schedule your work appropriately.

How to prepare for a semester?

Here are eight ways you can plan and prepare yourself for a successful semester: 1. Get acquainted with the semester courses before lectures begin. Contents [ show] 1. Get acquainted with the semester courses before lectures begin. 2.

How to have a successful semester?

If you want to have a successful semester in any academic session, you will need to consciously plan and prepare for the kind of success you wish to attain by making some decisions and taking some actions. Here are eight ways you can plan and prepare yourself for a successful semester: 1.

Why is it important to learn about the semester before a lecture?

Gaining some basic knowledge about the semester courses before lectures commence helps to prepare your mind for the semester in such a way that when lectures begin, a good number of the things that will be mentioned by the lecturers will not be totally strange and that way , learning and understanding will be much easier and faster.

What is a lower level course?

In other words, lower level courses are usually prerequisites for higher courses. Of course, if you’ve already spent more than a year in the university, you know what I’m trying to say. Oftentimes, you may need to go back and revise what you’ve learned in previous semesters or levels as they relate to the courses you’ll meet in the coming semester.

Is success dependent on planning?

The success of any endeavor is highly dependent upon planning and preparations and whether we choose to realize it or not, by our daily decisions and actions, consciously or unconsciously, we are planning and preparing ourselves for either failure or success. A whole lot of us have so much potential that we fail to maximize to yield outstanding ...

How to get help with a course?

Your instructors and program supervisors are available for help. See your instructor if you are having difficulty with course work . Your instructor may be able to review material for you, present material in another way that you find easier to understand, recommend supplementary texts or other readings, or recommend someone to tutor you. You won’t know what help is available unless you ask. Don’t wait until the last minute; get help in a timely manner. Your program supervisor can help you with things like course load, the repercussions on your program of withdrawing from a required course, and has authority to make changes to your program of study.

How to keep yourself going?

Step 1: Set Goals. Goals help to keep you going by: Providing direction . Increasing your attention and focus. Increasing your motivation and effort . Reducing your anxiety and increasing your confidence. Develop SMART goals that are: S pecific, M easureable, A chievable, R ealistic, and T imely.

What to do if your marks are impacted by family issues?

If family problems or other personal matters are affecting your marks, talk to a professional counsellor. It can make a big difference, as many students discover. You can see a social worker, a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a physician/counsellor, all for free.

What can a program supervisor do?

Your program supervisor can help you with things like course load, the repercussions on your program of withdrawing from a required course, and has authority to make changes to your program of study. The Health & Wellness Centre, can help in two ways: with health care and with personal counselling.


Tip 2 – Set Up A Timetable

  • Just having goals is not enough. When will you do the work? If you don’t plan it out, it won’t happen. I’m not calling anyone lazy, but things will always come up to distract you from your school: work, spending time with family/friends or the even more subtle distractions…your smart…
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Tip 3 – Find A Study Buddy

  • Think about how you’ll be accountable for your studying? Having other students learning along with you is a great way. It is one of the ways in-person schools can be effective. That does not mean online schooling is doomed. Finding people going through the same struggles as you, and those who have gotten past that point can have a powerful motivating effect. Get involved in wh…
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Tip 4 – Find A Mentor

  • How well does a football (soccer) team perform without a coach? How about with an experienced coach helping guide them? If your online schooling does not have a mentorship program, I highly recommend finding someone who is willing to help mentor you. Your mentor was not born with the knowledge they have now, they had to learn it, they had to go through the struggles. They kn…
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Tip 5 – Reward Yourself

  • The first point of this was to make small goals, what do you do when you are getting your goals checked off? How about after a week of study that went well, or after you complete that large project that was looming over you for weeks? It is important that you reward yourself in a balanced and healthy way. Go out with friends, go to the movies, treat yourself as a reward. You …
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Tip 6 – Take Care of Your Health

  • Imagine two athletes, one is well rested and eats balanced food, the second gets little sleep and lives off caffeine and sugar. Which one will consistently perform better and maintain the regime goes without saying. When you are learning this new material, you are using one critical part of your body… your brain! Getting enough sleep at night, and drinking enough water and balanced f…
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