where to buy course thread in brill vanilla

by Prof. Percy Carroll 6 min read

Coarse thread can be bought from the Trade Vendor at the wagon in Brill, close to the tavern/inn.

Where can I buy coarse thread?

This item can be purchased in The Hinterlands (4), Thunder Bluff (4), Redridge Mountains (3), Arathi Highlands (2), Darnassus (2), Dun Morogh (2), Eastern Plaguelands (2), Feralas (2), Hillsbrad Foothills (2), Stormwind City (2), Stranglethorn Vale (2), Swamp of Sorrows (2), Thousand Needles (2), Wetlands (2), Alterac ...

Where can I buy fine thread in Ironforge?

RelatedNameLocationCostBrienna Starglow Feralas80Outfitter Eric Ironforge90Drac Roughcut Loch Modan1 5Christoph Jeffcoat Hillsbrad Foothills155 more rows

What is the chill of death?

The Chill of DeathStartGretchen Dedmar [65.2, 60.4]EndGretchen Dedmar [65.2, 60.4]Level1-30CategoryTirisfal Glades6 more rows

What is the difference between fine thread and coarse thread?

What is the difference between fine and coarse thread fasteners? A. A fastener with a fine thread equates to a fastener with a large number of threads per distance along the fastener. In contrast, a coarse thread fastener equates to a fastener with a low number of threads per distance along the fastener.


It's so cold, now. The Plague of Undeath crawls through my veins like an icy serpent. The Mindless State will be upon me soon. But no doomed destiny will prevent me from serving our Dark Lady. When the call arose I sewed body bags for the fallen soldiers of Sylvanas's mighty army.


I appreciate your efforts, <name>. May Sylvanas recognize your bravery one day. . . .

Coarse Thread - Item - World of Warcraft

Coarse Thread is one of several types of cloth that a tailor can use to make different types of armor. It is sold by NPCs. An item from Classic World of Warcraft .

Coarse Thread - Item - Classic wow database

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The Chill of Death - Quest - World of Warcraft

Coarse thread can be bought from the Trade Vendor at the wagon in Brill, close to the tavern /inn. As for the bats, Vampiric are around lvl. 9, and red (hostile), so I recc you hunt the other (yellow) ones all around Brill - lower level, fater kills = faster completion.

Fine Thread - Item - World of Warcraft

Fine Thread is one of several types of cloth that a tailor can use to make different types of armor. It is sold by NPCs. An item from Classic World of Warcraft .

ClassicThreatMeter - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge

A simple threat meter for WoW Classic. Our records show that you have outstanding author rewards points. Please confirm your latest payment information and …

Wowhead - World of Warcraft: Shadowlands News

World of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest - Arathi Basin Esports. posted 16 days ago by perculia. Classic. 12. September 14th Hotfixes - Resetting Ossirian the Unscarred. posted 18 days ago by Archimtiros Classic. 46. Reaching Rank 14 Grand Marshal in WoW Classic at Level 59. posted 18 ...

Coarse Thread - Items - Vanilla

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