where to buy a birth control kit for sexual education course in sacramento

by Missouri Ferry 7 min read

Where can I get a prescription for birth control in California?

17500. Default Title - $ 175.00 USD. Add to Cart. Our sex education kits come with a guide to birth control options developed by our team of experienced sexual health educators and approved by our Medical Director. This guide provides in-depth birth control information to share with students as well as tips for presenters themselves.

What grade do you have to take sex ed in California?

Condoms cost about $1 each. Internal or female condoms are about $2 to $4 per condom. You can get condoms for free or at a reduced cost from health clinics (like Planned Parenthood), HIV testing centers and local health departments. Call 1-800-230-PLAN (7526) for …

What is the Center for male contraceptive research and development?

Dec 21, 2021 · Vahdat says that making male birth control available could help end unwanted pregnancies, which in turn could dramatically impact education, income inequality, and so many other problems facing ...

What does the responsible sex education institute do?

The Responsible Sex Education Institute is the trusted sex education resource that empowers all individuals with inclusive, up-to-date, and culturally relevant information and skills to foster healthy relationships, safer sex, and access to care. ... Sexual Health Educator Program 1.0 takes our most popular live lessons and transforms them into ...

Can I get OCP over the counter?

Over-the-counter access to hormonal contraception (oral contraceptive pills [OCPs], the contraceptive patch, contraceptive vaginal rings, and depot medroxyprogesterone acetate [DMPA] injections) eliminates the need for prescriptions and relies on a woman to self-screen for eligibility.

What is a birth control kit?

Each kit is $150 plus shipping and comes in a portable box (branded) and contains the following: Birth control pills* Patch* Male condoms/female condoms. Depo-Provera*Mar 1, 2016

What age can you buy Plan B in California?

Anyone 17 or older can buy Plan B One Step or Next Choice — the morning-after pill — over the counter at a drug store, Planned Parenthood health center, or another health clinic.Feb 21, 2012

What contraception can be bought over the counter?

No - you cannot get the contraceptive pill over the counter in Australia. You can get other contraceptive methods like condoms and the morning after pill, however the contraceptive pill requires a prescription.Oct 20, 2021

Does Walmart sell Plan B?

Yes, Plan B emergency contraception is available without a prescription. Plan B is kept behind the pharmacy counter in most drug stores and may only be available during pharmacy hours. Is Plan B available at Walmart? Yes, Plan B is available at Walmart stores and online.Feb 21, 2022

How old do you have to be to buy a Plan B pill at Walmart?

Anyone — no matter how old you are — can buy Plan B and other brands of levonorgestrel morning-after pills (aka emergency contraception). There are many brands of this type of morning-after pill: Plan B One Step, Take Action, My Way, Option 2, Preventeza, AfterPill, My Choice, Aftera, EContra, and others.Mar 12, 2021

How old do you have to be to buy a Plan B pill at CVS?

You do not need a prescription or ID, and there is no minimum age for purchasing emergency birth control. It can be a good idea to keep a supply of emergency birth control pills at home. This can save you the stress of looking for a 24 hour pharmacy in your area if you have unprotected sex or a birth control failure.

Can you buy birth control store?

Now, the birth control section in stores is easy to find, and there's a much larger variety of options available. Most drugstores and grocery stores such as Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart offer OTC birth control in stores or online.

Do you need a prescription for birth control?

Yes. In order to start using birth control pills, a nurse or doctor has to give you a prescription. You can get a prescription at a doctor's office, health clinic, or your local Planned Parenthood health center.Apr 14, 2021

How much does birth control cost?

Birth control pills cost between $0–$50 a month. They can be totally free with most health insurance plans, or if you qualify for some government programs. You can get a prescription for the birth control pill from a doctor or nurse at a doctor's office, health clinic, or your local Planned Parenthood health center.Jun 29, 2020


Police searching for those responsible for the fatal stabbing of Drakeo the Ruler. The hip-hop artist died of injuries he sustained at the Once Upon a Time in L.A. concert at Banc of California Stadium on Saturday night.


How a massive nursing home penalty eluded consumer detection.


Richmond police used force that caused significant injuries 122 times over a six-year period — and more than half of those were caused by police dogs. Richmond’s canine squad violently apprehended many kinds of suspects: from dangerous felons to petty thieves, to people acting “suspicious.” Sometimes, innocent bystanders got hurt.


A river of secrets: The battle over Reservation Ranch. Today, the Smith River is the last major waterway in California that runs freely without a single dam — a precious refuge for salmon, for steelhead and a bygone timber community still searching for a future.


As temperatures rise in California due to climate change, scientists expect poison oak to become even more abundant. The woody or shrub that’s common in western regions of California at elevations below 5,000 feet is most often encountered on grassy hillsides, in forests and by the coast.


Los Angeles: 66 San Diego: Cloudy, 63 San Francisco: Rainy 53 San Jose: Rainy, 62 Fresno: Overcast, 54 Sacramento: Rainy, 47. Have you ever seen that video of that reporter getting interrupted by cat sneezes?


At my first Yom Kippur services at Stephen Wise Temple above the 405, I thought I was having a religious experience when the rabbi entered carrying the torah and singing in the most beautiful baritone I had ever heard. All the hairs on my neck stood up. My father leaned over and whispered in my ear: “That’s Barbra Streisand’s vocal coach!”

Why Sex Ed?

Knowledge is for everyone, and having access to sex education ensures that individuals have the skills they need to make healthy decisions about their bodies and relationships throughout their lifetime.

What is RSEI?

Whether it is working with youth or adults, the Responsible Sex Education Institute has a variety of programming options that meet our communities’ needs. Our trained sex education experts are skilled at facilitating groups of all ages and abilities in a variety of settings such as schools, community organizations, and churches.

Upcoming Events

RSEI regularly hosts a variety of events, including free monthly webinars.


IN·clued is an exciting new educational program from Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands that addresses the sexual health disparities affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer and questioning (LGBTQ) youth across the United States.


IN·clued is a program that aims to lower teen pregnancy rates and STD rates among LGBTQ youth ages 14-19.

Populations Served & Setting

IN·clued is a program designed specifically for LGBTQ young people. Unlike sex education programs that are simply “inclusive of” LGBTQ learners, this program speaks directly to them and centers their experiences and needs.

About the Authors

Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands (PPGNHI), is a leader in reproductive health care, rights, and education, and has been working with and serving youth in the sexual health field for over 30 years.

Where did Laura Herrera work?

While working at a hospital in Mexico, she often saw providers insert IUDs, without a woman’s permission, after giving birth. “There are definitely problems with consent,” she said. Laura Herrera, the midwife from CASA, has had patients recount this same experience.

Is birth control available in Mexico?

The reality may be more complicated. A national family planning program makes birth control available to women over-the-counter, regardless of whether they have health insurance. But while measures like these have reduced the country’s birth rates over the course ...

Is birth control bad for indigenous women?

For indigenous women, the problems are worse. Providers are more likely to make decisions about their use of birth control post-delivery, according to Billings, who said it was especially common for providers to withhold information about their options or insert IUDs without their consent.

Is access to contraception just about age?

For Billings, access to contraception isn’t just about location or age. It’s about power. “The less power you have in society overall, the harder it is for you to access contraceptives,” she said.

Where is Contrapest made?

But enter SenesTech, based in Flagstaff, Arizona, the maker of ContraPest, a non-toxic, fertility-control product with its roots at the University of Arizona. This month, SenesTech will begin its collaboration with the New York Department of Health to target rat infestations at certain sites in the city. Through the UA Office of Technology ...

How does ContraPest work?

ContraPest works by using a chemical known as 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide, or VCD, to destroy female rats' ovarian follicles in their most immature form, each of which contains one egg. The destruction of ovarian follicles is itself a natural process that occurs over time in all female mammals, but VCD accelerates it.

Is VCD toxic to rats?

VCD will impair sperm production in male rats, but it's reversible. What's more, and of note, VCD is non-toxic. "I started working with VCD in 1989 and even by 2000, I kept coming up with the same answer, which is that VCD wasn't toxic," says Patricia Hoyer, UA emeritus professor of physiology. Nor is the chemical toxic when rats excrete it, Hoyer ...

Who invented the liquid bait system?

Mayer, now chief executive officer of SenesTech, developed the liquid-bait system. And by all accounts, the formula, which includes VCD, is quite appealing to rodents. Mayer says she has been tasting it herself for 14 years. After visiting bait stations to partake in ContraPest, rats readily return for more.

Is ContraPest a rodenticide?

ContraPest, a product that had its start in UA research, could be the answer for the health department of New York City, which has a serious rodent problem on its hands.

Does ContraPest eradicate rats?

Mayer says it's important to note that years of fundamental science have given rise to a global solution in controlling rats. ContraPest won't eradicate rats from the face of the world, Hoyer says, "but it will get rid of them in the places where you don't want them.". Four pairs of breeding rats and their progeny can give rise to 15 million ...