where in the world did odysseus third course

by Obie Bernier 8 min read

Where did Odysseus go on his journey?

Odysseus is one of the most influential Greek champions during the Trojan War. Along with Nestor and Idomeneus he is one of the most trusted counsellors and advisors. He always champions the Achaean cause, especially when others question Agamemnon's command, as in one instance when Thersites speaks against him. When Agamemnon, to test the morale of the …

Why did Odysseus go to the underworld?

Apr 04, 2022 · Odysseus, the son of Laertes and Anticlea, was king of the island of Ithaca. Known by Homer as “the man of twists and turns” and favored by the goddess Athena, Odysseus was remarkably intelligent and cunning.He used these qualities to great effect during the Trojan War: ten years into the war, Odysseus devised the trick of the Trojan Horse to help the Greeks …

How does Odysseus learn his fate?

Oct 21, 2008 · And also, since Prof. Kittler seemed to emphasize it so much in class, I noticed that it was fear of the Gorgon that finally scares Odysseus from the Underworld and back to the Earth. Strange that he didn’t get creeped out sooner with all of the undead spirits hovering around him….

Where does Odysseus live in the Odyssey?

Feb 05, 2021 · A storm sent by Zeus sweeps them along for nine days before bringing them to the land of the Lotus-eaters, where the natives give some of Odysseus’s men the intoxicating fruit of the lotus. Only by dragging his men back to the ship …

Where does Book 3 of the Odyssey take place?

PylosSummary: Book 3 At Pylos, Telemachus and Mentor (Athena in disguise) witness an impressive religious ceremony in which dozens of bulls are sacrificed to Poseidon, the god of the sea.

Where in the world did Odysseus go?

(The Odyssey is a sequel to Homer's other epic, The Iliad, which tells the story of that war.) Cursed by Poseidon, god of the sea, but favored by Athena, goddess of wisdom, Odysseus sails the eastern Mediterranean for 10 years before reaching his home and family on the island of Ithaca.Jul 16, 2015

What is the third danger in the Odyssey?

What is the third danger? Kharybdis (whirlpool).

Where is Odysseus when he gets blown off course?

2. Coast of Thrace: Odysseus and his men destroy and plunder Ismarus, city of the Cicones, but are eventually driven away with losses. 3. Lotus-eaters: Blown off course, Odysseus' fleet lands on shores of North Africa or the island of Jerba, possible locations for the drugged natives.

What is Odysseus main journey where he trying to go ultimately?

While The Odyssey is not told chronologically or from a single perspective, the poem is organized around a single goal: Odysseus's return to his homeland of Ithaca, where he will defeat the rude suitors camped in his palace and reunite with his loyal wife, Penelope.

Where did Odysseus land in Corfu?

In the course of his wanderings a er the Trojan War, Odysseus arrived on Corfu/Kerkyra, where he enjoyed the hospitality of King Alkinoös and his daughter Nausikaa.

What is the third danger Circe warns Odysseus about?

What warning does Circe give to Odysseus? Circe warns Odysseus to avoid the song of the sirens because it will seduce him.

Did Odysseus choose Scylla or Charybdis?

Does Odysseus choose Scylla or Charybdis? Odysseus chooses to sail closer to Scylla, the six headed monster, rather than sailing near the whirlpool Charybdis. He decides that sacrificing six men to Scylla is better than chancing his entire ship to Charybdis.Aug 19, 2021

Who Calypso in the Odyssey?

Calypso, in Greek mythology, the daughter of the Titan Atlas (or Oceanus or Nereus), a nymph of the mythical island of Ogygia. In Homer's Odyssey, Book V (also Books I and VII), she entertained the Greek hero Odysseus for seven years, but she could not overcome his longing for home even by promising him immortality.

Which island does Odysseus land on after the ship wreckage?

In the land where Helios's cattle graze, they break their oath and eat one of the sun god's cattle. As punishment, Zeus sends a storm that tears apart the ship and kills all the men but Odysseus, who drifts back past Kharybdis and Skylla. He finally lands on Ogygia Isle, home of Kalypso.

Where is Ogygia located?

Ogygia IslandGeographyLocationAntarcticaCoordinates62°46′34″S 61°14′15″WArchipelagoSouth Shetland IslandsArea2 ha (4.9 acres)8 more rows

Where was Odysseus after Troy?

After leaving Troy, Odysseus and his men land on the Cicones Island.


The etymology of the name “Odysseus” has been much debated. In ancient Greek literature, it was connected with the words odyssomai (“to be angry with, to hate”), odyromai (“to lament”), or ollymi (“to perish, to be lost”).


Odysseus was the king of Ithaca, a small, rocky island on the west coast of Greece. Unlike the kingdoms of most other great heroes, Odysseus’ island home was humble and insignificant.


In the standard account, first attested in the Homeric epics, Odysseus was the son of Laertes and Anticlea. Laertes was the king of Ithaca; in some traditions, he was one of the Argonauts who had sailed with Jason in his quest for the Golden Fleece. 5 Anticlea was the daughter of Autolycus, a talented thief and a son of Hermes.


Though Odysseus became most famous for his role in the Trojan War and his subsequent wanderings, there is at least one important myth about his early life.


Odysseus is and always has been an ambivalent figure. In the Odyssey —the earliest surviving source to tell his myth—he is depicted relatively sympathetically.


Odysseus was the subject of hero cult at several ancient Mediterranean sites, most of them associated with his mythology. These included Aetolia and Epirus (the area of his later travels), 79 Libya (where the Lotus-eaters were believed to have lived), 80 and Tarentum in southern Italy.

Pop Culture

As one of the most famous Greek heroes, Odysseus has had an enduring presence in modern pop culture.

How did Odysseus get out of the underworld?

Odysseus as well sees Tantalus, a man who is punished by being shown grapes and water, only to have them fade or pull away whenever he tries to eat or drink them. Spooked by all the dead clamoring around him, Odysseus finally flees Hades.

What brings the spirits of the dead to Odysseus?

What brings the spirits of the dead to Odysseus? The smell of blood will bring the spirits of the dead to Odysseus as they used the blood of a black lamb and young goat to summon Tiresias.

How does Odysseus reach the underworld?

Terms in this set (8) How does Odysseus gain access to the underworld? He follows Circe’s instructions. He digs a votive pit and pour libations (milk, honey, mellow wine, and pure water) to the dead and sacrifices the lamb and ewe given to him by Circe.

Was Odysseus afraid of the underworld?

The Odyssey According to Period 2 Circe had told Odysseus that she knew an oracle who could help him find his way back home, and he tells her it is time to go. However, Odysseus did not realize that the oracle was in the Underworld! His name was Teiresias. Odysseus is terrified, but makes arrangements to leave.

Does Odysseus actually go to the underworld?

Odysseus’ underworld experience is mainly set in Book XI of Homer’s Odyssey. Odysseus is informed by the witch Circe in the previous book that he must journey to the Underworld and consult the blind Theban seer Teiresias about his homebound journey.

Why does Circe let Odysseus go?

Odysseus got Circe to release his men from the magic spell by force and charm and with the help of the god Hermes. Circe had turned Odysseus’s men into pigs by the use of drugged wine and magic. When Odysseus continues not to trust her, she turns his men back into men because she wants him to approve of her.

How did Odysseus enter Hades?

To reach the entrance to the Underworld, Odysseus and his men had to go to the farthest, sunless realm of the deep-flowing Ocean. Next, Odysseus drew his sword and took his post at the pit of blood and did not allow the spirits to drink the blood before he had spoken to TIRESIAS [teye-ree’si-as or teye-ree’zi-as].

Who is Odysseus in the Odyssey?

Odysseus, the man of many turns, as Homer calls him in line one of the Odyssey, has been a continual source of inspiration and adaptation for European artists and authors such as Vergil, Dante, Shakespeare and Joyce to name but a few. No other classical hero has been the subject of so much moralistic controversy.

Is Odysseus a Homer?

Odysseus appears in the Homeric epic s with his formulaic adjectives without any introduction. He appears, therefore, to be a familiar figure already and this is backed up by the fact that there are twelve variations in the spelling of his name in Greek! Possibly there were two distinct people originally: Odysseus and Ulixes; however this would still suggest that the character is pre-Homer. Furthermore it is worthwhile observing that over two hundred and twenty versions of the Cyclops tale have been collected from sources extending from India to Ireland.

Where does Odysseus learn his fate?

In the epic poem The Odyssey, Odysseus travels to Hades to learn his fate from Teiresias, the blind prophet. He is told he must not touch Helios' cattle, or death and eternity will come all too soon for both him and his men. He also speaks to his mother and others who speak of troubles at home.

Where does Odysseus travel?

Odysseus' Travels. Circe, a sorceress on the island of Aeaea, tells Odysseus he must travel to the Underworld to receive his prophecy from the blind prophet Teiresias. Odysseus follows her orders, travels to Hades, and makes animal sacrifices so the dead can drink their blood and speak about the living world.

What happens if Poseidon touches Helios' cattle?

If Odysseus' crew can follow orders and leave the cattle alone, all will return home safely. If the men cannot restrain themselves, Odysseus will return home alone to a house of misery.

Why did the Greeks pray to the gods?

Death isn't the most comfortable topic, but for the Greeks, it was just another part of daily life. They prayed to the gods and performed ceremonies to ensure the dead made it to the Underworld to rest for eternity. Let's take a look at the mythology behind the Greek Underworld known as Hades. We'll learn about the ruler with the same name and journey with Odysseus as he leaves the land of the living to receive his prophecy from the dead.

What is the Underworld of Hades?

In Greek culture, however, the Underworld was nothing more than a place for spirits to reside.

What does Hades mean by "knowing all things noble"?

Hades, translating to 'the unseen one' in antiquity, later received the translation of 'knowing all things noble,' as death encompasses everything in time. He was described as pitiless, as death pities no one, a clear metaphor for the fate we all share.

Why are people buried with coins?

In Greek culture, the dead were buried with coins placed on their eyes and/or their mouths so they could pay the ferryman to bring them across the river to judgement. If a person could not afford to pay the toll, meaning they were not properly buried, their soul was left to wander the earth for eternity.
