where do i sign up for the 40 hour child care course

by Jacinthe Gottlieb 4 min read

To register for the 40 Hour courses on-line go to: www.myflorida.com/childcare, click “Training & Registry Login”, create login with e-mail and password.Once logged in, on “Personal Menu” select Instructor Led or Online Courses.

To register for the 40 Hour courses on-line go to: www.myflorida.com/childcare , click “Training & Registry Login”, create login with e-mail and password.

Full Answer

How do I sign up for 40 hour classes in Florida?

The 40 Hour State Mandated Courses Instructor Led or Online To register for the 40 Hour courses on-line go to: www.myflorida.com/childcare, click “Training & Registry Login”, create login with e-mail and password.Once logged in, on “Personal Menu” select Instructor Led or Online Courses.

How do I register for the 40 hour courses?

To register for the 40 Hour courses on-line go to: www.myflorida.com/childcare, click “Training & Registry Login”, create login with e-mail and password.Once logged in, on “Personal Menu” select Instructor Led or Online Courses.

How do I contact the child care training information center?

For more information, please contact the Child Care Training Information Center toll free at 1-888-352-2842.

How do I apply for a child care certification online?

NEW! Submit Your Credential Application Online Log into the Child Care Training System to view Child Care Training Transcript, register for courses/exams, and take online courses or CEU assessments. For more information, please contact the Child Care Training Information Center toll free at 1-888-352-2842.

How do I get 45 DCF hours in Florida?

Possess a High School diploma or GED. Complete the Department of Children and Families Part I Introductory Child Care Courses (5 courses, 30 hours) Complete the DCF Special Needs Appropriate Practices course or a minimum of 8 hours of in-service training on children with disabilities. Possess an active Staff Credential.

How do I get my CDA in Florida?

To award a CDA, Florida requires 120 hours of early childhood instruction courses and 480 hours of contact with children, birth through age 8. Two certifications are also required. The first is Birth Through Age Five, which used to be called the CDA Equivalency Program.

What is the difference between CDA and Fccpc?

The FCCPC stands for the Florida Child Care Professional Credential. It is the state of Florida's equivalent of the CDA. It is recognized throughout the state of Florida and approved through the Department of Children and Families (DCF).

How do I become a daycare worker in Florida?

Requirements for Early Childhood Education Jobs in FloridaComplete an Approved Teacher Preparation Program. ... Pass the Required Florida Teacher Certification Examinations (FTCE) ... Apply for and Maintain your Educator Certificate. ... Consider Preschool Education beyond the Public School Classroom.

Is getting your CDA hard?

The Child Development Associate (CDA) Certificate is the simplest, quickest, and most inexpensive way to further your career in early child care and education. Receiving your CDA can help you become a lead child care teacher or open your own licensed child care center in Virginia.

What is a Florida CDA?

In Florida. having a CDA qualifies you for the Florida Child Care Staff Credential. having a CDA is equivalent to a Florida Child Care Professional Credential.

How long is an Fccpc good for?

(5)To maintain a Birth Through Five FCCPC, every five (5) years a candidate must complete the renewal application and submit to the department documentation of the following: 1. Proof of an active Infant and Child First Aid and CPR Certificate based on date application is received; 2.

How do I get Fccpc in Florida?

Must complete all items below:45 hours: Three training certificates required by the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) ... Four Courses: Early Childhood Education (12 credits) ... EDG2943 (3 credits): Field Experience. ... 480 hours: Documented field work in an ECE setting.Current Pediatric First Aid/CPR Certificate.

What does Fccpc stand for?


How long does it take to get a daycare license in Florida?

Once a complete application is received it will be processed within 90 days. You will receive a Child Care Facility license to operate once your application is approved and all licensing requirements are met.

Can you be a preschool teacher without a degree?

Can you become a preschool teacher without a degree? Technically, yes. Most public school districts require preschool teachers to meet specific minimum education requirements, but independent daycare centers with preschool programs and private schools are generally free of such regulations.

What do you need to work with childcare?

What childcare qualifications and training you need to work in childcareLevel 3 NVQ in Caring for Children and Young People.Level 3 NVQ in Childcare and Education.Level 3 NVQ in Children's Care, Learning and Development.Level 3 NVQ in Early Years Care and Education.Level 3 NVQ in Play work.More items...•

Completion of Other Post-Secondary Courses Or Programs

  • Individuals who are working toward a university degree or college diploma at a recognized, post-secondary institution, or who have already completed a program in a similar field during the past eight years, may qualify for the 40-hour course requirement. Examples of eligible courses include: 1. Introduction to Psychology 2. Developmental Psychology 3. Child Development 4. Observatio…
See more on gov.mb.ca

Completion of Applied Family Studies

  • Individuals who have completed the Grade 12 Applied Family Studies, full credit course (code 0491 40S), after January 2019 may qualify for the 40-hour course requirement.
See more on gov.mb.ca

Certificates from Provincial/Territorial Regulatory Bodies Outside of Manitoba

  • Individuals who have received certification to work in early learning and child care from another Canadian province or territory may apply to have their certification recognized for the 40-hour course requirement. If you wish to inquire about a course or program not listed above, please contact Child Care Information Services at 204-945-0776, toll-...
See more on gov.mb.ca