where do i do course evaluations vcu

by Dr. Maryjane Hermann III 6 min read

At this point, nearly 60% of the course evaluations are conducted online through a new system called Blue. According to the VCU Course Evaluation website, faculty are unable to add or subtract questions relevant to their course s. Evaluation questions are set by the school, college or the department.

Students log in Blue website and go to the Student section to complete the course evaluation.Jun 9, 2016

Full Answer

How do you do a course evaluation?

6 tips to creating effective course evaluationsAsk direct and clear questions. ... Use several question styles. ... Define rating-scales. ... Keep it short. ... Make evaluations available online. ... Confidentiality.

Where are course evaluations canvas?

Login to Canvas. On the global navigation menu that displays on the left, select Account. In the menu that appears, select Settings. On the left side of the page, select Course Evaluations.

Are course evaluations anonymous VCU?

Online course evaluation is completely anonymous. Your instructor can't see whos filled out the form or what information was provided by that student. They only see the aggregate results for each question. You can see a sample report that an instructor gets.

How do you get students to fill out course evaluations?

Instructors can reinforce to students the value of course evaluations by:Reminding students that their responses are anonymous.Giving examples of how Course Evaluations impacted their course or their teaching. ... Telling students that you are interested in their point of view.Sharing some interesting results.

Can professors see your course evaluations?

A: No, this is not possible. Instructors and TA's are not able to see their evaluation reports until they have turned in grades. The evaluation reports they are provided contain aggregated information and no specific responses or ratings can be traced back to individual students.

How do I access EvaluationKIT in Canvas?

Accessing the EvaluationKIT DashboardIn the main Canvas menu (grey menu at the far left), click Account and then EvaluationKIT User. - OR-In the menu for your course in Canvas, an EvaluationKIT Course link will appear at the bottom once the course is loaded. Click that to get to EvaluationKIT.

Are course evaluations really anonymous?

Yes, student responses are anonymous. Instructors do not know which students responded or what responses individual students provided. However, instructors can track overall response rates for their courses.

Are course evaluations anonymous Bgsu?

The student responses are kept anonymous and all data is collected for later reporting to department administrators and instructors.

What AP scores are accepted at VCU?

AP tests passed with scores of 3, 4 or 5 will, depending on the test, be considered for advanced standing and credit for the corresponding courses at VCU.

What is course by course evaluation?

A course-by-course evaluation allows us to better understand the U.S. equivalency for courses and grades obtained at colleges and universities outside of the United States. We require that all candidates with a bachelor's degree from an international university submit a full course-by-course evaluation of their degree.

How long are evaluations available for summer classes?

For Summer courses, the evaluations are available for last 7 days of class. If you are teaching a short course, the start and end date of evaluation will be adjusted accordingly. You can check the exact start and end date in List of Courses.

When are evaluations open?

Evaluations are open before the final exam week. In most cases students would have completed the evaluations before they take their final exam or get their final grade. If you are concerned about the grades affecting your course evaluations, please post the grades after evaluations for the course are closed.

Is course evaluation anonymous?

Course evaluations are anonymous. The course evaluation software has been designed to conceal the identity of the students from their instructor. Students may not be comfortable revealing that they have completed the evaluations. Instead, you can use some of the tips mentioned above to improve the response rate.

Can you give students incentives for completing the evaluation?

You can provide students with incentives for completing the course evaluations. Since the evaluations are considered confidential, we do not reveal the names of students who have completed the evaluations. Instead you can give incentives based on the overall response rate of the class.

Does the paper based evaluation work for summer courses?

Traditionally, the paper based evaluation has not been for summer courses, but with the online system, it will be available for all summer courses. Automatic email notifications. The software sends email notifications to students who have not finished their evaluations, encouraging them to participate in the process.

Do course evaluation reports include personal information?

Reports DO NOT include any personally identifiable information, including – who filled out the course evaluation form and what did they fill in. For team-taught courses, the reports do not include the results for your co-instructor in those courses.

What is course evaluation?

Course evaluations are a critical component of assessing and improving teaching and instruction. By completing your course evaluations, you provide valuable feedback to your instructors. Course and teaching evaluation summary reports are also available to students when making registration decisions.

How to provide feedback to an instructor?

Consider these elements and provide feedback that you think can best help the instructor make the course a good learning experience for future students. Some additional elements of effective feedback: 1 Feedback is not the art of finding fault with someone/something, but rather the act of providing constructive comments about the course, instructor, and instruction methodologies. Feedback should tell the instructor about the elements that helped learning so that she/he can keep them in the next iteration and the aspects that can possibly be improved with potential solutions. 2 Feedback should be specific (not vague) and buttressed by clear examples. 3 Feedback should focus on observable behavior rather than inference of what someone might be thinking or appear to believe. For example, “The instructor provided important feedback on my assignments” vs. “The instructor is unfair.” 4 Feedback should avoid personalization or emotionally charged wording (i.e., The instructor is worthless or milquetoast) and stick to descriptions of actual incidents. 5 Feedback should offer alternatives to the behavior criticized.

What should feedback focus on?

Feedback should focus on observable behavior rather than inference of what someone might be thinking or appear to believe. For example, “The instructor provided important feedback on my assignments” vs. “The instructor is unfair.”.


General Information

What is course evaluation? Course evaluation is the form you fill out at the end of a course to give your feedback about your instructor and different aspects of the course. The questions vary from school to school but generally collect the same kind of information. The students complete these forms anonymously i.e., the inst…
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Completing The Evaluations

  • When can I do these evaluations? For Fall and Spring courses, the evaluations are available last two weeks of classes. For Summer courses, the evaluations are available for last seven days of class. Please see the List of Coursespage to see the start and end dates for your courses. How will I know that the evaluations are available? We send you an email when the evaluations are av…
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Confidentiality of Course Evaluations

  • Are these evaluations really anonymous? Can instructors see my comments? Why do I have to log in if these evaluations are anonymous? Just like we keep the evaluations fair for students, by keeping them anonymous, we also need to keep the fair for the faculty. When you log in to complete evaluations for a course, the software can make sure that you are enrolled in this cour…
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General Information

Why are the course evaluations being done online? Evaluations are being done online to reduce costs and to make results available to the faculty sooner. What are the advantages of online vs paper based evaluations? Can I still do paper based evaluations? This decision is up to your department chair or dean. However, your …
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Course Evaluation Questionnaire

  • What questionnaire will be used for my courses? Who decides which set of questions will be used for course evaluation? We use the questionnaire provided to us by your school or department. It is the same questionnaire that have been used for paper based evaluations in the past. I need to add some course related questions to the form. Can I add more questions? Sorry, at this time you ca…
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Completing The Evaluations

  • How do the students complete the course evaluations? Students log in Blue websiteand go to the Student section to complete the course evaluation. When do the students complete the course evaluations? For Fall and Spring courses, the evaluations are available last two weeks of classes. For Summer courses, the evaluations are available for last 7 day...
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Response Rate

  • How do I know how many students have completed course evaluations? What can I do to improve response rate? Can I give extra credit or some other incentive to students who complete the evaluations?
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Course Evaluation Reports

  • How do I see the reports? How do I save my report to my computer? How do I print my reports (Windows)? How do I print my reports (Mac)? (for Humanities and Sciences faculty only) I need the mean and median for Course, Instructor and Student Learning questions for my annual report. Where do I get those? When can I see the reports? Reports are made available in 2-3 weeks afte…
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Special Cases

  • I am teaching a short course. When do the students evaluate this course? The start and end date for short courses are adjusted based on Course End Date listed in eServices. You can check the evaluation start and end date in List of Courses. I am teaching a team-taught course. Can students evaluate each instructor separately? For team taught courses, students see course que…
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