where can i take an emr course in minnesota

by Antone Williamson 8 min read

EMT training in Minnesota is often found at 2-year, public schools, such as community colleges and technical schools. If you have prior EMT training, you can refresh your basic knowledge in a 3-week course that prepares you to renew your certification. You can also obtain EMT-Basic training in about four months.

Full Answer

How do I become an EMT in Minnesota?

Agency Description: The Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board (EMSRB) is the lead agency for emergency medical services in Minnesota. The board licenses and regulates ambulance services, certifies and registers EMS personnel, investigates complaints, administers a variety of EMS funding and programs. Agency Phone: 651-201-2800. 800-747-2011.

Where can I buy EMR instructor and student materials?

UMEMS provides external and internal courses in many areas. External courses are open to the public, while internal courses are open to UMEMS members only. Courses are offered on an as-needed basis. For more information on current course offerings and availability, contact UMEMS at 612-625-8047 or via email [email protected].

How do I register for an EMT course at umems?

EMR stands for Emergency Medical Responder and used to be known as just “First Responder”. An EMR is the entry-level emergency medical certification in the United States. It’s commonly required for police, fire fighters, coaches, security guards and trainers. It’s a great certification for people that may encounter injuries or illnesses ...

How long is EMT certification good for in Minnesota?

Minnesota.gov. State of Minnesota; MN.IT Central; Search: ... Courses Offered EMS Courses Offered Lookup. Footer navigation. Connect with us. Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board 335 Randolph Avenue, Suite 220 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651.201.2800 or 800.747.2011 Fax: 651.201.2812 ...

How do I become an EMR in MN?

To obtain State of Minnesota EMT certification, applicants must take an Emergency Medical Technician - Basic course, and pass the written and practical state examinations. Current CPR Health Care Provider certification is a prerequisite for this course.Aug 27, 2019

How long is the typical EMR course?

The Emergency Medical Responder course is a 64-hour course and meets the National Standard Curriculum core competencies. The course consists of both classroom lectures and hands-on skills training covering patient assessment, treatment, and the use of various medical equipment.

What are the educational requirements for an EMR?

Education Requirements to Become an EMR

EMR education is usually around 50-60 hours of instruction in the classroom prior to testing. Some EMR schools require their students to have a high school diploma or GED. Additionally, many EMT programs ask students to be over 18 years old.
Nov 16, 2021

How do you get your EMR?

Successful completion of the National Registry EMR cognitive (knowledge) examination and a state approved psychomotor (skills) examination. Passed portions of the cognitive and psychomotor exam remain valid for 24 months provided all other other eligibility requirements are met.

Does EMR expire?

Certification: Certificate will be issued, valid for 3 years.

Is an EMR a first responder?

Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) are first responders who provide emergency care to those who have experienced an illness or injury. EMRs have the knowledge and skills to provide lifesaving interventions until higher-level emergency responders such as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) or Paramedics arrive.Jul 23, 2021

Can EMR administer glucose?

The medic should administer oral glucose (sub-lingual). This helps raise the patient's blood sugar level. They may begin to come out of shock, however they may still need to see a physician. Always check blood sugar if you're diabetic.Feb 25, 2022

What is EMR disability?

EMR stands for Educable Mentally Retarded, which refers to a group of students who have mild or high-moderate mental retardation (IQ 50 to 70 or 80)....

What is EMR certification?

The National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) emergency medical responder (EMR) certification evaluates a student's proficiency in the skills and knowledge needed to respond to emergency calls, assist those who need medical attention, and perform basic lifesaving procedures.Aug 30, 2019

Can EMR administer medications?

Do EMRs Administer Medications? EMRs are permitted to assist patients with taking their prescribed medications. Some examples of meds EMRs can administer are nitroglycerin, albuterol, aspirin, and epinephrine.

What can a EMR do?

EMRs have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesaving interventions while awaiting additional EMS resources to arrive. EMRs also provide assistance to higher-level personnel at the scene of emergencies and during transport.

What does EMR training consist of?

Emergency Medical Response is a dynamic 56-hour course featuring lecture, video, simulated emergency situations, discussion and hands-on skill practice based on the national EMS curriculum requirements and educational standards.

How many hours is the NREMT course?

UMEMS offers a 20-hour NREMT National Continued Competency Program (NCCP) course periodically each year. This course meets or exceeds the NCCP requirements of the National Registry of EMTs. For more information or to register for a class, visit the course registration page .

What is UMEMS training?

UMEMS is licensed to provide training for initial and refreshing Emergency Medical Responders. If your group is in need of certification or refresher education, please contact UMEMS at [email protected] to discuss a custom group course.


On Site Medical services with Independent Contractors for Events 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a We ek.

EMS Courses

EMS Lifesaving Educational college level. MN Board Peace Officer Post approved. CE’s are obtained with classroom attendance. EMR (Emergency Medical Responder/First Responder). EMT ( Emergency Medical Technician). HSI/Brady educational programs.

EMS Refresher ONLINE Courses

SOON: EMR and EMT Refresher Course This course is online with Instructors sessions, lab and skills sessions at our facility. Sign up dates are required. Practical psychomotor skill stations will be reviewed.

Support Included

Here for you by phone and email for any questions, even if you need help renewing your EMR license.

What Students Are Saying

Allied Medical Training is institutionally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Prehospital Continuing Education (CAPCE, formerly known as CECBEMS) and an approved training program with the State of Minnesota.

What is an EMR course?

Purchase Course. The EMR (Emergency Medical Responder) is a vital part of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system. The EMR is trained to get there first-the point when a difference can be made between life and death. The training which you are about to undergo is focused on just that.

What is EMR training?

The EMR is trained to get there first-the point when a difference can be made between life and death. The training which you are about to undergo is focused on just that. You will receive the knowledge and skills to save a life, as well as the skills to comfort a patient at the height of the crisis. You will be able to provide care that flows ...

What is an EMR?

The EMR (Emergency Medical Responder) is a vital part of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system . The EMR is trained to get there first-the point when a difference can be made between life and death.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Refresher Training

Refresher training is required every two years, by March 31, for emergency medical technicians to maintain certification. This 24-hour lecture and skills course is designed to refresh and develop the most current skills and knowledge necessary for recertification.

First Responder Refresher Training

Refresher training is required every two years for individuals who are currently certified as First Responders. This 16-hour course is designed to refresh and develop the most current skills and knowledge necessary to maintain certification through the Minnesota Emergency Medical Service Regulatory Board (EMSRB) as a First Responder.


It can be challenging for paramedics to find enough quality educational opportunities to meet re-certification requirements and still learn something new. Our course is designed to meet both Sate of Minnesota re-certification requirements as well as the National Registry Section 1 requirements.

How to get an EMT license in Minnesota?

What are the Requirements to Get an EMT Certificate in Minnesota? 1 18 years of age or more is a must for every candidate in Minnesota. 2 The applicant must complete Emergency Medical Technician training from a state-approved training school or college. 3 The prospective candidate must pass the NREMT examination. 4 The candidate must have a valid CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) certification. 5 The aspirants are required to provide legal proof of their nationality of U.S. 6 The candidate must be in good physical health. Strong mental fitness is equally important. 7 It is imperative for the candidate to be dexterous in the English language. 8 A background check of the candidate is also needed.

How many questions are asked in the NREMT exam?

In regards to the NREMT exam, the candidate must pass the written exam, which is a test comprising around 70-120 questions that are required to be answered in 2 hours duration. This is an adjustable difficulty computerized exam. The exam includes topics, such as airway management, ventilation, oxygen therapy, EMS operations, cardiology, ...

What is practical examination?

In the practical examination, a candidate’s capability to handle traumatic situations, such as fractures, bleeding, joint dislocations, etc., are tested. A candidate will also be tested on medical emergencies such as diabetic emergencies, strokes, cardiac arrest, etc. If a candidate fails in the examination, he/she can re-test for ...

What is the importance of mental fitness?

Strong mental fitness is equally important. It is imperativ e for the candidate to be dexterous in the English language. A background check of the candidate is also needed. Along with the above general requirements, there are some specific pre-requisites that need to be fulfilled for getting the certificate.
