where can i take a speed awareness course

by Janis Kertzmann 6 min read

You can book a speed awareness course through all the main providers either online or over the phone. DriveTech, UKROEd and the TTC Group have centres across the country for ease of access. To book your course, enter the registration number and pin included on your Notice of Intended Prosecution (if eligible).

Full Answer

When is National Speed Awareness 2020?

National Speed Awareness Online Course. National Speed Awareness Online Course iNSAC. TTC Group is pleased to confirm that, from Monday 6th April 2020, it will be delivering digital classroom-based National Speed Awareness Course (iNSAC) to members of the public who have already booked a place to attend a face-to-face course.

When will face to face driver awareness courses be suspended?

All face-to-face driver awareness courses were suspended on the 19th March 2020 as a result of guidance from UKROEd. This organisation oversees all police-referred driver offender retraining courses in the UK.

Can you view face to face courses online?

Also, all the content from face-to-face courses can be viewed online through a secure, video link. The technology required to participate is straightforward; a fully-charged laptop, tablet or phone, together with a webcam/in-built camera and good-quality access to the internet.

How long is a speed awareness course?

How long is a National Speed awareness course? A speed awareness course lasts four to five hours. Fortunately, there are sessions available both during the week and on the weekend, plus in the evenings, so you won’t necessarily have to take time off work to attend.

Who wrote the 2021 Speed Awareness?

Written by Kara Gammell, Finance Writer. Edited by Samantha Downes, Content Writer, 6 May 2021. Motorists caught speeding can avoid a fine and points on their licence by attending a National Speed Awareness course. We explain how the driving awareness course works and how much it costs.

How much is a speeding fine?

The minimum fine is £100, but the maximum is £1,000 – or £2,500 on motorways.

How many hours does a fixed penalty course take?

Depending on your income, it’s possible that the fixed-penalty fine may seem a better option as the minimum amount is only marginally more than the cost of the course and does not require you to take five hours for the session.

Does speed awareness increase your car insurance?

The increase in your car insurance costs soon add up over time , particularly if you reoffend. Alternatively, if you accept a place on a speed awareness course, your licence will remain point-free and the impact on your motor cover should be less.

Can you take a speed awareness course if you've been caught speeding?

So, if you have been caught speeding and have been offered the chance to take a speed awareness course here’s what you need to know.

How many points can you get for speed awareness?

If you’ve already been on a speed awareness course in the last three years, you won’t be able to do it again and you’ll likely be slapped with at least three points and a fine.

What to do if you've been caught speeding?

If you’ve been caught speeding, you may be invited to attend a speed awareness course. Here’s what you can expect. Speed awareness courses - sometimes referred to as driver awareness courses – are for motorists who’ve been caught speeding and want to avoid points on their licence and a fine.

What to do if you don't have a driving licence?

You’ll need to bring your driving licence along with you. If you don’t have it, you’ll have to show two forms of ID. If you don’t bring any ID with you, you won’t be allowed to take the course. They're usually run by organisations on behalf of police, like NDORS.

Does speed awareness raise insurance premiums?

Some insurance companies may raise your premium as a result, but not all of them do. If you find that the cost of your car insurance has gone up after declaring that you’ve been on a speed awareness course, it might be a good time to shop around for a better deal.

What is speed awareness course?

Speed awareness courses are an alternative to a accepting speeding ticket. But what are they all about? If you’re caught speeding in the UK there are usually two possible penalties: the first is the dreaded speeding ticket, this entails a hefty fine and points on your license.

What is the second option for speed awareness?

This is usually offered to first-time offenders and those who have only strayed ever so slightly over the limit. Speed awareness courses aren’t exactly popular with a lot of drivers, with many considering them to be just another tax in disguise or simply a waste of time.

Can you take pictures while taking speed awareness?

You're not allowed to have anyone else in the same room as you while taking the course, and nor are you not permitted to take pictures or record the material. Any interference could result in your online speed awareness course ending without a chance of rescheduling.

Do insurance companies hike premiums for drivers who have accepted offers to attend speed awareness courses?

There is evidence that insurance companies have hiked premiums for drivers who have accepted offers to attend speed awareness courses but, of course, the same happens for drivers who have points on their licences too. You must inform your insurance company if you attend a course – but only if you are asked.

What is a speed awareness course?

Now, this is a very good question if you're not familiar with this course. Basically, it's a course that motorists can take if they have been caught speeding and want to avoid any points on their license and a fine.

Who can take the course?

Just because you've been caught speeding, doesn't mean that you'll get off with not getting any points and that you can just take the speed awareness course as a lesser penalty. Sadly, it doesn't work like that.

How much does the speed awareness course cost?

Cost is everything! Whether you'd prefer to do the course or if you have to pay the fine, speeding is going to cost you. These courses aren't much cheaper than your average speeding fine, so you'd be looking at around £85.

Should I pay the fine or take the course?

It all comes back down to money. Depending on your income, a fixed penalty fine might seem like the better option for you if you don't have the time to be spending around half a day doing the course.

What can I expect on the day?

On the big day of your speed awareness course, you should probably free up around 4-5 hours for it. Your course will be shared with around 25 other people, so you don't need to worry about all eyes being focused on you. Think of the course as a workshop. It's very much like a classroom, so expect to take part in some lively discussions.

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How many points do you get for speeding?

Any speeding offence committed within three years of the previous offence, will typically see the driver face prosecution and receive a minimum of three penalty points. Drivers will not be given the chance of taking a second speed awareness course within this three-year period.

What to do if you've been caught speeding in 2021?

If you've been caught speeding before or during the coronavirus lockdown 2021, you might be offered a speed awareness course. Here's information on whether they will still happen in lockdown, how much they cost, who will and won't be given the opportunity to take one - and if you'll get penalty points on your licence.

How many drivers took the What's Driving Us course in 2017?

Of the 1.4 million drivers taking a training courses in 2017, over 1 million were related to speeding offences, followed by around 100,000 drivers taking the ‘What’s Driving Us’ course - this which covers offences, such as drivers using a mobile phone at the wheel.

Is speed awareness a practical element?

No. Even before the coronavirus pandemic closed all classroom-based session, speed awareness courses do not have a practical element. All sessions are based in a virtual setting at the moment and in the classroom when Covid-19 restrictions allow.

Does speed awareness course amount to a conviction?

A speed awareness course does not amount to a conviction, so should not be considered as one by insurance companies. The police will not share data of drivers taking speed awareness courses with insurers. It’s drivers would need to inform their insurer about a course taken during the lifetime of their current policy.

Do you have to disclose your speed awareness?

This means, drivers will not need to disclose the fact they've attended a speed awareness course unless directly asked by the insurance company.

Do you have to wear a seatbelt for speeding?

No, there are several courses covering a variety of motoring offences covering everything from speeding – with separate parts for motorway and 20mph zone offences – to training for drivers involved in collisions or who've not been wearing a seatbelt.
