how can i teach a university course using a textbook

by Cameron Klein PhD 4 min read

Learning through a textbook is possible, but you will need to implement some information retention techniques. Highlighting, jotting down the key details, and looking at the overall book structure is essential. Each student learns differently, coupling up your textbook with other methods can help.

Full Answer

How do you use textbooks effectively in the classroom?

Strategies to use textbooks effectively in class •Spend at least one class period at the beginning of the year exploring the textbook with your learners. •Explain why you chose the book and show your excitement about it. •‘Walk’ them through the structure of the book, pointing out features. •Use the book daily in class to establish its

Can I teach myself with a textbook?

Teaching yourself with a textbook is entirely possible and enjoyable. This self-learning method is perfect for those who want to learn a more theory-based topic at their own pace. While it does not help you achieve a qualification directly, you could learn for many reasons, either personally or for career-related reasons.

How do you introduce a new textbook to your learners?

Spend at least one class period at the beginning of the year exploring the textbook with your learners. Explain why you chose the book and show your excitement about it. ‘Walk’ them through the structure of the book, pointing out features. Use the book daily in class to establish its importance

Should you learn through a textbook or videos?

When learning through a textbook, you should know that there are two phases you will encounter: the assimilation and retention. While some learners are happy to just use the textbook for these two steps, you could also decide to implement other methods such as videos.

Can professors use their own textbooks?

No. Not under most circumstances. Assigning one's own textbook (or “course packet,” a collection of readings that the professor prepares specifically for a course) is, on the face of it, ethical. The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) agrees in their statement on the issue.

How do you teach a textbook?

8 Ways To Properly Integrate Textbooks Into Your ClassFamiliarize your students with the textbook. ... Show them how to read for what they need. ... Directly integrate the assigned reading, especially in the opening weeks… ... 4. … ... Add some original and non-textbook sources. ... Don't assign too much reading.More items...•

How do you self teach a textbook?

Be Your Own Teacher: How to Study a TextbookSelect a small chunk (a few paragraphs at most) of your textbook. ... Read the section carefully, jotting down what you feel are the key points and important information to remember.Form questions that would elicit these key points as responses.More items...•

Do universities use textbooks?

Why Textbooks are Indispensable in College. Research revealed that in 2017, the most common “requirements” that college professors in the U.S. list on their syllabus are a textbook or two. It is said that 68% of all faculty reported that students are required to own the college textbook relevant to the topic.

How do teachers use textbooks effectively?

be resource books for ideas and activities, for instruction/learning, and • give teachers rationale for what they do. beginning of the year exploring the textbook with your learners. Explain why you chose the book and show your excitement about it. 'Walk' them through the structure of the book, pointing out features.

What is textbook method of teaching?

Textbooks are a detailed sequence of teaching procedures that tell you what to do and when to do it. There are no surprises—everything is carefully spelled out. Textbooks provide administrators and teachers with a complete program. The series is typically based on the latest research and teaching strategies.

How do you use textbooks effectively?

How to use a Textbook: 6 Rules to FollowMake notes all over your textbook. ... Translate key words in your textbook. ... Build vocabulary lists & concept lists based on what you read in the textbook. ... Highlight your textbook carefully. ... Make your own notes on paper using the textbook and external sources.More items...•

How do you do readings in university?

How to read effectively and criticallyOn this page.Have a clear reading purpose.Choose what to read.Preview a text.Use different ways of reading.Ask critical questions of the text.Take notes of your reading.Connect multiple readings.More items...

How many pages should a textbook be per hour?

Factors that affect reading speed are the book's complexity, writing style, interest in the book, and the reader's proficiency level in the language. Your reading speed will increase if you're reading a book you're familiar with than one you barely know. So, on average, you can read 40 to 50 pages of a book in an hour.

What is a university textbook?

A textbook is a book containing a comprehensive compilation of content in a branch of study with the intention of explaining it. Textbooks are produced to meet the needs of educators, usually at educational institutions. Schoolbooks are textbooks and other books used in schools.

Why are uni textbooks so expensive?

Textbooks cost so much because the author's work is protected by a government-granted monopoly on the product, in this case, a copyright. This restricts other parties (apart from those licensed) from publishing the textbook and thwarting the sale at market competitive prices.

Are textbooks still useful?

Textbooks are still the most popular choice of students. The Student Watch report Attitudes and Behavior toward Course Materials 2016-2017 showed that 74 percent of students bought new textbooks compared to only 23 percent who bought digital course materials (Figure 1).

How to teach a course?

1. Establish your goals for the course. Having clear objectives for your course will help you know exactly what to teach, and will help your students realize what they should be learning. Objectives are meant to give you a way of measuring whether you and the course have achieved what you need to.

What is required to teach a course?

Teaching a course at any level requires knowledge, authority and the ability to anticipate and answer questions. Your students will expect to learn things they did not know, and to attain the tools necessary to continue learning in whatever subject you are teaching.

How to learn about teaching?

Talk to other instructors about your course. You can learn a lot about teaching by discussing ideas with other instructors. Talking to instructors who have taught the same or similar courses can help you when you are planning your syllabus and lesson plans. You can also gain ideas from them throughout the term.

What are some ways to assess learning?

Some typical ways of assessing learning include: Quizzes and exams. Learning activities (fill in the blank, practice equations, etc.)

What are some examples of learning goals?

Some examples of learning goals used in actual courses are: Demonstrate the ability to read, evaluate and interpret general economic information. Apply research methods in psychology, including design, data analysis, and interpretation to a research project. Communicate effectively in an oral presentation.

How do you measure student achievement?

Rubrics help you measure student achievement by comparing it to certain levels that you've set. Most rubrics operate on a points or letter-grade scale, such as A/B/C etc.

What are the components of a syllabus?

However, syllabi commonly include sections on: Basic information (course title and/or number, meeting times, office hours, contact information) A course description.

How to get students to read textbooks?

Give students time to prepare for a game by reading and studying the textbook. Then, test them on what they learned by playing games as a class. It can be a great motivator to get your students to read the material.

How to take notes on textbooks?

Make this task more interesting and memorable by working together. There are online resources and apps that you can use to collaborate on the note-taking process. They let you type notes and add videos, links, and pictures. Students can work together to create notes and write about the connections to their lives to share with the rest of the class.

What are some ways to collaborate on note taking?

There are online resources and apps that you can use to collaborate on the note-taking process. They let you type notes and add videos, links, and pictures. Students can work together to create notes and write about the connections to their lives to share with the rest of the class.

Can textbooks be boring?

Textbooks can be boring. Remember those class periods that you spent reading them aloud as a class? Or reading them on your own while taking notes? You swore that when you were a teacher you would never do that. Then, you became a teacher and reality set in. Sometimes you need to read from the textbook. So, how can you make this more exciting? Teaching textbooks in engaging ways is possible, but it takes planning. Here are 7 ideas for your consideration.

What are some examples of transformative use?

Examples of "transformative" use could include juxtaposing images next to each other to show differences, or overlaying commentary or drawings on top of an image to highlight particular features. Use diverse sources (not too much reliance on a single source), and the number of images should be limited.

Do online courses have copyright?

Instructors of online courses do NOT have the same copyright protections as those teaching physical face-to-face courses, so there are extra precautions you must take when creating an online course. Images, videos, audio, and text can all be meaningful additions to your course content.

Can instructors use public domain content?

Instructors may use content that is in the public domain or licensed for any use, including for-profit purposes, under an appropriate Creative Commons or similar license. In all cases, instructors should make an attribution to the original source in their slides or other class materials.
