where can i get the movie crash course

by Mr. Tyrel Lockman PhD 3 min read

Are Crash Course videos free?

You can directly support Crash Course at https://www.patreon.com/crashcourse Subscribe for as little as $0 to keep up with everything we're doing. Free is ni...

Where is the crash course series filmed?

The Crash Course team has produced more than 32 courses on a wide variety of subjects, including organic chemistry, literature, world history, …

How many crash course courses are there?

Jul 01, 2016 · 17 Movies You Can Watch To Get A Crash Course In Parenting; 17 Movies You Can Watch To Get A Crash Course In Parenting. By TH Staff Published Jun 30, 2016. ... You were a generation's poster boy, and it all started with this movie, Risky Business. In the film, Cruise's parents leave him alone for the weekend. He lets loose. His buddies come over.

Who is the creator of Crash Course?

May 06, 2005 · Crash: Directed by Paul Haggis. With Karina Arroyave, Dato Bakhtadze, Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle. Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption.

17 Meet The Parents

De Niro, as Jack Byrnes, takes pure, pure pleasure in torturing his daughter's new boyfriend, Gaylord "Greg" Focker, played by Ben Stiller. The writers really didn't give Greg a chance with that name, did they? Nor did they when they created such a secretive, paranoid father character. The only affection Jack shows is to his cat, which Greg loses.

16 Risky Business

Oh, Tom Cruise. How young you once were! How charismatic! No Oprah, no couch in sight. I don't even think you were a scientologist at the time. You were a generation's poster boy, and it all started with this movie, Risky Business .

15 Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Okay. Here's a fun-loving type. He means well. He wants to show his buddy, Cameron, a good time. He wants to take his girlfriend, Sloan, out of school for a good time. It's a sunny day.

14 Kramer vs. Kramer

Now we're into more serious territory. This is a pretty emotionally draining movie, and not just because Meryl Streep stars.

13 The Parent Trap

Seriously, who doesn't like this movie? It's Lindsay Lohan's breakout where she plays twins who try to force her divorced, long lost parents back together. It's a rom-com, a family comedy, and a kids movie. It's perfect to watch with your own, and to teach them there's a right way and a wrong way to deal with trouble like this.

12 Home Alone 1 and 2

In the first Home Alone, Macauley Culkin happens to be left alone during the holidays as his massive family goes on an exodus from the place. It's fair. It's a big family. I can't completely blame the mother and father (we'll get to that in number 2), but really... he has to fight off intruders. That is so scarring.

11 Inside Out

Let's bring it back to something a little more heartwarming. Inside Out showcases both what happens when you neglect your child, but also what can happen when you help them flourish. As they grow, they (for a time) become more volatile. This can't be helped. It's puberty. What can be helped is how you handle this.


Over a thirty-six hour period in Los Angeles, a handful of disparate people's lives intertwine as they deal with the tense race relations that belie life in the city.

Did you know

Paul Haggis holds the distinction of being the only person ever to write the screenplay for two consecutive Best Picture winners. He also wrote the previous year's Best Picture winner, Million Dollar Baby (2004).

User reviews 1.7K

"Crash" is a superbly made film. The actors are first rate, the camera style is engaging, and production value is tops. And despite all this, I would never recommend it to anyone. Why? I'll explain in my 4th paragraph but first let's talk about the story.

Where was Crash Course Kids filmed?

In addition, Economics was filmed at the YouTube Space in Los Angeles, while Crash Course Kids was filmed in a studio in Toronto, Ontario.

What is a crash course?

For other uses, see Crash Course (disambiguation). Crash Course (sometimes stylized as CrashCourse) is an educational YouTube channel started by John and Hank Green (collectively the Green brothers ), who first achieved notability on the YouTube platform through their VlogBrothers channel. Crash Course was one of the hundred initial channels funded ...

How many subscribers does Crash Course have?

The channel launched a preview on December 2, 2011, and as of January 2021. , it has accumulated over 12 million subscribers and 1.4 billion video views.

Who is the host of Crash Course Kids?

A second channel, Crash Course Kids, is hosted by Sabrina Cruz and has completed its first series, Science. The first foreign-language course, an Arabic reworking of the original World History series, is hosted by Yasser Abumuailek.

Who is Craig Benzine?

Craig Benzine, host of U.S. Government and Politics, was brought on as part of the PBS Digital Studios funding deal. In 2014, Crash Course announced a partnership with PBS Digital Studios, which began in 2015 with the Astronomy and U.S. Government and Politics series.

What is subbable crowdfunding?

Eventually, YouTube's original channel initiative funding ran out, and shortly after Hank's video, the Green brothers decided to launch Subbable, a crowdfunding website where viewers could donate monthly to channels in exchange for perks.

When did World History come out with the DVD?

DVD box sets of the complete run of the Biology series and of season 1 of World History were made available for pre-order on October 31, 2013. In June 2016, the show's official site launched, providing free offline downloads of all episodes of every series completed to date. In May 2020, an official mobile app launched, providing easy access to all of the courses' video content along with rolling out flashcard and quiz study aides for particular courses.
