where can i evaluate a course in stanford continuing studies

by Mr. Kristoffer Abshire 5 min read

Can I take Continuing Studies courses at other universities?

CSP Course Evaluation Stanford Continuing Studies Building 590, Room 103 Stanford, CA 94305-3005 Course Name: _____ Quarter: _____ Professor: _____ Please complete this form and return it in class. Your comments will help us to evaluate our instructors, courses, and

How many hours are in a Continuing Studies course?

Stanford Continuing Studies courses can be taken for a grade and credit, but that credit cannot be applied toward a Stanford degree. It may be possible to apply that credit toward a degree program at another college or university, depending on that institution's academic policies.

How long are online courses at Stanford?

Stanford Continuing Studies: Online Courses. Online Stanford Continuing Studies offers a wide range of online courses in Liberal Arts & Sciences, Creative Writing, and Professional & Personal Development. Thanks to the flexibility of the online format, these courses can be taken anywhere, anytime to fit into your busy schedule.

Who teaches the Continuing Studies flex online courses?

Please contact the Stanford Continuing Studies office with any questions 365 Lasuen St. Stanford, CA 94305 [email protected] 650-725-2650 Weekend: Get a jumpstart on doing the reading, answering the discussion points for the next week, experimenting with the coming week’s writing prompts/working on your novel.

How do you do a course evaluation Stanford?

On the 'Student' tab, click 'Course and Section Evaluations'. Then click the 'Course and Section Evaluations' button on the page that appears to take you to the evaluations page.

Is Stanford Continuing Studies free?

Our free online courses provide you with an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills and study new and emerging topics. Learn from Stanford instructors and industry experts at no cost to you.

Are course evaluations anonymous Stanford?

All student evaluations are anonymous. Qualitative comments from the evaluations will not be made public and can be seen only by the course instructor. About 2,000 classes each quarter are subject to evaluation.Sep 24, 2007

What is Stanford Continuing Studies credit?

Continuing Studies courses carry Continuing Studies units of credit, which is different than the type of credits earned by undergraduate/graduate students. Transferability of Continuing Studies courses to other programs are subject to the receiving institution's policies.

Can I take Stanford courses online?

Learning for a Lifetime Expand your knowledge and unlock your potential with Stanford Online. You can study anywhere while you explore a lifetime of opportunities including free online courses, professional education, and credit-bearing programs & degrees.

What is the best learning platform for online courses?

The 7 Best Online Learning Platforms of 2022Best Overall: Coursera.Best for Niche Topics: Udemy.Best for Creative Fields: Skillshare.Best for Celebrity Lessons: MasterClass.Best for STEM: EdX.Best for Career Building: Udacity.Best for Data Learning: Pluralsight.Feb 24, 2022

Can you take classes at Stanford without being a student?

The Non-Degree Option (NDO) makes it possible for qualified working professionals to enroll in Stanford graduate-level classes on a course-by-course basis.

Does Stanford have an extension school?

ANYWHERE, ANYTIME. Stanford Continuing Studies offers a wide range of online courses in Liberal Arts & Sciences, Creative Writing, and Professional & Personal Development. Thanks to the flexibility of the online format, these courses can be taken anywhere, anytime to fit into your busy schedule.

What is a Flex online course?

EFA is a flexible educational method that can combine online curriculum with traditional classroom methods of tutoring, personalized instruction, and small group work. It requires the physical presence of both teacher and student, with some element of student control over time, place, path or pace.

What information does the registrar's office need to award transfer credit for courses taken at a U.S

institution? In order for the Registrar's Office to be able to conduct a thorough evaluation of transfer credit, information about institutional accreditation, level of course work, grading scales, and units of credit must be available . Generally, this information is included on the transcript key of an official transcript. However, in the event that some or all of this information is not printed on the transcript, students may be contacted for additional clarification or documentation. Transfer credit can only be awarded for courses with final grades posted (no transfer credit is posted for in-progress course work) and all information on the official transcript must match the transfer credit evaluation request form.

Can you transfer Continuing Studies credits to another university?

Credits will be recorded on your transcript, and you might be able to transfer the credits to another university, subject to that university's policies. Continuing Studies courses carry Continuing Studies credit, not undergraduate/graduate credits.

Can you transfer credits for in-progress courses?

Transfer credit can only be awarded for courses with final grades posted (no transfer credit is posted for in-progress course work) and all information on the official transcript must match the transfer credit evaluation request form.

Is there a deadline for submitting a transfer credit?

There is no deadline for submitting a transfer credit request form. However, all documentation (including official transcripts) should be submitted as soon as course work is completed to minimize the delay in processing your transfer credit.

Does transfer credit appear on transcript?

Additionally, approved transfer credit is posted to the student's record in whole units only (rounded down), and appears on the official transcript with the name of the institution and the total number of units that were awarded. No individual courses or grades appear on the transcript.