when you test for a college course without taking it

by Ebba Considine 4 min read

CLEP Testing
Perhaps one of the most popular ways for testing out of a course is by taking a CLEP (College-Level Examination Program) exam. CLEP is a College Board testing program that is designed to give students course credit based on test performance.
Aug 27, 2021

Full Answer

Can you test out of college courses?

Depending on how many courses you’re able to test out of (your college may limit the number of credits you can earn through testing), you may be able to cut down your time to earn a degree by as much as a full year.

How can I get college credit without taking a college class?

Here are seven ways to earn college credit without taking a college class, and seven ways to learn material for college credit without taking a college class. 1. ACE CREDIT Cost: $45 The American Council on Education is a trade association representing all accredited U.S. colleges.

Can a transfer student take a test out of class?

Some colleges offer students the opportunity to test out of required classes. If you are a transfer student and your college is reluctant to accept a particular transfer credit, ask if you can take the final exam for the equivalent course or a specific test the school uses for equivalency.

How do I prepare for the exam without taking the course?

To prepare for the exam without taking the course, you should study the skills and content outlined in the course and exam description for your subject, which you can find on the specific course page. For most courses, this document also explains how your knowledge of the course content and skills is assessed on the exams.

What is the college level exam?

How much does it cost to pass a college exam?

What is credit examination?

What are the most widely available programs for earning credit by examination?

How many hours of credit do you get on a college exam?

Is the CLEP exam fee refundable?

Is college expensive?

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What does it mean to test out of a course?

“Testing out is an opportunity for students to earn credits for material they may already have a strong foundation in, without having to take the actual course for a semester or school year.” Basically, if you don't have the desire to take a class that is necessary for graduation, you can test out.

Is it possible to test out of college?

You CAN do each and every one of those things. Using the “degree-by-examination” approach, you can earn a bachelor's degree by taking tests instead of classes. There's no student debt: you pay as you go, and your degree will cost about 1/20th of what most students pay. In effect, you can “test out” of college!

What is the test called to get into college?

The main college entrance exams are the ACT and the SAT. The CLT is a newer alternative that is accepted by a small number of colleges. Colleges and universities, especially highly selective schools, may also require SAT Subject Tests.

What is credit by examination?

Credit by Examination (CBE) allows a student to receive college credit for prior learning by demonstrating mastery of course outcomes—skills and knowledge—by taking the course exam(s). Some exams may require performance of a skill set, while other exams may be written tests covering course content.

What does it mean to CLEP a class?

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of tests students can take to earn college credit instead of taking a course.

Can you CLEP an entire degree?

8. Can you CLEP your way to a degree? Yes, it is possible, though passing CLEP exams will not get you a degree by itself. To get a degree, you need to find a university that will allow you to transfer the credits you earn through CLEP tests.

What is the meaning of admission test?

: a test to see if someone should be admitted to a school.

Why is the PSAT important?

The PSAT is a great primer for the SAT, and even the ACT, but it's more than just a trial run. PSAT scores are used to identify National Merit Scholars and award merit scholarships. More than 3.4 million high school students (mostly juniors and sophomores) take this nationwide, multiple-choice test every year.

Do you have to take an entrance exam for college?

To apply for most colleges/universities, you will be required to take an entrance exam. You need to check with the college/university that you anticipate attending to find out which exam or exams are required as part of the admissions process. College and universities accept the SAT or the ACT for admission purposes.

What are the benefits of credit by exam?

The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) and DSST exams can save you money, decrease the time it takes to earn your degree, and give you college credits before you even set foot in a classroom. You probably already know that college costs continue to rise.

What are College Board exams?

The College Board, originally College Entrance Examination Board, not-for-profit association of over 6,000 universities, colleges, schools, and other educational institutions, best known for its college entrance examination, the SAT (formerly called the Scholastic Assessment Test and, before that, the Scholastic ...

What does P mean on exam results?

PassP - Pass (50-59%)

Test Out of College: Graduate in 1 Year With Degree-By-Examination - Brazen

Not too long ago, Glassdoor released their annual “Best Places to Work” awards for 2018. And while Glassdoor described some of the things that each of these top companies are doing to make their company a best place to work, one of the underlying ingredients in all the ratings and feedback is the people.

Can you test out of a master's degree class? | DegreeInfo

Is there some type of upper-level, graduate test, portfolio, life experience credit, etc., available for a master's degree? I think it may not be, but I am not sure. You guys seem to know about all kinds of not-so-well-known alternative ways to earn credit in academia.

Does Google track you?

You may know that Google is tracking you, but most people don't realize the extent of it. Luckily, there are simple steps you can take to dramatically reduce Google's tracking. But(Continue reading)

Can you test out a class?

It is possible to “test out” of a class - that is, to get credit for the class without taking it - in some cases and for some kinds of classes. And that probably depends on the college or university and their policies, perhaps the department and its policies, etc., and which course one wants to test out of and if the professor is willing to offer that option.

Is the class open to majors?

the class is open only to majors in that field — which generally would mean you’d have to have declared that as your major.

Is it unclear what you mean by "It's unclear what you mean"?

Yes. It’s unclear what you mean

Does MIT allow you to test out?

Certain schools do allow you to “test out” of certain classes. MIT does allow for this by certain tests. Most of these are the equivalent of the final exam. Certainly there is a math competency test for ALL admitted students.

Do you have to take an intro course before an advanced course?

But that does not mean they earned course credits for the first course or a grade. That would be comparable to entering college with advanced placement in some course, so the intro course does not need to be taken before the more advanced courses.

Is JetBrains Academy a holistic approach?

There are so many sites, books, and other options for learning programming that it can be overwhelming for even the most determined learners. JetBrains Academy removes this issue by providing a holistic approach to learning with a full hands-on programming experience. It allows you to stu

What does "test optional" mean?

A test-optional admissions policy means an applicant can choose whether or not to submit scores.

Is George Washington University a standardized college?

As a result, many colleges and universities are revisiting their policies regarding standardized college entrance exams. George Washington University is the latest high-profile school to adopt a test-optional policy , and is now one of about 800 schools in this category, which also includes American InterContinental University (AIU).

Is it expensive to take standardized tests?

Examine all the variables. Standardized exams are expensive, and it's not unusual for people to take them more than once. Preparation courses and tutors and books can also cost a lot of money. As an adult student, you're likely thinking about this aspect as you read up on how to get into college. But you need to keep in mind that you may be interested in scholarships and grants which may require standardized test scores, and you'll have to weigh the financial benefits and drawbacks involved.

What are the methods of testing out of college courses?

Other methods of testing out of college courses include high school IB programs, CLEP, DSST, and college-specific prior learning assessment (PLA) and challenge testing processes. All of these forms of using testing to earn college credit are called credit-by-examination.

How many hours can you spend on a test?

However, some schools will allow you to earn a full semester’s worth of credits by taking a test. Investing just two to three hours in a test at the beginning or end of the semester can save you approximately 15 hours of work time—per week!

How to gain knowledge in college?

There are myriad ways to gain the skills and knowledge that are the focus of some college courses. If you’ve had a career that’s required you to learn the materials that are covered in a class, you may as well apply your prior knowledge. That way, you won’t feel like all that time you’ve already spent learning something was wasted.

What is Excelsior College exam?

Excelsior College Exam. Excelsior College offers a credit-by-examination program called UExcel. Credits earned via the U Excel program can be applied to a degree program with Excelsior College, or you can transfer the credits out to another school.

How to cut down on cost of testing?

You can cut down costs by testing out of some of the courses you don’t particularly need, based on your prior learning. The cost of testing out of a course will generally cost about half as much.

How much does a college course cost?

A college course can range a great deal in cost, but the average price per credit hour is between $300 and $600. If your degree requires the standard 120 credits, that adds up, fast.

How many credits are you allowed to take a prior learning assessment?

For example, if you take a prior learning assessment offered by your college, it may be worth only one or two credits, while taking the full course would be worth four credits. If this results in your dropping below full-time enrollment, you will lose your full-time status for financial aid benefits.

What to do if you are not eligible for AP?

If you are not eligible for the AP class, but you feel that you could pass the exam, talk to your academic adviser. Some high schools allow students who just missed the criteria for enrollment in the class to take the exam. Take College-Level Equivalency Program (CLEP) tests.

What to ask if you are a transfer student?

Ask about college-based testing programs. Some colleges offer students the opportunity to test out of required classes. If you are a transfer student and your college is reluctant to accept a particular transfer credit, ask if you can take the final exam for the equivalent course or a specific test the school uses for equivalency. ...

What is CLEP test?

The College-Level Equivalency Program is a federally standardized program that allows students to earn credit for basic college courses by passing a subject-matter exam. The program is open to college students and potential students of all ages.

What is an AP class?

AP classes are designed to mirror college courses and provide a comprehensive overview of the subject matter. At the end of the school year, you will take an AP exam. Depending on the college’s requirements, a passing score could be a 3 or 4 on a scale on 5. If you are not eligible for the AP class, but you feel that you could pass the exam, ...

Who can take CLEP for free?

The program is open to college students and potential students of all ages. Members of the armed forces and veterans may be eligible for free CLEP tests. Some communities run occasional promotions that discount the price of the tests. Some colleges limit the total number of CLEP credit hours that a student may accumulate.

Do all colleges accept all tests?

Not all colleges accept all tests, and each college is free to set its own requirements and restrictions. Contact an adviser at the college you are considering to make sure that you understand all of the regulations. Take Advanced Placement classes.

Can I take AP if I haven't taken AP?

Can I take the AP Exam if I haven’t taken an AP course? Yes. We recommend taking the AP course before taking an AP Exam—but it’s not required. We want to be sure homeschooled students and students in schools that don’t offer AP can take AP Exams.

Is AP research an exception?

Note: AP Seminar and AP Research are exceptions. In order to take the AP Seminar end-of-course exam and/or submit AP Seminar or AP Research performance tasks, a student must be enrolled in the AP Seminar or AP Research course at a school participating in the AP Capstone Diploma program.

What is considered a non-traditional student?

A non-traditional student is considered any adult who has not been enrolled in high school for more than 6 years. If you apply as a non-traditional student, you may have to submit other materials. This may include recommendation letters, test scores and a personal statement. Enroll in a community college.

How many credits are required to get a degree in a college?

Completing six credits that could be applied toward a degree program.

How old do you have to be to go to Columbia Greene Community College?

Columbia-Greene Community College is based out of Hudson, New York. It may accept students without a high school diploma or GED. There are several admission requirements. Students must be at least 17 years old. They also must take a placement exam. They may have to work with a counselor to learn more about additional requirements.

What is Wayne County Community College?

Wayne County Community College is a community college located in Detroit, Michigan. This community college has an adult education program. Students who do not have a high school diploma or GED are eligible to apply. Students must be at least 18 years old to qualify for the program.

What is a lifelong student?

Enroll as a lifelong student. A lifelong student is defined as a person who takes an individual class during a semester. You could complete coursework that is relevant to your career goals. This might help you build skills, and help you gain knowledge.

Does Community College of Baltimore County accept GED?

The Community College of Baltimore County may accept students without a high school diploma or GED. It is located in Baltimore, Maryland. Students must pass an entrance exam or commit to completing their GED while enrolled.

Do colleges require a GED?

Colleges That Don’t Require a GED or High School Diploma. There are colleges and universities across the country that do not require a GED or high school diploma. Here are a list of some colleges that do not require a GED or high school diploma:

How to pass coding certification without a degree?

In answer to your question, you could potentially pass the exams this way, but the best way to pass these exams without obtaining a two- or four-year degree is to take the AAPC’s or AHIMA’s online or classroom setting preparation courses. Many certified coding professionals choose this option, as it allows them to obtain the required credential (s) to work in this rewarding industry and not to have to spend a lot of money or time for a two- or four-year college prior to obtaining a coding credential.

How many years of college do you need to become a coding professional?

Many certified coding professionals choose this option, as it allows them to obtain the required credential (s) to work in this rewarding industry and not to have to spend a lot of money or time for a two- or four-year college prior to obtaining a coding credential.

What is online learning?

Online learning offers flexibility to learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your home or office. Each course is divided into learning modules and quizzes at the end in order to assess an individual’s progress.

How many colleges accept CLEP credits?

The 90 minute exams are administered at testing centers on computers, so you can see your score immediately after you finish. CLEP credits are accepted at 2900 colleges nationwide.

Is Excelsior College a public college?

Excelsior is a public online college located in New York State that’s been an innovator in evaluation, assessment, and accreditation for non- traditional learners. The college has developed fifty-one of its own examinations to award course credit in a variety of subjects from “Juvenile Delinquency” to “Global Population.” These ECEs (Excelsior College Examinations) are accepted in turn for college credit at hundreds of other universities.

What is the college level exam?

If your college or university accepts credit by examination, chances are that they accept the College Level Examination Program, commonly known as CLEP. This exam is accepted at over 2,900 schools across the nation, and it’s basically the gold-standard for credit by examination. All of their tests are also reviewed and accepted by ACE Credit, which is the organization that determines the general standards for how schools handle credit for prior learning.

How much does it cost to pass a college exam?

There are several different nationwide exams available to earn credit for college, but not every school accepts all the tests—so make sure you do your research on your school’s specific policies! With fees that are typically less than $100, passing an exam for college credit has a huge potential to save you a lot of money (and time!) when pursuing your degree.

What is credit examination?

In its simplest form, credit by examination is the process of taking subject-specific tests in an attempt to earn college credit for courses within your degree program.

What are the most widely available programs for earning credit by examination?

CLEP, DSST, and ECE may be the most widely available programs for earning credit by examination, but your specific college may have options available for you as well! University Challenge Exams, or Institutional Exams, are offered by some schools as a way for students to gain credit or advanced standing in their degree program.

How many hours of credit do you get on a college exam?

Typically, these tests can be used to gain credit for entry-level or general education classes, although each school has its own policies for how many credits they will accept through this method—generally ranging from 15-30 credit hours.

Is the CLEP exam fee refundable?

There are hundreds of different testing sites across the U.S. for these exams. The CLEP exam fee is non-refundable if you fail to show up to the test or you don’t pass the exam. So make sure that you are prepared beforehand!

Is college expensive?

There’s no doubt that college can be both costly and time consuming, but what if you had a way to earn college credit towards your degree without ever setting foot in a classroom?
