when will uw madison spring course guide be available?

by Keyshawn Satterfield 5 min read

Full Answer

How do I find out which courses are offered at UW–Madison?

To discover which of these courses are offered during a particular term, and when, visit UW–Madison's Course Search & Enroll app. Information in this Guide is effective June 1, 2021–May 31, 2022.

When should I submit my application to UW–Madison?

All materials must be submitted by early February for admission in the following fall. This application is in addition to the UW–Madison admission application.

What is an undergraduate degree at UW–Madison?

Undergraduate degrees at UW–Madison presume that students are completing a program of study that consists of a degree program that combines the requirements for the degree with focused study in a discipline, or that combines school or collegewide requirements with an undergraduate major in which they pursue focused study.

What is the University of Wisconsin–Madison education guide?

The Guide contains information about the many academic programs that make the University of Wisconsin–Madison one of the world's foremost institutions of higher education. The Guide is published online only. It is not available in printed format.

What Do You Want to Study?

Explore our fields of study and find the academic path that ignites your academic passion.


Badgers transcend disciplines and think critically to solve today’s most pressing problems. Wherever you are on your academic journey, a community of more than 400,000 Badgers around the world is waiting for you. Be the next Badger to do something extraordinary.

Costs and Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid provides a full list of resources to help students apply for financial aid and lists the cost of attendance and tuition for Wisconsin residents and out-of-state students. You can find the cost per credit provided by the Bursar's Office.

Additional UW–Madison Catalogs

The Guide includes academic information for students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees and nondegree opportunities. Comprehensive information about our other world-renowned programs can be found below:

View Class Schedule by Term

The more than 9,000 courses featured in the Guide represent UW–Madison's entire course inventory. To discover which of these courses are offered during a particular term, and when, visit UW–Madison's Course Search & Enroll app.

Guide Information

Information in this Guide is effective June 1, 2021–May 31, 2022. Currently or previously enrolled students should consult previous versions of the UW–Madison academic catalogs and bulletins, their advisor (s), and/or their degree audit reports for their specific requirements.

How often is the academic calendar approved in Wisconsin?

Construction of the academic calendar is subject to various rules and guidelines prescribed by the Board of Regents, the Faculty Senate and State of Wisconsin legislation. Approximately every five years, the Faculty Senate approves a new academic calendar which spans a future five-year period.

What is the Office of Admissions and Recruitment?

The Office of Admissions and Recruitment determines which placement tests are required. After students are admitted to the University of Wisconsin–Madison, they will receive an email from the Office of Admissions and Recruitment indicating which placement tests are required. Language Placement Exams.

Is the University of Wisconsin Madison a private school?

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a public institution registered as a "Private Institution" with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to sections 136A.61 to 136A.71. Registration is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institution may not transfer to all other institutions.

My Courses

The My Courses tab keeps your lists of selected and saved courses, and is where you will enroll, drop, or swap courses.


The Scheduler tool in Course Search & Enroll shows weekly calendar layouts of the classes from your cart. You can view different combinations of sections to find the time-slots that work best, and set up blocks to avoid scheduling classes at certain times.


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

What does "Save Schedule" mean?

The “Save Schedule” button in the upper right corner pushes the selected days/times for the displayed weekly grid back to your cart.

Degree Planner

The Degree Planner is a tool for students to do just that, plan their degree. This tool helps students structure and plan their courses during their time at the University.


This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.

I want to share my plan with my advisor

In Menu, in the sidebar, click on “Create PDF,” or click on the settings wheel next to the degree name and select “Create PDF.” You can then save or print the PDF and share it with your advisor. Your advisor cannot view a digital version of your plan.

UW Madison Academic Calendar spring 2022

Spring 2022 is a Regular 15-week session. These are the important dates and deadlines in the UW Madison Academic Calendar for spring 2022.

UW Madison Academic Calendar fall 2022

Fall 2022 is also a Regular 15-week session. For important dates and deadlines, check the following UW Madison Academic Calendar dates for fall 2022.
