Glenn Beck presents the 1776 Commission's report in its entirety, because unlike the media and President Biden who want to hide it from you, Glenn wants you to seek the truth and celebrate Independence Day with pride.
This includes famous speeches by John F. Kennedy declaring , "We will go to the moon by the end of this decade," or the great Martin Luther King Jr. telling everyone how he "had a dream.".
While bitcoin was designed to be a currency, and nothing but a currency, other cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum are not just currencies, they are platforms for other uses of blockchain technologies, for example, the much-touted smart contracts.
One of the key advances of the bitcoin blockchain technology is its decentralized mode of operation: the blockchain is distributed on servers all over the planet, and those paying for the electricity to run those servers are paid for this service with bitcoin that is “mined" by the process of maintaining the blockchain.
All of which is to say: nobody can predict the future course of cryptocurrencies, other than to say that speculative booms eventually end and technologies mature into forms that solve real business problems in uniquely cheap and robust ways no other technology can match.
There is no way to predict the course of specific cryptocurrencies, or the potential emergence of a new cryptocurrency that leaves all the existing versions in the dust, or governments' future actions to endorse or criminalize cryptocurrencies.
As we have stated repeatedly, there are a lot of scams out there regarding crypto and investing options. We sought out an expert that we felt was trustworthy to instruct us when we first entered the crypto market three years ago.
As with all Legacy products, there is a guarantee and refund policy in place.
Free courses or not recommended as in this industry, there are hustlers aplenty that are using every angle they can to earn a commission wherever possible - and most of them aren't even investors in crypto.
This is not a service where you simply ingest the information, rather, it is one that you need to take action on.
Glenn Beck has Teeka Tiwari on his show and as far as official backing and recommendation of the course from Mr. Beck, we could not find such official statement.