when to do a root cause analysis medication safety course

by Miss Helen Glover I 4 min read

Full Answer

What is the purpose of root cause analysis in medication safety?

In the medication safety course at the Jefferson School of Pharmacy, the root cause analysis also serves as a measure of students’ comprehension and ability to apply essential medication and patient safety skills. This article describes the design and implementation of a root cause analysis activity in a required medication safety course. Go to:

What is root cause analysis in Total Quality Management?

Tracing back to the broader field of Total Quality Management (TQM), root cause analysis is part of a more general problem-solving process, and essentially plays an integral role in continuous improvement efforts. This methodology was developed by manufacturers in the 1950s with the goal to better understand industrial events.

What is root cause analysis (∀RCA)?

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Step-By-Step Guide RCA is a process for identifying the basic or contributing causal factors that underlie variations in performance associated with adverse events or close calls. An RCA is a specific type of focused review that is used for all patient safety adverse events or close calls requiring analysis.

What is the rubric for the second root cause analysis?

The rubric for the second root cause analysis also assessed the student team’s ability to develop a plan to improve or eliminate identified deficiencies in an effort to prevent the medication error from recurring. Within their teams, students also evaluated their peers on their contributions to each root cause analysis project.

Which are the steps to perform a Root Cause Analysis in health care?

In order to go through the RCA process, you must be familiar with the following five steps:Define the problem. Analyze what you see happening, and identify the precise symptoms so that you can form a problem statement.Gather data. ... Identify causal factors. ... Determine the root cause(s). ... Recommend and implement solutions.

What is the purpose of RCA?

The purpose of an RCA is to find out what happened, why it happened, and determine what changes need to be made. It can be an early step in a PIP, helping to identify what needs to be changed to improve performance.

What is an RCA in medicine?

Root cause analysis (RCA) is a process for identifying the causal factors underlying variations in performance. In the case of medical error, this variation in performance may result in a sentinel event.

What is RCA in safety?

A root cause analysis (RCA) is a part of a problem solving process used to examine and determine the root causes or core reasons of any failure of safety observance, accident or issues related to health, environment, quality, reliability and production etc..

Who typically performs root cause analysis?

A decision is made to form a small team to conduct the root cause analysis. Team members are selected from the business process/area of the organization that experiences the problem. The team might be supplemented by: A line manager with decision authority to implement solutions.

What are the 5 steps of root cause analysis?

Identify Root Causes in 5 Easy StepsRealize the Problem. First, you need to identify what actually went wrong. ... Collect a Sufficient Amount of Data. ... Identify the Associated Causal Factors. ... Draw a Conclusion. ... Implement Any Necessary Changes.

When must a root cause analysis be completed for a sentinel event?

Preparation for RCA begins immediately after the event is declared sentinel. The Joint Commission allows 45 days for completion of the analysis and development of an action plan. Delays in beginning the process could result in unnecessary stress to meet the deadline.

Who should be included in a root cause analysis team?

Team members should consist of physicians, supervisors, ancillary staff and quality improvement experts. It is important that members of the RCA team are not involved in the case being reviewed to ensure objectivity [10, 11].

Which is an important approach when conducting an RCA?

A social worker catches a patient who is falling out of bed. Which is an important approach when conducting an RCA? Use categories to organize events that led to errors.

What are the 6 steps of a root cause analysis?

To perform an effective root causes analysis, there are six main steps that you need to do.Define the Problem.Collect Data about the Problem.Determine Potential Causal Factors.Determine the Root Cause or Causes of the Problem.Prioritize the Causes.Solution, Recommendation, and Implementation.

When should a incident report be completed?

Generally, you should complete an incident report whenever an unexpected occurrence causes property damage or personal injury.

What is a root cause analysis NHS?

RCA is a methodology applied to support and add rigour to serious incident investigations by applying a systematic process whereby the factors that contributed to an incident are identified. It is the preferred investigation technique for investigation of safety incidents.


Objective. To develop, implement, and evaluate team-based root cause analysis projects as part of a required medication safety course for second-year pharmacy students.


Approximately 100,000 people die each year as a result of preventable medical errors. 1 This is more than the number of deaths caused by motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome combined. These deaths result in more than $30 billion in direct healthcare expenses and indirect income losses each year.


Medication Safety is a 2-credit course required for second-year PharmD students delivered in 12 weekly 2-hour class sessions in the fall semester.


Two structured grading rubrics, 1 for each of the root cause analysis assignment, were designed to evaluate student performance and competency. Each rubric assessed student teams on achievement of the course objectives specific to medication error evaluation.


Ensuring safe medication use is a critical role of pharmacists. However, formal courses dedicated to the principles of medication safety and error prevention are not present in all pharmacy college and school curricula.


Ensuring safe medication use is an essential function of pharmacists. The development of a required medication safety course with a particular emphasis on the application of error evaluation and prevention skills can contribute to meeting ACPE standards and prepare graduates to ensure optimal patient safety.
