what should every writing 101 course cover

by Mr. Marc Romaguera 6 min read

The course concentrates primarily on expository and argumentative writing; traditional rhetorical modes; and effective composing, revising, and editing strategies. English 101 covers MLA conventions, and a research paper is required. Critical thinking and reading skills are also stressed.

What is the purpose of English 101 course?

benefits accrue depend on the type of humor and how it is employed. This Writing 101 course will interrogate recent research on the effects of humor on learning. Through critical analyses of published studies investigating humor as an aid to learning, students will develop skills in academic reading, writing and research. The course will begin

Who is the first year composition instructor for English 101?

Identify the phrase and clause and use them correctly. Identify and properly use periods, commas, apostrophes, colons, semicolons, hyphens, and quotation marks. Refine your sentence writing, identify types of paragraphs and form paragraphs correctly. Demonstrate correct writing of …

Can You Learn to write?

Each WRITING 101 section has a unique theme, but they all offer a foundation in university-level writing. If you are assigned to take WRITING 101 in the fall, you will have a message on DukeHub, under the Registration section telling you this. You are required to register for the course in the fall if you are assigned to take it in fall. Those who are not assigned to WRITING 101 for fall will not …

What should an intro to art course include?

Course Description. The main purpose of English 101 is to introduce you to the conventions of academic writing and critical thinking. And while academic writing means different things to different people, there are some common elements. We write to communicate to others-whether they are colleagues, professionals in their fields, or friends.

What does a 100 level writing course teach?

In English 100, students will become familiar with the writing demands of English 101 and of the University; learn useful methods for producing and interpreting a variety of texts of familiar and interesting subjects; learn processes for inventing and elaborating ideas, for shaping them into purposeful and successful ...

What do they teach in English 101?

English 101 classes help develop students' communication and academic writing skills. Passing English 101 means knowing how to write concisely and with correct grammar. You should also know how to set up an effective thesis statement and find reliable sources.Aug 26, 2021

How do you teach the composition of 101?

Writing 101: Guidelines for TeachingRead, discuss, and write in response to a series of texts—books, essays, films, etc. ... Make active and critical use of these readings in their work as writers. ... Write frequently throughout the term. ... Rethink and revise several of the writing projects they are assigned.More items...

How many essays do you write in English 101?

Five essaysFive essays, including a final, will be assigned during the quarter. You should turn in your paper in class on time. A paper not submitted in class on the due date is late. SUBMIT YOUR ESSAYS ON TIME.

Is ENG 101 hard?

There is limited class time to work on essays, read or research. Yes, the class is hard, but earning the college credit is worth it.

How do you succeed in English 101?

7 Secrets to Success in English 101Know Your Writing Handbook—and Use It.Read Twice: Once for Pleasure, Once for Facts.Use Your College Writing Center.Review the Basic Grammatical Structures and Terms.Prepare to Move Beyond the Five-Paragraph Essay.Use Online Resources Wisely.Don't Plagiarize!Aug 15, 2017

How do you teach college writing?

Explain that writing is hard work. ... Give students opportunities to talk about their writing. ... Encourage students to revise their work. ... Explain thesis statements. ... Stress clarity and specificity. ... Explain the importance of grammar and sentence structure, as well as content.More items...

How do you teach writing in the first year?

Instructors employ active learning principles in our writing classrooms in a number of ways.Let students teach one another. ... Make student writing a text in the class. ... Expect students to direct discussion; invite them to teach a class. ... Ask students to design their own writing assignments. ... Involve students in assessment.More items...

How do I teach college level English?

In order to teach college-level English, job candidates will typically need to have a master's degree. Some community colleges will accept a bachelor's degree, but many universities now require a doctoral degree for full-time, tenure-track English faculty positions.

What is the lowest English class in college?

English 101 is an entry-level English class that most college students take their first semester in college. Read on to learn more about what this class entails and how to work to pass the course.

Can English 101 go online?

StraighterLine offers several low-cost, college level, online english classes. For students looking to take English 101 online, our courses present a convenient alternative to on-campus options. Our online college English classes help students develop their writing skills and improve their English grammar.

Is English 101 required?

What is English 101? English 101 is a course required at many colleges where students develop their expository and persuasive writing skills through various writing experiences. Many research techniques and writing skills are introduced and reinforced as students produce papers and assignments about complex topics.

Creative Writing 101

Creative Writing 101 is a course designed to inspire and lay down the key foundations for fictional creative writing. There is no right or wrong way to do this, but this course offers great insights and information on the craft. This course is 8 hours long and can be done in one day or over a couple of evenings.

Course Content


Further insights into the course content

One of the most commonly discussed aspects of writing style. We will discuss this and then try some examples. Starting with some basic ‘tell’ sentences and then developing them to see how they can be improved. In this session, there will be around four or more sentences that will be given to the group for jumping-off points.


If you have any questions or want to find out more about this course please use the contact page and drop us a message.

How to teach color theory?

One of the best ways to teach color theory is to have an open studio day where students can experiment with a variety of media. Once they create mud, they learn pretty quickly what colors don’t work well together. After they experiment, I talk about the color wheel and all that’s involved with color theory.

What are the principles of design?

In simple terms, the principles are how you organize the elements. In general, people agree on the following 7 principles of design. Balance.

Why is it important to give students open studio days?

Giving students open studio days is good for everyone’s soul. It makes for a lively and fun day of experimenting with media and reminds kids that there are really no mistakes in art. Plus, they can use what they learn through experimentation in their future work.

What is visual journal?

I believe visual journals are a necessity in an introductory art course. Visual, prompt-based journals get your students practicing their drawing and compositional skills weekly. This is where students are encouraged to take risks, experiment, play, draw, add text, collage, and create from their hearts.

How to write a good preface?

Here are four tips for writing a great preface: 1. Brevity Is Better. Readers often like to get right to the body of the book. Keep your preface brief. One to two pages is the ideal length to get your points across. Proofreading helps with editing out redundant thoughts and excess information. 2.

What is a prologue in a story?

Prologue: Typically found in works of fiction, a prologue is usually written from a character’s point of view, either the main character or a character who brings a different perspective to the story.

What is a foreword in a book?

Foreword: A foreword is an introductory section of a book written by someone other than the author, usually a prominent figure like an expert on the subject matter, another author, or a critic. A foreword lends credibility to the book and author by praising the work, the writer, or both.

What is the difference between a preface and a foreword?

What’s the Difference Between a Preface, Prologue, and a Foreword? 1 Preface: Most often found in nonfiction books or academic writing, a preface is written from the point of view of the author. This short introductory statement reveals information about why the author wrote the book. A writer might also talk about themselves and why they are qualified to write about this topic. 2 Prologue: Typically found in works of fiction, a prologue is usually written from a character’s point of view, either the main character or a character who brings a different perspective to the story. This introductory literary device gives the reader additional information that will help their comprehension of the story. This can include background information on characters, events that took place before the story begins, or information that establishes the setting of the story. 3 Foreword: A foreword is an introductory section of a book written by someone other than the author, usually a prominent figure like an expert on the subject matter, another author, or a critic. A foreword lends credibility to the book and author by praising the work, the writer, or both. A foreword can sometimes be a type of literary marketing tool publishers use to increase the profile of a book and attract readers.

What does a university writing course look like?

What does a university writing course look like? Well, it looks like any other writer’s workshop, for the most part. Everyone hands in a piece of writing, everyone comments on the writing, and a moderator (Prof) looks after what people are saying. He or she also gives assignments that might help the group’s writing. For instance, “Read this story on page 72. It’s flash fiction. We are going to look at why the author picked certain words in the story to cause this reaction in the reader” so on and so forth. That’s all it is.

Should I take an online writing course?

Should you take an online writing course? That depends on what problems you have in your writing, and what you want to accomplish. If you have a control problem, grammar, making decisions for your word choice, getting kinks out, stuff like that then yes, an online writing course can help you.

What is a lede in writing?

Crafting a Lede. A lede, which is a journalism slang term for the first sentence or two of a story (i. e. lead), is an incredibly important part of the process. You need to draw readers in with a hook while stating why the story matters. Like all forms of writing, there’s no hard and fast rule about what makes a great lede.

What are the 5 Ws?

The 5 Ws. Many people have heard of the 5 Ws, even if they’ve never taken a journalism class. The Ws in question refer to the Who, What, When, Where and Why that every story should address. Depending on what the story is, how and when you answer those Ws may change. If, for example, you’re reporting on a drive-by shooting in a city, ...

What is a nut graf?

A nut graf, another journalism slang term, is the summarization of what the story’s about. A nut graf (or nutgraph, nut 'graph, and nutgraf) can be a sentence or a paragraph and, sometimes, may also be your lede. (The term " graf " itself refers to a paragraph.)

Who is Rachel Deahl?

What You Need to Know About News Writing. Rachel Deahl is a columnist, news director, and e-book author for Publishers Weekly who has had a career in journalism or publishing since 2002. News writing follows a basic formula.
