when the grind size is too large or too course, the result of the brewed coffee will be too weak.

by Prof. Elda Jacobson 3 min read

Grinding the coffee too coarse will result in weak and less flavorful coffee. Grinding too fine will make the coffee dull and bitter. Coffee beans contain soluble solids, which must be extracted from the grind into the brew.

If the grind is too coarse or the contact time is too short, the coffee will turn out weak. Finding the proper balance between the two will help in producing the best cup of coffee possible.Dec 22, 2015

Full Answer

How does grind size affect coffee?

May 31, 2019 · And you will not brew it at 212 F/100 C, as it's much too harsh. In fact no coffee needs to be brewed at such a high temperature. The most you should be brewing small grind coffee at is 93 C/200 F. A good brew time for fine grind coffee is …

Why does my coffee turn out weak?

Dec 15, 2020 · Coffee Grind Size Chart: How Grind Size Affects Coffee Flavor. Written by the MasterClass staff. Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 • 2 min read. Getting the right coffee grind size is essential for brewing the perfect cup of coffee.

How do I know if my coffee grinder bits are too small?

Dec 01, 2017 · Coffee Grind Size & How It Affects Consistency & Flavor. Coffee grind size is no small matter. Controlling this variable allows you to improve the taste of your coffee, ensure repeatability, experiment with recipes, and more. Unfortunately, many a wonderful coffee has been let down by its grind profile. From the wrong size (often caused by a ...

Why are burr grinders bad for your coffee?

Dec 22, 2015 · If the grind is too coarse or the contact time is too short, the coffee will turn out weak. Finding the proper balance between the two will …

What happens if the coffee grind is too coarse?

In general, if you brew coffee that is ground too coarse, the coffee can be under-extracted (weak), and less flavorful. If your coffee is ground too fine, however, the coffee can be over-extracted and bitter. Small changes in grind size can drastically affect the taste of your final brew.

How does grind size affect the quality of coffee?

The finer you grind your coffee beans, the more you increase the exposed surface area of the grounds, resulting in faster extraction. That's why coffee for espresso machines is ground fine, since the water from an espresso maker passes very quickly at high pressure through the grounds.Jun 24, 2021

What happens if you grind your coffee too fine?

When coffee is too finely ground, it gets over-extracted when brewing, which leads to a very bitter brew. Over-extracted coffee can also be hollow, or tasteless, but usually it is just plain bitter.Jan 2, 2021

How does grind size affect brew time?

And the finer or coarser the grind, the more or less quickly water can pass through it – affecting brew time as well as extraction efficiency. A coarser grind has looser particles which, in turn, will allow water to move between them more quickly.Dec 1, 2017

What does grind size mean?

Today, we're going over one of the most important and easy-to-adjust brewing method variable: the grind. To start at square one (or, more aptly, irregularly and inconsistently sized particle one): grind size refers to how big or small the individual coffee grounds are.Aug 7, 2019

How does grind size affect taste?

The more coarse a grind, the less bitter it will taste. Cold brew coffee uses extra coarse grinds. Because the extraction process takes a significant length of time, the size of extra coarse grinds makes it easier to filter.Oct 21, 2019

How do you adjust coffee grind size?

Start with a medium-fine grind, and adjust it based on your preferences. For example, if your brew turns out sour (under extracted), use a finer grind next time, and/or increase your brew time slightly. If your brew ends up bitter (over extracted), use a coarser grind next time and/or decrease your brew time.

What is the best grind size for espresso?

The best ground beans size for espresso is 0.88 mm or 1.32 of an inch; this is a fine grind. While the precise size can fluctuate slightly with different coffee beans and even different espresso machines, it's essential to keep practicing until you get the grind size right.

What is the difference between coarse and fine grind coffee?

A very coarse grind is where we grind a little, resulting in large chunks of coffee beans. A very fine grind is where we grind down our beans until they're a gritty powder texture. With a coarse grind of coffee, our hot water binds to the outside of the individual grinds.

Why is there a need to know and understand the varieties of grind size being used for the different brewing methods?

Different coffee brewing systems require different types of coffee grinds, and it also comes down to personal taste! There's more to it, but if you find your coffee is too sour or watery, you'll need to grind your beans finer. If it's bitter or extremely acidic, you'll need to grind your beans coarser.Oct 29, 2019

When should you adjust coffee grinds?

Calibrating your commercial coffee grinder is something that should be done every morning prior to opening. And if the weather is changing, it may be appropriate to adjust it during the day. In many coffee shops and espresso bars, no one bothers to do this.

How does the grind of coffee affect extraction rate?

Why grind size matters The extraction rate of coffee grounds increases with a larger surface area. To increase surface area, grind the coffee finer. The higher the extraction rate, the less contact time is needed. A finer grind can reduce the flow rate of water, increasing the contact time.Dec 22, 2015

Why grind coffee beans?

Once ground, more of the beans’ surface area is exposed to oxygen, causing the grounds to lose flavor. Ground coffee keeps only a few days, so it’s best to buy it in very small amounts.

Why is coffee fine?

That’s why coffee for espresso machines is ground fine, since the water from an espresso maker passes very quickly at high pressure through the grounds.

How long does coffee last after being ground?

Once ground, more of the beans’ surface area is exposed to oxygen, causing the grounds to lose flavor. Ground coffee keeps only a few days, so it’s best to buy it in very small amounts.

Can you experiment with coffee grinds?

If you have a coffee grinder at home, you can experiment with different grinds to find what works best for you. To start, match your brewing type to the typical grind on this chart.

Why grind coffee beans?

The whole purpose of grinding our coffee beans is to increase the surface area coming into contact with water. And the finer or coarser the grind, the more or less quickly water can pass through it – affecting brew time as well as extraction efficiency. A coarser grind has looser particles which, in turn, will allow water to move between them more ...

Does coffee grind have inconsistency?

Moreover, no matter what grinder you use, inconsistency can be an issue. If your ground coffee contains a mixture of larger and smaller grinds (“boulders” and “fines,” respectively), these will extract at different rates. Typically, the larger particles will under-extract while the smaller ones will over-extract.

Is dark roast coffee soluble?

So too will the coffee you’re brewing: depending on the origin, variety, processing method, roast profile, and more, you may want to highlight different characteristics. Dark roasts, for example, are more soluble and so you might use a slightly coarser grind. However, two points deserve special mention.

How to determine coffee grind size?

When it comes to grind size, there are three factors which make the biggest difference: contact time, extraction rate and flow rate. To put it simply: 1 The extraction rate of coffee grounds increases with a larger surface area. 2 To increase surface area, grind the coffee finer. 3 The higher the extraction rate, the less contact time is needed. 4 A finer grind can reduce the flow rate of water, increasing the contact time.

What is drip coffee?

Drip coffee is what you typically get from a cafe or coffee shop. It's made in large batches and contact time is dictated by a small hole in the bottom of the brewing basket, so recommended grind size varies between medium-coarse to medium. The French press is an immersion brewer.

What is an Aeropress coffee maker?

The AeroPress is a popular single-cup manual coffee maker. It's similar to a French press in design and use, though users have come up with a laundry list of ways to brew. Recommended grind size is between medium and fine, depending on steep time.

How does a siphon brewer work?

Siphon brewers use pressure to force water into a chamber holding the coffee grounds. Once the steep has finished, heat is removed, which creates a vacuum in the lower chamber and pulls the water through a filter. This method calls for a medium-fine grind size.

How long does it take to brew coffee in a French press?

This method calls for a coarse grind setting. Cold Brew, unlike other brewing methods, is done at or below room temperature and takes between 12 and 72 hours.

What is a single cup coffee maker?

A single-cup coffee maker, such as a Keurig or Verismo machine, is a drip brewer method, similar to the commercial drip brewers found in cafes. The contact time is fairly low, meaning it calls for a medium to medium-fine grind size, comparable to that of table salt.

What is a Moka pot?

A stovetop espresso maker or Moka pot is a coffee maker which uses steam pressure to force water upwards through a filter basket full of coffee grounds.

Uneven Grind Size

One of the worst things for brewing coffee is having an uneven grind size. This is why clean burr grinders are preferable to blades. Blades chop the coffee up into different sizes and this will result in both under and over-extraction. Burrs on the other hand, providing they are clean and not blunt, will provide a much more consistent grind size.

My coffee is too bitter and intense!

Overtly intense coffee is not necessarily a good thing. It means you may be missing on out some truly fine and subtle flavours that could make the cup experience all the better. This may come in the form of coffee that is too bitter or astringent.


Fines are the tiny coffee particles that can have a surprising impact on your cup. This is because they are always over-extracted and are in many cases stale. Fines are very common when grinding with a blade but they will also occur in burr grinders when they are left unclean.

Why is it important to grind coffee?

When coffee is ground, the bean’s surface is broken up exposing more surface area inside of the bean. This process unlocks the coffee bean’s smell, taste, etc. This is why a quality grinder is important to the end result. A good grinder produces more of a uniform particle size allowing the coffee to extract evenly.

What is the advantage of a burr coffee grinder?

The main advantage of a burr coffee grinder is that it grinds beans to a uniform size of particles. This makes for a better cup of French press coffee, avoids clogging problems, and gives you the flexibility to grind beans to the ideal French press grind size. A good example of a burr grinder with all of these qualities, and at a reasonable price, ...

Why do coffee beans need to be ground?

Coffee beans need to be ground in order to break the bean’s surface to increase the surface area coming into contact with water. This also releases coffee bean’s aromas and flavors. When hot water passes over the grounds it captures oils, aromas, and flavors, transferring them to the brewed coffee.

What is the best coffee grinder?

Burr grinders are the best grinders for grinding coffee for all brewing methods, including the French press. Burr grinders really do grind the coffee beans. They grind beans between two burred plates. The plates, or “burrs”, are flat in some models and conical in others.

How to grind coffee beans in a French press?

Step 1 – Preheat. Preheat your French press with hot water, make sure to include the plunger as well. While your French press is warming up (for ~30 seconds), it’s a perfect time to grind your coffee beans. Use your burr grinder to grind coffee grounds with the coarseness of sea salt.

Can you leave coffee in a carafe?

Next and right away, decant your coffee into a favorite cup or a container. Please do not leave it sitting in a carafe to avoid over-extraction and, therefore, bitterness in your coffee. Avoid pushing the plunger too fast and too hard. It will agitate your coffee grounds and might add bitter flavors to your coffee.

How does the grind size affect coffee?

The grind size you choose will affect the flavor, of course, but it will also affect how much pressure you need to plunge the coffee. The finer the grind, the more pressure required. This will, in turn, affect the flavor and body of the coffee as well.

What is the best grind for cold brew coffee?

An extra-coarse grind is best for cold brew coffee. As the brew method with the longest extraction time, cold brew coffee does not require as much surface area to fully extract flavor from the grounds.

What is the best grind for espresso?

A fine grind is best for Espresso. Without a fine grind in your portafilter, you won’t be able to build up the necessary pressure to pull a proper shot. You also want that fine grind because the brew time is so short. You need maximum surface area to fully extract the coffee in such a short time.

Is it important to grind coffee?

Fortunately, achieving a proper grind size will set the rest of your process up for success. It’s also one of those variables that involves endless tinkering, especially as you take more control over the brewing process. Enjoy and let me know your favorite recipes.

What is the grind level?

The range of grind levels typically runs from extra-fine to extra-coarse. Which one you choose depends on your brewing method because their different approaches to brewing all require a different grind size. Read on to see what the ideal grind size is for your favorite brewing method.

How long to brew a brew?

You can also go for a short brew (less than a minute) if you use a fine grind. For a medium-coarse to coarse grind, you can brew between three to five minutes.

What is the best setting for pour overs?

Not only does the grind size change the overall flavor, but it also helps determine the brew time. For most cone-shaped pour overs (Hario V60, Kalita Wave, Bee house, etc.), medium-fine is the best setting to start experimenting with. Brew in the middle, then test your results.

Why is the size of coffee grounds important?

It means you are taking into consideration the best way to make a delicious, rich cup of coffee instead of a murky, over-brewed one.

What are the different sizes of coffee grounds?

Coarse ground coffee results in large chunks of coffee beans. In general, the three recognized sizes of coffee grounds are fine , medium , and coarse.

How long does it take to make coffee in a carafe?

Ground coffee is placed into the carafe chamber, and hot water is poured over them. At this point gently stir the mixture, let it sit for 3 – 4 minutes as it steeps and a plunger used to separate the coffee grounds.

Where is Stone Street coffee located?

Stone Street is based in Brooklyn and has been roasting delicious coffee since 2009. This coffee is a Dark Roast and ideal for cold brew, resulting in a coffee that is not so acidic compared to a hot brew.

What is coarse ground coffee?

Coarse ground coffee is a style referring to the size of the grind. Often described as larger chunks or (coarser) appearance. Commonly used for brewing methods requiring hot water running over the grounds numerous times. Often used with methods of slow brewing, slow extraction and have longer time of contact between the water and grounds.

How to make a strong cup of coffee?

For a strong cup of coffee, you should use medium roast coffee beans. Fill up the reservoir with filtered water. Unlike tap water, it doesn’t contain minerals which may affect the taste. Make sure you get the ratio right to ensure you don’t get a strong or weak cup. Use 6 ounces of water for every 14 grams (2 tbsp.) of coffee. After that, open the filter compartment and insert an air filter. It helps to remove any impurities.

Where does organic coffee come from?

This organic coffee is a coarse ground coffee intended for cold brew use. The beans are Arabica sourced from Central and South America. They source the beans ethically with fair trade standards. It is a medium roast bean with sweet hazelnut and caramel flavoring.

Why is coffee bitter?

Over-extraction makes coffee bitter. When coffee beans are ground too finely for their brewing method, left to brew too long, or are brewed in too hot of water, the coffee grounds become over-extracted, lose their flavor, and yield bitter cups of coffee. In contrast, under-extracted coffee is sour, salty, and acidic tasting.

Why does coffee not taste good?

If too few coffee solubles permeate the water they're brewed in, the final product's flavor is off. However, if the solubles over-saturate the water, the coffee you serve won't taste good either. You want to extract coffee beans to achieve just the right amount of coffee soluble diffusion.

What is coffee extraction?

Coffee extraction is the art of diffusing coffee beans' naturally occurring coffee solubles into water. Desirable coffee solubles that supply rich flavors include lipids, carbohydrates, melanoidins, caffeine, and acids. If too few coffee solubles permeate the water they're brewed in, the final product's flavor is off. However, if the solubles over-saturate the water, the coffee you serve won't taste good either. You want to extract coffee beans to achieve just the right amount of coffee soluble diffusion.

How long can you keep coffee beans in the freezer?

You can store whole coffee beans in the freezer for up to a month if you do not use/disturb them within that time period. Before freezing your coffee beans, divide them into small portions in airtight bags. When you thaw your frozen coffee beans, place them on a shelf away from heat, light, and moisture.

What is extra coarse coffee?

Extra coarse ground coffee has the consistency of peppercorns. Extra coarse coffee grounds take a long time to release their flavor, making them suitable to slow brewing methods such as cold brewing.

Can you store coffee in the freezer?

Storing Coffee in the Freezer. You should never store the coffee you are using daily in the freezer. When you store daily-use coffee in the freezer, you expose it to fluctuating temperatures that produce moisture. Moisture changes the coffee’s cell structure and damages its aroma and flavor.