in design of a hammer, what is the most important property need to be considered? course hero

by Rosa Swaniawski 8 min read

Why is the foundation important in an embankment dam?

The foundation is a very important element in the embankment dam. It must carry all the dam and water loads safely without failing under excessive settlement, and it is also should be designed to protect the dam against seepage and piping.

How does a dam work efficiently?

For a dam to act efficiently, all the loads acting on the dam (either external or internal) should be calculated accurately. Taking into consideration all the loads will result in a good and safe design, otherwise it might lead to unsafe structure.

What is a good hydrology study?

Good Hydrology study will determine the water level, and thus determining the required height of the dam, and the elevation of the spillway. Poor investigation might lead to dam overtopping.

What is the foundation of a dam?

The foundations of a dam must be able to withstand without unacceptable deformation the loads imposed upon it by the structure, both immediately after filling the reservoir and in the long term.

What is the role of a geologist in a dam?

A Geologist will assist the Engineer in the selection of the dam site, and a construction Engineer will study the access and possible sources of materials.

What is the study of hydrology?

5- Hydrology study. Hydrology is a science of prediction - the likelihood of recurrence of natural events. Mathematicians may try to predict events based on past history but Nature is unpredictable as to time and magnitude of occurrence.

What happens if the first diversion is not large enough?

If the first diversion is not large enough the initial stages of construction will be inundated, if the second stage outlets are too small, the whole works will be flooded. At some sites there is a distinct seasonal pattern of river flows and advantage can be taken of such conditions but noting that Nature is random.

What is the first thing we see in the product along with color, images, and typography?

Motion is the first thing we see in the product along with color, images, and typography. These four are the main contributors to the brand’s/product’s personality. It’s important for a product to have a stance on how it’s elements move and what stands behind that movement.

Why is design important?

Design is important in life because it’s an incredibly powerful force, forever changing and being changed. Web and app design is about business goals at its heart. The value of good design is the heightened chances of success.

What is design engineering?

Design is engineering in the sense that we know how to engineer delight. Through visual design, we bring meaning to ordinary things and help people find value. An illustration is a shell for something that it represents on a deeper level.

What is design in design?

In simple and brief words, a design is a plan to make something. “Design is a plan for arra nging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose.”. ― Charles Eames, American designer, architect, and filmmaker.

Why do designers use color?

Marketers know the basics of color theory in design and use it to stimulate people’s sense of security, alert , and so on. Designers use color to speak instead of words. Yet, colors don’t exist outside our consciousness. Before the age of digital screens, people used colors as attributes of physical objects.

Do humans speak through design?

Humans speak through languages and things speak through design. It seems today that nobody claims to speak a foreign language they haven’t studied but everybody thinks they know design . Let’s dive deep into the world of design and try to understand why it is so important and what purposes it serves.

Is design an art?

But design is as much an art as it is a science. Cold and calculated process. Sometimes the detriment of pretty. Yet, the design is not allowed to fail. Design is for everyone and no one in particular. Website and mobile app design, as well as design in general, is a complex yet subtle process, it’s more than making things pretty.

What is personal property? What are some examples?

Examples of personal property. Insurers base a home’s dwelling value on the cost to rebuild it if a covered peril causes a total loss. For example, a home may have a market value of $500,000 but would cost $300,000 to rebuild. The insurance company would write a homeowners policy with $300,000 in dwelling coverage.

What is real property?

Real property is something a person or business can own that typically cannot be move. The law defines real property as land and anything built on the land. The banking, housing and insurance industries often refer to real property as real estate. Real property can include your home and the lot it sits on.

What is included in home insurance?

Typically, home insurance policies also include other structures coverage, which covers structures on your property that aren’t attached to your house. Other structures can include a barn, detached garage, fence, gazebo, guest house or swimming pool.

What is considered intangible property?

The law defines property as anything intangible or physical that a person or business can own. Physical property includes anything you can touch, like artwork, automobiles, tools and toys. Intangible property includes things like copyrights, patents and trademarks.

Is a $50 pair of jeans considered personal property?

Legal documents sometimes refer to personal property as chattels, movables or moveable property. In home insurance, personal property isn’t defined by a belonging’s value. For instance, a $50 pair of jeans and a $40,000 grand piano both qualify as personal property.

Does $300000 include other structures?

If you have $300,000 in dwelling coverage, your policy would also include $30,000 in other structures coverage. Other structures coverage only covers the structure, but your personal property coverage will cover its contents, such as gardening tools or sports equipment. Separating these coverages offers some advantages.

What is !important?

The !important rule in CSS is used to add more importance to a property/value than normal.

Important About !important

The only way to override an !important rule is to include another !important rule on a declaration with the same (or higher) specificity in the source code - and here the problem starts! This makes the CSS code confusing and the debugging will be hard, especially if you have a large style sheet!

Maybe One or Two Fair Uses of !important

One way to use !important is if you have to override a style that cannot be overridden in any other way. This could be if you are working on a Content Management System (CMS) and cannot edit the CSS code. Then you can set some custom styles to override some of the CMS styles.