when taking a nonlecture course, you should __________.

by Nannie Boyer 5 min read

When taking a non-lecture course you should Consider all reasonable ideas presented in the discussion Even if you are familiar with the topic being discussed the instructor may not present the same information you already know True We're listening to a lecture it is most important to focus on Main concepts

Full Answer

When taking a non-lecture course you should?

when taking a nonlecture course, you should when taking notes in science and mathematics courses, you should NOT rephrase what the instructor says - in your own words you graduate you should keep your binders for math and science courses until

When taking notes during a lecture it is most important to do?

When taking notes while reading, it is MOST important to do this When taking notes during a lecture, you should NOT try to write down everything the instructor says interrupting the lecture as often as necessary to ask questions This is NOT a recommended strategy for dealing with a disorganized lecturer

When taking notes in science and mathematics courses you should not rephrase?

when taking notes in science and mathematics courses, you should NOT rephrase what the instructor says - in your own words you graduate you should keep your binders for math and science courses until forgetting curve The decline of memory over time is known as this

Do future scientists find it uncomfortable to work in literary mode?

And in the very same way that many future literary scholars find it uncomfortable to work in an explicitly scientific mode, many future scientists find it uncomfortable to grapple with the fuzzy ambiguity of literature.

Where to store notes for all classes?

What happens after a classroom discussion?

What is engagement in learning?

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When taking notes for a non lecture course you should?

When taking notes for a nonlecture course, it usually makes good sense to begin with the list of issues or topics of the discussion. What should you do if an instructor says something that is somewhat important, but not very important, during a lecture?

When an instructor is delivering a lecture you should?

What should Taylor do while his instructor delivers a lecture? Listen to the main concepts and central ideas. Course management system (CMS) materials often provide hints about the topics that the instructor considers most important.

Which note taking method is most appropriate for taking notes while reading?

The Outline method is one of the best and most popular note-taking methods for college students. It lets you organize your notes in a structured form, helping you save a lot of time for further reviewing and editing.

When taking notes in science courses What strategy should you use to ensure scientific accuracy and precision?

The Cornell Note-taking system is an effective and efficient way to take notes for the sciences. The general idea is to divide your paper into two-columns. This system allows you to keep your notes organized, summarize the main points of a lecture quickly, and review for tests more efficiently.

What is a non lecture course?

A no-lecture format is an approach to learning via online degree programs. It takes the focus off lecturing as the centerpiece of a course and instead puts the emphasis on course materials, assignments, and students learning at their own pace.

How do you take class lectures?

Use effective presentation strategiesMaintain regular eye contact with the entire class. ... Avoid turning away from students when you speak. ... Use a microphone in large classes. ... Speak clearly, but use a conversational tone. ... Convey your enthusiasm for the material and the students.More items...

What is the best way to take notes in classes?

Here are some tips on how to take good notes.Write down key facts. If you have a teacher who writes notes on the board, that's a bonus: You can copy them down. ... Don't overdo it. Don't go crazy taking notes, though: You'll be frantic if you try to write down every word that's said in class. ... Ask. ... Compare. ... Copy. ... Organize.

What is the best way of taking notes?

Take visually clear, concise, organized, and structured notes so that they are easy to read and make sense to you later. See different formats of notes below for ideas. If you want your notes to be concise and brief, use abbreviations and symbols. Write in bullets and phrases instead of complete sentences.

How do you take study notes?

How do I take better notes?Repetition, repetition, repetition. ... Pictures are easier to remember than words so if you're short on time, draw an image.If you like to colour code, don't do it during initial note-taking.Write short, succinct sentences.Save time and use abbreviations and symbols.More items...•

How important is accuracy and precision?

In order to get the most reliable results in a scientific inquiry, it is important to minimize bias and error, as well as to be precise and accurate in the collection of data. Both accuracy and precision have to do with how close a measurement is to its actual or true value.

Which note taking format is most effective when taking notes on terms and definitions facts or sequences group of answer choices?

List Format: This format is very effective when taking notes on terms and definitions, facts, and sequences. Lists work very well with the Cornell Format (see below). Cornell Note Taking: The Cornell system for taking notes is designed to save time and be highly efficient.

How do you take notes for a science class?

How to Take Science NotesWrite an Outline. An outline is a structure where you identify key concepts and break them down into key points. ... Leave Space. ... Write All Steps To Problems. ... Date Your Notes. ... Write Keywords and Phrases. ... Use Abbreviations. ... Cross Reference with Labs. ... Review Notes Before and After Class.More items...•

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Where to store notes for all classes?

It is most effective to store your notes for all your classes in the same folder or binder

What happens after a classroom discussion?

After a classroom discussion you are more likely to remember what other people said then what you said

Where to put explanatory notes in a book?

Add explanatory notes in the margins of a book

Can an instructor present the same information you already know?

Even if you are familiar with the topic being discussed the instructor may not present the same information you already know

Should you ask for an explanation after a lecture?

Unless your instructor prefers that students ask questions after the lecture you should ask for an explanation immediately if the instructor says something that you don't understand

When to review notes from previous class?

Review your notes from the previous class before the next class session.

Is Word good for taking notes?

Word is great for taking notes in most classes.

Why do non-scientists have it easier?

If anything, the non-scientists often have it easier, because science departments generally offer special courses tailored for the interests of non-majors. Pretty much any college or university will have some variant of "Physics for Poets," but it's exceedingly rare to find anyone offering "Poetry for Physicists.".

Why do people take physics in high school?

The problem is particularly acute for physics, because we have a (not undeserved) reputation as the hardest and most mathematical of the sciences, but it's part of a more general phenomenon. Lots of students take science in high school because it's required (either formally as a graduation requirement, or informally as a "you need to take this set of elective courses if you want to get into a good college" kind of thing), then run away as fast as they can when they get to college, and have (nearly) full control of their course selections.

Do you need to know science to navigate the road ahead?

Successfully navigating the road ahead will require making informed decisions. This will demand not just trivial knowledge of facts, but some understanding of scientific standards and methods for evaluating information. This is acquired in, yes, science classes.

Do you need to go through two courses before talking about black holes?

You don't need to go through two courses' worth of blocks sliding on inclined planes before getting to talk about black holes and wormholes. You may think you don't like science based on bad experiences in high school, but it may just be that you don't like high school science.

Does science require a lot of background knowledge?

0:00. 0:00 / 8:58. Live. •. Yes, science requires a good deal of specialized background knowledge; so does anything worth doing. The core process is fundamental and universal, though, and if you focus on that, you'll find that science is not so different from ordinary hobbies.

Do you have to take math and science to major in science?

Most colleges and universities have some sort of "general education" requirement forcing students to take at least a couple of math and science courses, but many non-science majors will take the barest minimum, and work very hard to put those off as long as possible. Disgruntled spring-term seniors who don't want to be in the course but can't graduate without it are a regular and unpleasant feature of our "Gen Ed" courses in physics and astronomy.

Where to store notes for all classes?

It is most effective to store your notes for all of your classes in the same folder or binder.

What happens after a classroom discussion?

After a classroom discussion, you are more likely to remember what other people said than what you said.

What is engagement in learning?

Engagement in learning requires your full and active participation in the learning process.