when revising and proofreading an email message what considerations should be made course hero

by Dr. Skylar Daugherty 10 min read

Should you proofread your email before sending it?

Often, what sounds fine in our heads doesn’t come across well in text. When you don’t stop to review and proofread your email before you send it, you risk being misinterpreted. The trick here is to apply some empathy.

What happens when you reread your email?

When you reread your email in the light of a new day, you’ll often find things to revise, especially in terms of tone and clarity. Here’s a tip: When it’s critical to deliver an error-free email that won’t be misunderstood, it may be helpful to have someone else (particularly someone impartial) look over your draft.

Do you have to write an email for a performance review?

Some emails need a while to simmer, especially if they’re sensitive. Let’s say you have to write an email to report the inappropriate conduct of a coworker, or you have to draft a performance review for someone whose performance hasn’t exactly been stellar. Emotion can make you write things you’ll later regret.

Should you use a proofreading app to proofread?

But keep in mind that it’s a tool to enhance your proofreading ability, not replace the need for proofreading altogether. The advantage of using a proofreading app is that every mistake the app catches will teach you something about your writing and ultimately make you a better writer.