which of the following should be considered when designing a database course hero

by Rasheed Walsh 10 min read

What is the purpose of database?

A) Databases control data redundancy and provide data independencies.

Where is the structure of a database recorded?

the structure of the database (metadata) is recorded within the database system - not in the application program.

What is T/F database design?

T/F Logical database design means translating the conceptual design (e.g an ER Diagram) into the physical storage (file structures) for a selected DBMS.

How to construct a binary relationship between A and B?

Three possible representations of a binary relationship between A and B: 1) Add the key attributes of A as a non-key attribute of B. 2) Add the key attributes of B as non-key attributes of A. 3) Construct a relation called "VP" (verb phrase) whose key is the concantenation of the key of A and the key of B.
