when personal values and corporate values are aligned, employees have more course hero

by May Halvorson 6 min read

Why is it important to align personal values with corporate values?

After all, if one is living corporate values that do not match one's personal values, then there is a lack of integrity.

What is character in business?

Character refers to a reputation for staying true to commitments made to stakeholders and adhering to high moral and ethical values. Character has always been important in business relationships, especially long-term, collaborative relationships.

Why is it important to establish credibility?

In terms of ease of communication, credibility leads to less resistance from others, increased willingness to cooperate, and less likelihood of miscommunication.

What is engagement in work?

Engagement is a measure of how much employees are connected emotionally to their work, how willing they are to expend extra effort to help their organization meet its goals, and how much energy they have to reach those goals.

Which body part is most influential in sending nonverbal signals?

Among the most influential body parts in sending nonverbal signals are the eyes. Eyes can reveal a lot about the feelings of other

Is the workplace culture changing?

Even though the communication technologies that have paved the way for the Social Age are changing rapidly (in months and years), workplace culture is relatively slow to change (in years and decades).

What percentage of employees believe their managers care about them?

Less than half (42 percent) of employees believe their managers care about them. Even worse, less than one-third (29 percent) of employees believe their managers care about whether they develop skills. Jerry, the CEO of Turbo Inc., is a successful business leader with a reputation for caring.

What are the three factors that affect a manager's reputation?

B. character. Managers can control their reputation as credible communicators by focusing on three well-established factors: competence, caring, and character. Character refers to a reputation for staying true to commitments made to stakeholders and adhering to high moral and ethical values.

What does too much emphasis on results decrease?

E. Too much emphasis on results decreases the perception of a person's competence

What are the traits associated with competence?

The two traits associated with competence are: a focus on action and an emphasis on results. A focus on action implies that you seize business opportunities. An "emphasis on results" is a trait associated with. A. character.

How does reputation affect competence?

A. A person's reputation for competence is influenced by his or her communication skills. Competence refers to the knowledge and skills needed to accomplish business tasks, approach business problems, and get a job done. How you communicate directly affects the perceptions others have of your competence.

Why is caring important?

Caring for others plays an important role in establishing credibility. In the business world, caring implies understanding the interests of others, cultivating a sense of community, and demonstrating accountability. A sense of caring is demonstrated by an employer who.
