how to change email thinkific course emails are sent from

by Brooke Terry 10 min read

Make sure you are on the Student notifications tab Select Course welcome email from the left menu Scroll through the list to locate your desired course and click Edit

Go to your Admin Dashboard. Select Settings. Go to the Site emails settings. In the Support email field enter your desired email address.

Full Answer

How do I change my Thinkific email?

How can a student change their email address?Login to Thinkific site.Click name in the top right header.Click My Account.Input desired email under Email.Click Save Changes.

Can Thinkific send emails?

Thinkific App Store WooNinja Funnels is an easy to use option that lets you send customized emails (with uploaded course materials) to your students as they sign up and complete your courses.

How do I change the owner of a Thinkific website?

In your Admin dashboard, head to your Users section, and find the current Site Owner profile. Change the First Name, Last Name, and email address of the old Site Owner to the new Site Owner's information. You'll want to reset the password on the next Password tab too.

How do I edit Thinkific?

Click on the course you want to edit. Click Build Landing Page on the top right to open the Site Builder. Click on the Call to action section. Click Button to edit the button options.

Can Thinkific do email marketing?

The Thinkific App Store includes an Email & Marketing Apps category and is the place to go to install any related apps.

How do I contact Thinkific?

Support & resources Email us at [email protected]; Submit a support ticket here; Give us a call at 1-888-832-2409. We're available Mon-Fri from 9-5 PST.

How do I change my name on Thinkific?

To edit a user profile:Go to your Admin Dashboard.From the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, select Support Your Students.Click Users.Locate the user you'd like to edit, and click on the three dots button on the right-hand side of the table, select Edit.Make any desired edits to the user profile and click Save.

How do I add an admin to Thinkific?

How to Assign a Course AdminSelect Courses under Manage Learning Products from your Admin Dashboard.Click into a course you would like to add a Course Admin to.Select Admins, Revenue Partners, & Affiliates from the Settings tab of the course builder.More items...

How do I remove Thinkific branding?

To Remove Thinkific Branding:Go to your Admin Dashboard.Select Settings.Select Remove Thinkific Branding.Check off the box.Select Save.

Can you edit Thinkific course after publishing?

Yes, you can make changes to your courses even after they have been published. If you're looking to add new lessons, you can set them as draft first.

How do I unpublish a course on Thinkific?

Go to Manage Learning Content.Select Courses.Select the Memberships & Bundles tab.Select your desired Bundle.Select the Publish tab.Select Unpublish.

How do I create a custom page on Thinkific?

From your Admin Dashboard, select Design Your Site. In Site Pages, select your new custom page to edit in Site builder by clicking the pencil icon.

How many communities can you have in Thinkific?

21 CommunitiesImportant Considerations. Currently, a maximum of 21 Communities can be displayed in the Student Dashboard. If you have more than 21 Communities, we recommended sharing Community links directly with your students in a text lesson or via email.

What are Thinkific groups?

Groups helps you organize your students and bulk sell your online courses. Enable hundreds of people to buy your courses at once with unique sign up links, and automatically filter customers based on cohort, time, enrollment, job-type, or organization.

What is a Thinkific community?

Ultimately, a Thinkific Community is a group of people with similar learning goals who meet to discuss course topics and assignments. It allows students with common educational goals to collaborate on coursework, engage in peer-to-peer learning, and engage with their instructor.

How do I change my Thinkific password?

Editing Passwords for Students Currently Logged InLogin to Thinkific site.Click avatar in the top-right header.Click My Account.Select Password on the left menu.Input new password under Change Password and Retype Password.Input original password under Current Password.Click Update.

Build Your Own Educational Website How Do I Change The Email Associated With My Thinkific Site

Thinkific is fun because it allows you, as an instructor, to create your courses completely from scratch. You can be as creative and original as you like. You can create a wide range of courses using the user-friendly editor.

Time to Create Your Teaching Plan

Here comes the hard part of teaching: planning how to deliver your curriculum online.

Thinkific Details: What Else Does It Offer?

Thinkific offers many more functions than you could ever imagine. There are other features that it can perform and endless possibilities to improve how your course flows.

Now Go Promote Your Class to the World!

The last unique feature Thinkific can provide to you is its marketing side. It is possible to promote your class to everyone, even though you will need to pay. Market more courses to your students and send bulk emails for people to know about your bundles. How Do I Change The Email Associated With My Thinkific Site

Most Frequently Asked Questions How Do I Change The Email Associated With My Thinkific Site

Thinkific is a learning platform where instructors can build their own website to set up courses using its innovative interface and modern designs. You can set up everything the same way as in a class but with an easier transition to online learning.
