when it comes to making a good impression in a work setting course hero

by Simone Morissette MD 5 min read

Make A Good Impression At Work

Everyone advises you about how to do something that creates a good impression; this article is about what to do and also what not to do to make a good impression at work. You can say that this is a comprehensive list of things you shouldn’t do at work if you want to make your mark in your professional life.

Maybe this is the list which can save you from losing your reputation at work

Yes, there may be traffic or other hazards when you commute to work. But why do you think that your employer will listen to you? And how do they know that you’re not giving any excuse? See, when you do a job, you’re paid for your time as well as your skill. If you come late most of the days in a week, naturally, you will not rely upon much.

What does it mean when a professor asks a question?

When a professor asks a question to a class, it’s not usually rhetorical . They want–perhaps even desperately want–someone, anyone to answer. By occasionally putting your hand up and throwing an answer or guess out there, you are both giving your them a break and showing that you are paying attention to the lecture. Your classmates will also thank you for preventing the horribly awkward silences that come when no one wants to answer a question.

Why do professors give office hours?

Professors give office hours for a reason–they’re there to help you and answer questions. Students who go to office hours asking for clarification on class work, or to discuss additional reading material, will make a fantastic impression on his or her teacher. Many students don’t go the extra mile though. Using your free time to show your professor that you are dedicated to the class will go a long way. If you need to, bring someone with–you could both learn something.

What do people notice about you before you say anything?

The first thing people notice about you before you say anything is your attire. Be aware and dress properly. My attire usually ends up being sweats by the end of the semester, but it’s never a bad idea to dress professionally for the first few days of class. If you prefer to dress how you want to world to see you, go for it! This is a great time to show people your personal style.

Where is Hannah Bassett?

Hannah Bassett is a senior at the University of Northern Iowa. She loves all things entertainment--books, movies, video games, music, and more. While she attends university for a degree in English Lang&Lit and Professional Writing, she spends her time being crafty, cooking, and learning new ways to be frugal.

Is Facebook for college students?

Facebook was designed for college students. It’s a great way to network, meet new people, and set up events. However, you can push past your peers and send friend requests to your professors. For some, this may be pushing the boundaries–academics should stay academic. However, I am friends with many of my favorite professors and it is incredibly fun to not only see some of their social life (they ARE real people), but also to be able to bring something up in class that they posted about.

How to make a good impression on your boss?

Use Proper Workplace Etiquette. Using proper office etiquette will help you make a good impression on your boss. It may sound simple until you realize that many people forget their manners. For example, if you're allowed to use a mobile phone at work, make sure it isn't a distraction for you or anyone else.

How to handle a blunder?

How you handle the blunder will influence your manager's opinion of you much more than the mistake itself. The first thing you should do is admit what happened. Don't ignore your error or try to place the blame on anyone else. Instead, take full responsibility and then come up with a way to fix your mistake.

How to get along with coworkers?

When coworkers respect one another they usually get along better —and few things are more important to a boss than that. No one wants their employees fighting. Always avoid acting in an uncivil manner toward any of your coworkers. Be on time to work, especially if you are relieving someone from their shift.

What to do if you have a fever and think your illness is contagious?

If you have a fever or think your illness might be contagious, then take the day off. You can catch up on your workload when you return to work, or if you're feeling up to it, get some done from home if your employer allows it.

Who is Dawn Rosenberg?

Dawn Rosenberg McKay is a certified Career Development Facilitator. She is a former writer for The Balance Careers. Never underestimate how important it is to make a good impression at work. When your boss and colleagues realize they can rely on you to do a great job, then you'll likely begin to receive greater responsibility.

Do you have to wear a suit to work?

Most companies no longer require employees to wear suits to work, but it's still essential to have a neat and clean appearance. If you're allowed to wear jeans and t-shirts, make sure they're in good condition. Your shoes should be in good shape as well.

Putting Your Best Foot Forward

You stepped out on a limb and applied for the job.#N#You earned an interview with the company.#N#You successfully navigated the interview and received a job offer.#N#You accepted the offer and tomorrow is the first day of your new career.

Why A Good First Impression Matters

Have you ever heard the expression, ''You never get a second chance to make a first impression?'' That should tell you something about how significant that first exposure is. It's a one-and-done moment that can have long-lasting repercussions. That's why it's so important to nail the first impression.

Strategies to Make A Good First Impression

Want to nail that first impression? Consider incorporating some of these strategies from the get-go.
