Session III (Sections G,H,J,R,S,W) | |
Term Bill Due Date for All Students | June 24 |
You will be given a DUE DATE to make payment. Payments made after the due date will be assessed a $125 late fee.
Tuition, Fees, and PaymentSchoolNJ Resident (per credit)Arts & Sciences (01) Communication and Information (04) GSE (05) Social Work (09) Planning & Public Policy (10) Management & Labor Relations (37) Continuing Studies (80)$404.00Mason Gross School of the Arts (07)$417.00SEBS (11)$462.505 more rows
Rutgers University Tuition Payment Plan Students can choose the number of months over which to spread installment payments, and the installment period is interest free. There is a $50.00 enrollment fee to join the plan. This fee is non-refundable and due at the time of enrollment.
There are three major sessions during the Summer Session. To view the exact dates of a course, please visit the Schedule of Classes. Classes will not meet on June 17th, in observance of Juneteenth, and July 4th, in observance of the Fourth of July holiday. Session 2 overlaps Sessions 1 and 3.
*During this period, you may drop a course and receive a "W" grade and a 50% refund, OR drop a course and replace it with another course (with the same credit value, in the same session), and receive no grade for the dropped course.
Rutgers University-New Brunswick Summer Session offers more than 2,400 undergraduate and graduate courses in over 250 fields. Convenient schedules are available in the morning, afternoon and evening. Courses can be taken on the New Brunswick campus, online, or at an off-campus location throughout the state.
Payment by Credit Card MasterCard, American Express, Visa and Discover Card may be used to pay tuition and fees online. The credit card company will assess a nonrefundable 2.7% service fee for the total amount paid. Rutgers University does not accept credit card payments by phone or in-person.
Part-time tuition (per credit cost): New Jersey resident $383 per credit; Non-New Jersey resident $915 per credit.
66.9% (2020)Rutgers–New Brunswick / Acceptance rate
Do you get financial aid for summer classes? Yes, you may be able to get summer financial aid for your classes. For the most part, federal financial aid and student loans work the same during summer sessions as they do during the regular school year.Jan 25, 2022
Students may not be registered for more than two courses in a single summer session or overlapping sessions. This includes total courses taken at Rutgers and elsewhere. Students may not be registered for more than 12 credits in the summer, distributed as above.
Undergraduate Tuition and FeesSchoolResidencyCost Per CreditArts and SciencesNJ Resident$404Arts and SciencesNon-Resident$947BusinessNJ Resident$417BusinessNon-Resident$9662 more rows•Feb 28, 2022