when is the deadline to claim credit or non-credit course at ut austin

by Minnie Metz 5 min read

Cr/Ncr policy for three (3) hour classes: Graduate students may register for 3-hour classes on the credit/no credit basis at the time of registration or, at the very latest, by the mid-semester deadline given in the academic calendar for the semester in question (the mid-semester deadline typically falls in mid-October during fall semesters, mid-March during spring semesters).

Full Answer

How do I transfer credits to UT Austin?

University of Texas at Austin Home. The University of Texas at Austin. UT Testing and Evaluation Services. Search. Search. Search. Search. Course Credit & Credit by Exam Expand. Prospective & Current UT Austin Undergraduates; University Extension Students; UTHS Students; Exams from Other Universities; ... Claim credit for AP and IB tests ...

What should I know before enrolling in a UT Austin course?

Cr/Ncr policy for three (3) hour classes: Graduate students may register for 3-hour classes on the credit/no credit basis at the time of registration or, at the very latest, by the mid-semester deadline given in the academic calendar for the semester in question(the mid-semester deadline typically falls in mid-October during fall semesters, mid-March during spring semesters).

Where are grades kept for UT Austin University Extension Courses?

The 20 percent Credit/No Credit limitation does not include dissertation, treatise, thesis, report or master’s recital courses. A student who wishes to take a course or courses for Credit/No Credit may elect this option at the time of registration.

What is the application deadline for the Texas Tech Coalition?

The priority deadline offers students the opportunity to receive their admission decision up to one month earlier. Students who meet the priority deadline will receive an admission decision by February 1, which may include a deferred decision to March 1 (the regular application deadline notification date).

How do I claim credits at UT Austin?

How do I claim credit earned by an exam? (i.e. AP, IB, CLEP)Start on the Student Testing Services page.Read the Placement Versus Credit information.Click on View Scores and Claim Credit, and log in.Claim your credit.

Is a 60 passing at UT Austin?

A passing grade for undergraduates is D- or better; for graduates it is C or better. If a student takes a course on the Pass/Fail basis, undergraduates earn either the symbol CR (credit) or a grade of F; graduate students earn either the symbol CR or the symbol NC (no credit).

How many pass fails do you get UT Austin?

You can use all 3 COVID-19 Pass/Fail Exceptions in a single semester. The COVID-19 Pass/Fail Exception applies to all undergraduate students, regardless of credit hours. You may view your final grades prior to making a decision to take these exceptions.Nov 25, 2020

How do I accept UT OnRamps credit?

You accept or decline your credit in the OnRamps Portal. When your credit decision period is open, you will see an Accept/Decline Credit button next to the enrollment on the Current Enrollments webpage. Click this button to make your credit decision.

What is a B+ at UT?

Offices and departments on campus use a standard set of grades (A through F) and grading symbols to mark a student's progress at the university. To receive credit for a course, an undergraduate must earn a grade of at least D-....Valid Grades.GradeGrade PointsA-3.67B+3.33B3B-2.678 more rows

What is a good GPA at UT Austin?

With a GPA of 3.83, UT Austin requires you to be near the top of your class, and well above average. You'll need mostly A's, ideally with several AP or IB classes to help show your preparation at a college level. If you're a junior or senior, your GPA is hard to change from this point on.

Can you undo a pass/fail UT Austin?

No more than two courses per semester may be taken pass/fail. ... During the first 12 class days (four class days in the summer), you can change your grading status through the registration system. After that date, you must meet with your academic advisor to have it changed.

What is a failing grade at UT Austin?

F Page 2 *Missing two midterms or the final exam without a documented, valid excuse will result in a failing grade. NOTE: WE DO NOT ROUND SCORES. AN 89.92 IS ENTERED AS 89.92, N0T 90.00.

Does pass/fail affect GPA UT Austin?

Courses taken pass/fail count towards your total number of residence hours, but nothing else. They do not count towards your GPA (unless an F is earned) and do not fulfill prerequisite requirements.

Should I accept my OnRamps credit?

Answer: It is highly recommended to look at your potential college or university to see how that institution will handle and accept transfer credit in regards to Letter Grades or Pass/Fail for the course. For example, at UT, a student may receive credit for anything higher than a D in their OnRamps course.

How many credit hours is OnRamps?

It IS:​A super-awesome option which satisfies your English IV credit and offers the opportunity to​ earn up to 6 credit hours on a UT transcript.

What are some of the benefits of OnRamps?

Strengthening instructional and organizational capacity to increase recruitment, enrollment, retention and completion outcomes. Advancing equity and accountability goals while promoting a college-going culture.

When is the priority deadline for a college application?

To meet the priority deadline students should submit the online application by November 1 and all additional required or optional application items by November 8. The priority deadline offers students the opportunity to receive their admission decision up to one month earlier.

What is the TOEFL code for Texas?

The university’s TOEFL code is 6882. There is no institutional code for the IELTS examination. To fulfill the requirement with scores from the IELTS, please use the IELTS electronic score delivery service to send your scores to the "University of Texas at Austin" account.

How to request a fee waiver?

Fee Waivers. Students may request a fee waiver by indicating their eligibility on the online application. A separate request form is not required, however, students may be required to submit documentation in support of a request. Request a fee waiver when you apply for admission or submit the Request for Fee Waiver form within MyStatus using ...

What is class rank on transcript?

For example, if you’re fifth in your class of 130, your transcript should report your rank as 5/130.

What is a GED sign?

Is signed by a school official, defined as the adult person who was primarily responsible for the education of the student. Special GED Requirements. Applicants who earned a GED must submit high school transcript (s) showing any coursework completed, along with a copy of the GED certificate. Rank Will Be Assigned.

Do you have to apply for freshman admission after high school?

If you are a high school senior or a student who has completed high school and have not yet enrolled at another college or university after graduation, you should apply for freshman admission.

What is a temporary delay in a course?

A request for temporary delay of the final course grade because of incomplete work can be made only if the student has a passing average on the classwork already completed.

What does 0 mean in a course?

A zero as the first digit indicates that the course is noncredit. The last two digits specify the rank of the course. 01 through 19 indicates lower-division courses; 20-79 indicates upper-division courses; 80-99 indicates graduate level.

Can you use UEX credit toward a degree?

If you are planning to use your University Extension credit hours toward a degree, please be aware before you register of the conditions your institution imposes regarding eligibility to take courses on a Pass/Fail basis. UEX strongly recommends students speak with their advisor before taking a course Pass/Fail.

Is regular attendance required in all classes?

Class Attendance. Regular attendance is required at all classes. Instructors are responsible for implementing attendance policies and must notify students of any special attendance requirements. If an instructor indicates that a student has fallen below a passing grade in a course because of excessive absences, University Extension, ...

What is a passing grade?

A passing grade for undergraduates is D- or better; for graduates it is C or better. If a student takes a course on the Pass/Fail basis, undergraduates earn either the symbol CR (credit) or a grade of F; graduate students earn either the symbol CR or the symbol NC (no credit).

What happens if you repeat a course?

If you repeat a course and have two or more grades, all the grades and all semester hours are used to calculate your grade-point average and determine your eligibility to take additional courses.

Does University Extension offer degrees?

University Extension does not offer degrees. Credit you earn in University Extension courses may be applied toward degree credit at a college or university, depending on the school’s transfer policies. If you wish to use your University Extension course credits toward graduation or to transfer credits to your degree program at your home ...

How many hours do I need to be a full time student at UT?

It depends. To be a full-time student, you must register for, and be enrolled in, a minimum of 12 hours at UT. Full-time status is usually necessary to receive financial aid, maintain eligibility for student employment (like being a TA), live in on-campus housing, compete on a University athletic team, be covered under parents’ health or car insurance, receive Veterans’ Benefits, or be an international student. Please consider whether you are affected in any way by part-time status before enrolling for fewer than 12 hours. Pre-health students should consider remaining full-time students for professional school applications. Taking elective courses is also a good way to explore other interests and enrich your experience at UT before you graduate. You can learn more about enrollment requirements in your final semester here.

What happens if you don't meet prerequisites?

If you do not meet the prerequisites for a course you are registered for in a future semester, you will be dropped from that class and will need to register for a replacement course.

What is academic advising?

Academic advising is available on an ongoing basis, not just during registration periods. Advisors are available to assist with degree planning and course selection, help students who are struggling academically and non-academically, and provide information about UT’s numerous resources.

Does pass/fail count towards GPA?

Courses taken pass/fail do not count towards your GPA (unless an F is earned) and may not fulfill prerequisite requirements. Courses taken pass/fail will appear as a “Z” prior to final grades being posted, and will change to “CR” (credit) or “F” (failing grade) when grades are finalized.

What is concurrent enrollment?

Concurrent enrollment refers to the act of enrolling simultaneously at more than one college or university, including through online education. The College of Natural Sciences does not allow concurrent enrollment during fall and spring semesters for full-time students.

Is there a graduation ceremony in the fall?

If you graduated in a fall semester, you may participate in the following spring’s ceremony (pending space in the ceremony). There is no fall graduation ceremony. You will apply to graduate in the fall semester and apply separately to walk in the spring.

What is an OTE drop?

An OTE is an exception to the Q drop deadline; it appears as a standard Q drop on your transcript. Using your OTE counts as using one of your six total Q drops. I’m Q-dropping a class.

Dual Credit

Students can receive dual credit through high schools that offer courses that count for high school and college credit. Once dual credit transcripts are sent, the admissions office posts all credit to your record automatically.

Petitions and Core Transfer Credit

Coursework completed at other institutions is evaluated by the Office of Admissions to determine whether it may be transferred to the university for credit.

Taking Classes Outside of UT Austin

If you would like to complete coursework at other institutions over the summer, use the Automated Transfer Equivalency System to determine which classes at other public institutions in Texas will directly transfer to UT Austin.


If you have a UT EID you can use MyStatus to track your transfer process and the documents needed or received by the Office of Admissions.