when i buy an udemy course do i have it forever?

by Mr. Everardo Aufderhar 9 min read

Udemy courses are like a book. After you buy a course it stays with you forever; you can continue to go through it any time after it is bought. Udemy is a good platform to learn and update your skills.

You pay a one-time fee for any course and, unlike Pluralsight or Lynda LinkedIn Learning that charge a monthly subscription, your Udemy course will be yours forever. Most video courses on Udemy are priced between $20 and $200 but before you key in the credit card, ready this.May 22, 2018

Full Answer

What happens after I complete a Udemy course?

Mar 05, 2019 · Udemy courses are like a book. After you buy a course it stays with you forever; you can continue to go through it any time after it is bought. Udemy is a good platform to learn and update your skills. It comes with a host of benefits. You can continue to watch your course videos and keep on revising other study material free of cost.

Is Udemy a good learning platform?

Apr 14, 2022 · You will continue to have access to the course after you complete it, provided that your account’s in good standing, and Udemy continues to have a license to the course. So, if you wish to review specific content in the course after you finish it, or take it all over again, you can. I bought the course on sale.

What kind of courses does Udemy have?

If I buy a udemy course will I have it forever or only for a certain amount of days? Close. 0. Posted by 2 days ago. If I buy a udemy course will I have it forever or only for a certain amount of days? 3 comments. share. save. hide. report. 40% Upvoted. Log …

Does Udemy have lifetime access?

Udemy has an extensive, multi-language library, which includes thousands of courses that have been created by real-world experts.The courses range across a wide range of categories, some of these include: business & entrepreneurship, programming, academics, the arts, health & fitness, language, music, technology, games, and much more.

Lifetime Access: Commonly Asked Questions

Below are answers to questions we often receive regarding lifetime access.

Will I continue to have access to the course even after I complete it?

Yes. You will continue to have access to the course after you complete it, provided that your account’s in good standing, and Udemy continues to have a license to the course. So, if you wish to review specific content in the course after you finish it, or take it all over again, you can.

I bought the course on sale. Does this affect how long I have access to the course?

No. Your access to a course is not affected by the price you paid for it.

Do free courses offer lifetime access?

Yes. Students also receive lifetime access to free courses, provided their account remains in good standing and Udemy continues to have a license to the course.

Will I have lifetime access to subscription content?

You will have unlimited access to subscription content as long as you have an active subscription. If you cancel your subscription, you will have access to the subscription content until the final date of your billing period, which is posted on your Subscriptions page.

What if I used an instructor coupon to purchase the course? Does lifetime access still apply?

Yes. Students receive lifetime access to a Udemy course regardless of what price they paid, or whether they used a coupon to enrol or not.

What happens if the instructor removes the course from Udemy?

We host thousands of courses on our online learning marketplace. Our marketplace model means we do not own the copyright to the content of the courses; the respective instructors own these rights.

What is a Udemy purchase history?

Your Udemy account includes a Purchase History, where you can quickly access receipts for the purchases you’ve made, review your purchase and refunds history, or access an invoice or credit note for eligible transactions. This article outlines how...

What is Udemy library?

Udemy has an extensive, multi-language library, which includes thousands of courses that have been created by real-world experts. The courses range across a wide range of categories, some of these include: business & entrepreneurship, programming, academics, the arts,... Read article.

What is a shopping cart?

What is Shopping Cart? Shopping cart is a way for you to purchase multiple courses and checkout only once. This makes purchasing a course faster and getting started with your course easier! How many courses can I put...

Does Udemy collect taxes?

Ude my has a legal obligation to collect applicable transaction taxes including VAT (Value Added Tax), GST (Goods & Services Tax), or other types of sales taxes, for purchases, which may vary depending on a student's local, state, and...

Can you redeem a Udemy coupon?

This article outlines how you can redeem a coupon you’ve received for a Udemy course, and begin your learning journey at a discounted price. Gift codes for Udemy courses can be redeemed the same way as a coupon....

Can Brazilian students use Boleto Bancario?

In addition to our other payment methods, Brazilian students can purchase Udemy courses using a Boleto Bancario. This article outlines how you can use a boleto to purchase a course, and includes some of the more commonly asked...

Does Udemy store credit card information?

Udemy never stores your full credit or debit card information in our systems. Instead, we work with credit card payment processors who are certified under the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

Where can I buy Udemy courses?

You can buy Udemy courses on their website or through their mobile apps. The interesting thing is that the same course may be priced differently depending on the platform you are on. It’s just like some airline company showing higher prices to people who are browsing on an iPhone.

How much is Udemy discount?

Udemy offers massive discounts almost every week and the $150 course you are looking to buy could be available for as low as $10 the next day, or even the next hour.

What do Udemy courses include?

Each Udemy course is created, owned and managed by the instructor (s). The foundation of each Udemy course are its lectures, which can include videos, slides, and text. In addition, instructors can add resources and various types of practice activities, as a way to enhance the learning experience of students.

How do I take a Udemy course?

Udemy courses are entirely on-demand. You can begin the course whenever you like, and there are no deadlines to complete it.

Do I have to start my Udemy course at a certain time? And how long do I have to complete it?

As noted above, there are no deadlines to begin or complete the course. Even after you complete the course you will continue to have access to it, provided that your account’s in good standing, and Udemy continues to have a license to the course.

Is Udemy an accredited institution? Do I receive anything after I complete a course?

While Udemy is not an accredited institution, we offer skills-based courses taught by real-world experts in their field. Every approved, paid course features a certificate of completion to document your accomplishment.

Is there any way to preview a course?

Yes! For steps on how to preview a course, and review key information about it, please click here.

How can I pay for a course?

Udemy supports several different payment methods, depending on your account country and location. More information on Udemy’s payment methods can be viewed here.

Where can I go for help?

If you find you have a question about a paid course while you’re taking it, you can search for answers to your question in the Q&A or ask the instructor.

Introducing Myself

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation.

Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions.

Are Udemy Courses Worth to Buy?

The point being Udemy’s come on my radar because they have such a plethora of courses they’ve I believe thousands of online courses on there. And I’ve gotten questions from people to ask me you know “are Udemy courses worth it?” and I’ve wondered that same thing. It’s hard to pass judgments on so many courses because Udemy has thousands of courses.

Life Subject

Life subjects are things such as cooking or you know how to cook a good hamburger or how to repair your house or how to edit photos etc. A lot of these courses don’t necessarily pertain to hard results.

Business Subject

The business subject which is pertains to learning how to make money.

Which Subject Can I Choose From Udemy: Are Udemy Courses Worth to Buy

I think Udemy courses are worth it if you are taking a life kind of subject or if you’re learning photography or video editing or some of these other skills. But if you’re trying to learn how to work for yourself, I don’t think Udemy does very well in that subject.

Final opinion: Are Udemy Courses Worth to Buy

So I hope this blog post was helpful and kind of explaining ‘Are Udemy Courses Worth to Buy’. I’m an internet marketer. I’ve been running an internet business since 2012. I’ve been making thousands of dollars. And I’ve worked in a number of different fields but place, where I’ve made most of my money, is affiliate marketing.


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Is there still a way to reset an entire courses progress?

I can’t find the button that literally just lets you wipe your entire course’s progress in one swoop. Did they remove that feature? It would be a shame because I found that feature very convenient.


Udemy is an online learning site in which valuable knowledge is shared by experts in nearly every subject via online classes.
