During Course Request, use the Course Request link. You will need to know the CRN for each class you wish to take, as this is the information you plug in to enroll in a course. How does Course Request work? When you participate in Course Request, you join every other student at the university who has also chosen to request courses.
What is "Course Request"? Course Request is the one-week period each semester during which you are permitted to request courses for the next term. Please note that you request courses only during this period.
However, waiting until the last day of the course request period ensures difficulty in accessing the system due to the higher volume of activity.
Notifications (if any) of inclusion are issued via the undergraduate academic dean's office. Undergraduate students whose first term enrolled at Virginia Tech is Fall Term will be "assigned midterm"satisfactory or "unsatisfactory."
Undergraduate students who attempt at least 12 credit hours graded on the A-F option and who earn a 3.4 GPA for either spring or fall semester are included on the Dean's List for that term.
Pass/Fail Grading System The P/F grading option is available to all undergraduates who have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours at Virginia Tech and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above.
HOKIE SPAStudents should be directed to HOKIE SPA for viewing of their final grades. Final grades are available for viewing within 48 hours after the submission deadline.
During the Fall semester, Drop/Add has an initial period that will open at 8:00 p.m. When it re-opens for the second period of time, it will open at midnight on the date posted.
Grades and Grade PointsLetter GradeGrade Points for each hourA-3.7B+3.3B (Good)3.0B-2.716 more rows
The Pass/No Pass grade option replaces the Letter grade earned in a course and does not factor into your GPA. Additionally, certain scholarships may require that students maintain a minimum GPA threshold, which Pass/No Pass courses may not help with, since Pass/No Pass grades do not factor into your GPA.
3.7 or aboveLike high school, a good college GPA is generally 3.7 or above, and ideally higher in your major classes. Graduate schools in particular tend to weight GPAs more heavily than test scores.
not reportedMissing Grades If an instructor does not enter grades for a student before the grade entry deadline, the Office of the Registrar will post a grade of NR (not reported) at the time grades are rolled to history.
No GradeNo Grade ('NG')
Course Request is the one-week period each semester during which you are permitted to request courses for the next term. Please note that you request courses only during this period. For this semester's Course Request dates, please visit the University Academic Calendar for the current semester.
65.8% (2020)Virginia Tech / Acceptance rate
advising office at 231-4672 to request a force add. All force adds are processed by permission of the instructor. Students interested in force-adding IS/PSCI 1034 should email Jen Hanratty ([email protected]). All force adds are processed by permission of the instructor.
Course Request is the one-week period each semester during which you are permitted to request courses for the next term. Please note that you request courses only during this period. For this semester's Course Request dates, please visit the University Academic Calendar for the current semester.
When you participate in Course Request, you join every other student at the university who has also chosen to request courses. All such requests go into a big barrel -- not really, but you get the picture!
Once the Course Request period ends, they are granted in this order: senior honors, senior, junior honors, junior, and so on.So it doesn't matter if you are the FIRST person to use Course Request -- or the last! Preference is based on class rank, not on timing.
It will take about 3 weeks to get your Course Request results returned, so plan to be patient.
Course registration is a two phase process at Virginia Tech. Phase 1 is known as course request and happens in March and October each year. This is your opportunity to inform the university of the courses you intend to take the following semester. This phase is designed to ensure the departments are planning to offer enough seats in their courses ...
The second phase is known as drop/add and opens about a month after course request each semester. During drop/add , you will be able to build on the courses you receive through course request to finalize your next semester's class schedule. You may need to force-add a class.
Dates Grades will be Available for Viewing. Students have access to view semester grades on Hokie SPA within 48 hours of the deadline for grade submission. Summer grades will be available within 48 hours of the deadline for submission of Session 2.
Undergraduate students whose first term enrolled at Virginia Tech is Fall Term will be "assigned midterm"satisfactory or "unsatisfactory." Satisfactory is received for work earning a "C" or better. The midterm grade is not part of the student's academic progress, rather it is intended to be an early indicator of academic progress. Students are urged to visit with their instructors and advisors to discuss any unsatisfactory results.