when comparing meiosis to mitosis, meiosis has: course hero

by Russ Lueilwitz 7 min read

How do you compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis?

- There are four haploid daughter cells and a total of 8 chromatids present in the meiosis II. 9. Compare and contrast metaphase of mitosis with metaphase I and II of meiosis. - During the metaphase of mitosis, chromosomes simply align at the cell's equator and each centromere is held by the spindle fibers.

Are meiosis 1 and meiosis 2 the same thing?

Mitosis produces cells that are identical to the parent cell, two daughter cells, while meiosis produces gametes that are identical to each other but not the parent cell. meiosis creates egg and sperm cells only, basically for reproduction. the division of mitosis is by 2 and meiosis is 4. meiosis reproduces twice.

What is mitosis and meiosis in biology?

g) Compare the daughter cells with the mother cell. Meiosis Interphase occurs before Meiosis. Like Mitosis, this is when the DNA will be replicated. During the first phase of Meiosis (Prophase I) the chromosomes will condense and form the recognizable double chromosomes.

How many rounds of mitosis are there in meiosis?

Unformatted text preview: Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis Assignment /48 Answer all assignment questions in a Word document.Be concise and review your responses to be sure you have answered each question fully. Part A: Questions /38 1. Are there any differences between cytokinesis in plant and animal cells undergoing mitosis and meiosis?

How are mitosis and meiosis similar?

Although mitosis and meiosis have very different results, the processes are similar, with just a few changes within the stages of each. Both processes start out after a cell goes through interphase and copies its DNA exactly in the synthesis phase, or S phase. At this point, each chromosome is made up of sister chromatids held together by a centromere. The sister chromatids are identical to each other. During mitosis, the cell undergoes the mitotic phase, or M phase, only once, ending with two identical diploid cells. In meiosis, there are two rounds of the M phase, resulting in four haploid cells that aren't identical.

How many stages of mitosis are there?

There are four stages of mitosis and eight stages in meiosis. Since meiosis undergoes two rounds of splitting, it is divided into meiosis I and meiosis II. Each stage of mitosis and meiosis has many changes going on in the cell, but very similar, if not identical, important events mark that stage. Comparing mitosis and meiosis is fairly easy ...

What is the first stage of mitosis?

The first stage is called prophase in mitosis and prophase I or prophase II in meiosis I and meiosis II. During prophase, the nucleus is getting ready to divide. This means the nuclear envelope has to disappear and the chromosomes start to condense. Also, the spindle starts to form within the centriole of the cell that will help with the division of chromosomes during a later stage. These things all happen in mitotic prophase , prophase I and usually in prophase II. Sometimes there is no nuclear envelope at the beginning of prophase II and most of the time the chromosomes are already condensed from meiosis I.

What is it called when chromosomes cross over?

Those pairs are called homologous pairs of chromosomes. One homologous chromosome came from the individual's father and the other came from the individual's mother. During prophase I, these homologous chromosomes pair up and sometimes intertwine. A process called crossing over can happen during prophase I.

What happens during prophase 1?

During prophase I, these homologous chromosomes pair up and sometimes intertwine. A process called crossing over can happen during prophase I. This is when homologous chromosomes overlap and exchange genetic material. Actual pieces of one of the sister chromatids break off and reattach to the other homolog.

Where do spindles attach to chromosomes?

In mitotic metaphase and metaphase II, the spindles attach to each side of the centromeres holding the sister chromatids together.

What happens in metaphase?

In metaphase, I, only one spindle from one side of the cell is connected to a whole chromosome. The spindles from opposite sides of the cell are attached to different homologous chromosomes. This attachment and setup is essential for the next stage. There is a checkpoint at that time to make sure it was done correctly.