when can you take an online virtus course

by Dr. Lavinia Murphy DVM 5 min read

How does the Virtus online system work?

Most training programs (seminars, live sessions, videos) establish awareness, but few change behavior. With the VIRTUS programs, the potential for successful behavioral change can be increased via our VIRTUS Online system. Every training program, in addition to live and video awareness sessions, provides ongoing web-based training.

What are the Virtus training programs?

All VIRTUS training programs, including the PROTECTING GOD'S CHILDREN programs, are comprehensive and multi-dimensional—incorporating proven best practice standards for the prevention of child sexual abuse by clergy, staff, volunteers, and others who interact with children within the church environment.

Can the Virtus helpdesk approve my training attendance?

Note: the VIRTUS Helpdesk will not be able to approve your training attendance—these inquiries must be directed to your specific diocesan coordinator. How long does it take for my training to be verified / approved and for my account to be activated? (Answer)

Do all dioceses accept the Virtus training?

Most dioceses accept the VIRTUS training. If the incoming diocese does not accept the VIRTUS training, you'll need to communicate with them to see what training options are available to you. Please note that most dioceses will only accept live training if you need to transfer from one diocese to another.

Can I do Virtus training online?

All classes will take place online through Zoom for anyone who has not attended a session previously or needs to recertify. (Recertification is required every 4 years.)

How long does online Virtus training take?

approximately three hoursVirtus training sessions run approximately three hours long. Due to the subject matter, children are not allowed in the sessions. Participants will not be allowed to enter if arriving late, nor will their attendance be counted if they leave early.

How often should you train Virtus?

every four yearsAll clergy, staff, and volunteers who previously participated in the VIRTUS® Protecting God's Children for Adults program are required to be VIRTUS® recertified every four years.

How do I register for Virtus training?

Go to http://www.virtusonline.org On the left side of the screen, click the green box labeled FIRST-TIME REGISTRANT, to begin registration. 2. To proceed, click on Begin the registration process. (If you do not know which session you wish to attend, select View a list of sessions.)

What is Virtus online?

VIRTUS is a program created by the National Catholic Risk Retention Group in the United States with a “Protecting God's Children” component that combats sexual abuse of children in the Church. It is currently in use in over 80 dioceses in the United States.

What are the Virtus training programs?

All VIRTUS training programs, including the PROTECTING GOD'S CHILDREN programs, are comprehensive and multi-dimensional—incorporating proven best p...

How does the Virtus online system work?

Most training programs (seminars, live sessions, videos) establish awareness, but few change behavior. With the VIRTUS programs, the potential for...

How do I Register my organization on Virtus?

Go to www.virtus.org or your website address and click the VIRTUS Online link. 2. Click the yellow link labeled “Registration,” choose the second o...

What are the benefits of Joining Virtus?

Join over 200,000 other creators, be part of the community and create awesome video games today! Virtus Elite get exclusive access to special rewar...

What does "virtus" mean?

The word virtus derives from Latin, and means valor, moral strength, excellence, and worth. In ancient times, virtus denoted a way of life and manner of behavior that always aspired to the highest, most positive attributes of people and aspects of human interaction. VIRTUS Programs: Our Concept and Methodology.

How does virutus work?

The VIRTUS programs constantly and consistently employ several elements as the cornerstone of their methodology. These are (summarized): 1 they target both institutional change, and also, individual behavior modification, with appropriate products/services. 2 they provide both reactive/responsive and proactive tools, often assembled as "toolkits," to address the exposure areas confronting our insureds. 3 they employ multiple modalities (written materials, web training modules, audiotapes, videotapes, training manuals, seminars, etc.), to reach our audience. 4 they utilize a "Think Tank" development model, including engagement of an Expert Consulting Team that assists with the development and implementation of our products/services. 5 they are "constructed" and deployed in phases or components (Phase I of the VIRTUS programs deals with child sexual abuse and other inappropriate sexual behavior; we intend for Phase II to address violence prevention/mitigation; etc.). 6 they exist as an ongoing process—phases are never "finished," but rather are continuously refined and updated, and constantly available. 7 all activities are designed to ensure a constant product/service "pipeline." 8 they seek and engage outstanding professional service providers for product development and training, whom we manage synergistically. 9 they are committed to measurable results and continuous improvement. 10 they adhere to a "best practices" standard.

Do you have to enter your username and password in case sensitive?

Yes, the User ID and password are both case sensitive, and need to be entered exactly as they were created. This means that if you created a username or password with one or more capital letters in it, they need to be entered that same way when attempting to log into your account.

Do dioceses accept virutus?

Most dioceses accept the VIRTUS training. If the incoming diocese does not accept the VIRTUS training, you'll need to communicate with them to see what training options are available to you. Please note that most dioceses will only accept live training if you need to transfer from one diocese to another.

What is Virtus bulletin?

The bulletins are filled with useful information and are a way to keep the program current. For example, when Virtus was first formulated, no one was talking about cell phone cameras, text messaging or even internet safety. These topics and more, such as vulnerable adults, are covered in the monthly bulletins.

Why was Virtus chosen?

After considerable research, Virtus was chosen because of the live session. There are over 39 million adult survivors of child sexual abuse. The subject matter is so emotionally charged that the Archdiocese did not want anyone, especially a survivor, dealing with this issue alone.

What does "virtus" mean in Latin?

The word Virtus is Latin and means valor, moral strength, excellence and worth. In ancient times, virtus denoted a way of life and manner of behavior that always aspired to the highest, most positive attributes of people and aspects of human interaction.
