what would a course in womens health care issues include

by Claire Yundt 6 min read

Women's Health Certificate The Certificate in Women’s Health curriculum focuses on the psychological, social, political and cultural factors that affect the growth and development of women. Coursework also covers specialty topics including mammography, pharmacology and preventative care.

Full Answer

What are the most common primary care conditions for women?

Explore medical conditions and concerns pertinent to female patients in primary care, such as endometriosis, pelvic pain, ovarian cancer, sexual health, family planning, infertility, pregnancy complications, breast problems, obesity, and post-menopause health issues.

What is the scope of women’s health?

This program offers foundation to subspecialist knowledge in women’s health issues, covering crucial areas such as menstruation, menopause, sexual health, family planning, PCOS, pregnancy, breastfeeding, domestic abuse, cancers, infertility, obesity, incontinence, anorexia, and more.

What is Professional Diploma of Women's Health?

PROFESSIONAL DIPLOMA OF WOMEN'S HEALTH Gain subspecialist-level knowledge in women’s health issues, covering crucial areas such as vaginal prolapse, urinary incontinence, complementary medicine, family planning, pregnancy complications, eating disorders, familial risk of breast and ovarian cancers, and premature ovarian insufficiency.

What are the different types of health certifications for women?

PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE OF WOMEN'S HEALTH 1 Sexually transmitted infestions and cervical screening* 2 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)* 3 Pregnancy* 4 Menopause* 5 Menstrual problems 6 Family planning 7 Breastfeeding 8 Domestic abuse

What does women's health include the study of?

Women's health includes a wide range of specialties and focus areas, such as: Birth control, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and gynecology. Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and other female cancers. Mammography.

What are some women's health issues?

Health Issues Specific to Women's HealthHeart Disease. In the United States, heart disease causes one in every four deaths among women. ... Breast Cancer. ... Ovarian and Cervical Cancer. ... Gynecological Health. ... Pregnancy Issues. ... Autoimmune Diseases. ... Depression and Anxiety. ... Health Technology for Women.More items...

What do you believe is the most important issue in women's health?

Heart disease is the number one killer of American women. Although it is typically viewed as a man's disease, more women actually die of heart disease each year than do men. On average, women develop heart disease later in life than do men.

What are some factors that impact women's health?

Major life transitions such as pregnancy, motherhood and menopause can create physical and emotional stresses for women. Negative life experiences – infertility and perinatal loss, poverty, discrimination, violence, unemployment and isolation – also impact on women's mental health and wellbeing.

What are five female health concerns?

To help women boost health, WebMD examined five medical conditions that are of great concern to them: heart disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis, depression, and autoimmune diseases.

What are 5 health issues?

Top 10 Most Common Health IssuesPhysical Activity and Nutrition.Overweight and Obesity.Tobacco.Substance Abuse.HIV/AIDS.Mental Health.Injury and Violence.Environmental Quality.More items...

Why is it important to study women's health?

Why is women's health so important? Women represent the cornerstone of a family's overall health, ensuring they have access to quality care also can lead to improved health for children and families. The health of families and communities are no doubt, tied to the health of women.

What is the main role of a woman in our health care sector?

Women are responsible for 70-80% of all the healthcare provided in India. Female healthcare providers can play an important role in educating society to recognize their health and nutrition needs.

What is the single largest global threat to women's health?

Surprising, but true: More women now die of heart disease than men, yet cardiovascular research has long focused on men. Pioneering doctor C.

What is a women's health diploma?

Delivered by leading experts in the field, the Professional Diploma of Women’s Health program equips medical professionals with a comprehensive understanding of women’s health issues commonly seen in primary care. Exploring medical conditions and concerns pertinent to female patients, the online program will enable you to provide high-demand services and better meet your patients’ needs.

What is online assessment?

Online assessment. In order to meet the requirements of professional and academic learning, the course assessment includes professional requirements and two online examinations. Develop a report/explanation of how the learning from this course will help you with your professional development. - All certificate levels.

What is the focus of the Women's Health course?

The focus is on women and the impact of social and cultural factors on women' s health. The course touches on various issues concerning women's health, such as abortion, periods, the menopause, mental health and fertility.

How to study women's health?

After studying this course, you should be able to: 1 understand the impact of social and cultural contexts on women 2 describe how the women's movement has influenced the health and social care sector 3 identify pertinent health issues in the field of women's health.

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Health issues distinctive to women encompass all of the dimensions in which a woman interacts with herself and her environment—mind, body, and spirit. This course will include information on healthy lifestyle behaviors, risk factors, and interventions for common health issues in women.


This course is designed for nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in improving health outcomes for women.

Accreditations & Approvals

In support of improving patient care, NetCE is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Designations of Credit

This activity was planned by and for the healthcare team, and learners will receive 15 Interprofessional Continuing Education (IPCE) credit (s) for learning and change. NetCE designates this continuing education activity for 15 ANCC contact hour (s).

Individual State Behavioral Health Approvals

In addition to states that accept ASWB, NetCE is approved as a provider of continuing education by the following state boards: Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners, Provider #0515; Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling, CE Broker Provider #50-2405; Illinois Division of Professional Regulation for Social Workers, License #159.001094; Illinois Division of Professional Regulation for Licensed Professional and Clinical Counselors, License #197.000185; Illinois Division of Professional Regulation for Marriage and Family Therapists, License #168.000190;.

Course Objective

The purpose of this course is to provide healthcare professionals with updated information related to issues surrounding women across the lifespan to facilitate thorough and appropriate care.

Program Overview

Presented by Continuing Education Company (CEC) for the past 26 years, our Primary Care CME Conference Series is designed to update primary care clinicians in rapidly changing therapeutic areas. This CME activity is comprised of recorded video lectures from recent conferences and will focus on timely and practical issues involving women’s health.


AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™: Continuing Education Company, Inc. is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

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CEC stands behind our product. If you are not satisfied with your online course for any reason, send a written cancellation request and reason to [email protected] within 30 days of the purchase date for a full refund.
